The Mornin' Mail is published every weekday except major holidays
Friday, April 11, 2008 Volume XVI, Number 210

did ya know?

Did Ya Know?... A "Poor Man’s Lunch" Spaghetti meal will be served on Friday, April 11 in the Church of the Nazarene, corner of Fairview & Grand. Lunch 11:00 a.m.-1:30 p.m., Dinner 5-7 p.m. $4 for adults, $2 for children. Call for carryout or delivery, 358-4265.

Did Ya Know?... Minnie Pearl, The Queen of Country Comedy, A One Woman Show, Presented by Marlene Katz will be at the Carthage Public Library Community Room at 612 S. Garrison Ave., on Saturday, April 12, 2008 at 2:00 P.M. This is the second part of a three -part series and acts as a prelude to That’s Entertainment! Chautauqua June 26 - 29. Call (417)237-7040 for more information.

Did Ya Know?... C.A.N. D.O. Senior Center at 404 E. 3rd St., Carthage is holding an All You Can Eat Breakfast on Saturday, April 19 from 7:00 - 10:00 am. Adults: $4.00, Kids 12 & Under $3.00. All proceeds benefit C.A.N. D. O. Senior Center. For advance order carryout and more information call 358-4741.

today's laugh

"Lo, Jim! Ya Fishin’?"
"Naw; just drowning worms."

"What the deuce do you mean by telling Mary that I am a fool?"
"Heavens! I’m sorry - was it a secret?"

A Chronological Record of Events as they have Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.

Child’s Arm Broken.

Leona, the five-year-old daughter of J. G. Armitage fell from a bed Wednesday afternoon and broke her right fore-arm.

Charged with Petit Larceny.

Cal. Birts was brought up from Webb City and lodged in the county jail yesterday, charged with petit larceny.

FOR SALE - $750 5 room house, cellar, good well. Corner lot. Fruit and shade trees in yard. $100 down, balance $10.00 a month. A. F. Lewis Reality Co., Over Holbrook’s Drug Store.

A number of folks had a hilarious time at a masquerade and dance at Brock’s hall last night.

Special sale on home-made chocolates and nut candles for the next two days at McBean’s.


Today's Feature

New Council Members Elected.

Three first-time Council members were elected during the April 8 Municipal Election. One representative was elected from each of the five wards to serve a two year term. The results from the election are as follows: Ward 1 candidate Claude Newport, 39 votes; Ward 2 candidates Timothy Teed, 36 votes, Ronnie E. Wells, 19 votes; Ward 3 candidates John E. Studebaker, 76 votes, Vince Scott, 30 votes; Ward 4 candidate Larry D. Ross, 138 votes; Ward 5 candidate Keith Hurlbut, 82 votes.

Teed, Studebaker and Hurlbut have not previously served on City Council. Newport was the incumbent Ward 1 representative and Ross previously served in the 1st Ward.

The elected Council representatives are scheduled to be sworn in at the next regular Council meeting, scheduled for Tuesday, April 22.

The election also decided three members to serve on the Carthage R-9 School District Board of Directors. The results of that vote are as follows: Candidates Tony Diggs, 472 votes; Kent Hogan, 260 votes; Jeff Jones, 528 votes; Alan Snow, 265 votes; Danny Lambeth, 533 votes. Diggs, Jones and Lambeth have all previously served on the R-9 Board of Directors.

YMCA Healthy Kids® Day 2008

Carthage and surrounding community kids and families are urged to "Put Play In Your Day" at YMCA Healthy Kids® Day on Saturday, April 12, from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm, at Fair Acres Family YMCA, 2600 Grand Ave in Carthage. The event is free and open to the public. Activities will include games, sports and health screenings. For more information call 417-358-1070 or visit

Just Jake Talkin'


We didn’t have many sidewalks in the town where I grew up. The only paved streets were main and Church streets. Only ‘bout half on main had curb and gutters and the whole street was only ‘bout eight blocks long.

When we’d go visit my mom’s folks I would marvel at the endless sidewalks. Ever’where ya went, there they were. That’s where I learned "step on a crack" from my cousins.

We’d watch for Grandad to come home in the evenin’ walkin’ on those sidewalks and try ta be the first ta sit in his lap so we could strike a kitchen match on the sandpaper under his pipe stand and light his pipe. Usually we just got ta blow out the match. We always encouraged him to smoke a lot while we were there.

This is some fact, but mostly,

Just Jake Talkin’.

Oak Street Health & Herbs
Natural Nutrition
By Mari An Willis

Spring has sprung, but don’t let your guard down to colds and flu. Many people come down with serious cases of spring colds and sinus infections.

The following are a few ways to increase your resistance.

1. Drink plenty of liquids. Fluids support the body by preventing dehydration of the respiratory tract. Soups, warm beverages and water are the best choices.

2. Wash your hands frequently with soap and water. Most people catch a virus by rubbing their nose, eyes or mouth after touching something handled by a person who has a cold. There are convenient antibacterial lotions/soaps available which require no water. Excellent choice for those times when you are shopping or other times when washing is not convenient.

3. Increase your intake of Vitamins A, C and Zinc.

4. Increase your calcium intake. You get aches and pains when lack of calcium in the white blood cells causes calcium depletion in the bones.

5. Get plenty of rest and sleep, and defend your health with good food based supplements, minerals and vitamins.

Art Notes from Hyde House
By Sally Armstrong, Director of artCentral

The last weekend of our latest exhibition of work by the three artists, Joe Prater, Nida Rudd, and Steve Binam is here, and I hope if you did not yet have the chance to see this work you will come by on Sunday afternoon to see it. Some of the paintings will be moved to the Atrium Gallery at the Sirloin Stockade to replace the art of the student winners of the District 9 Art Contest. I thank these member artists for their exhibition of paintings and look forward to seeing them in the Membership Show in June. I will be sending out the second quarter’s newsletters this week and all members should have those soon. The teachers for kid’s artCamp are beginning to respond and I am excited about some of their proposals as well as the fact that we will have at least three new instructors joining our faculty this year. Remember that the dates for camp this year are July 28- August 9, 2008. An unusually generous gift has again been offered artCentral. We occasionally are the recipients of the extra generosity of our patrons; you remember several have made the gifts of original art for us to sell, and some make yearly monetary contributions to artCentral. It is only through the gifts of our patrons and underwriters that we can continue to do what we do here. Mary Jean Beimdiek, owner of the former SECOND STREET GALLERY downtown is generously offering the proceeds from the remaining inventories of her stores to artCentral, to be sold in a final sale later this summer. I will be bringing more on this fundraiser later, but we wish to publicly thank her for her desire to help artCentral in this way. Some of her beautiful fixtures from that store are already gracing the Hyde House, and we thank Mary Jean for the beautiful acrylic print shelving unit and other units we will use to hold our sales and reference materials. Please remember artCentral when donations are dealt out by your business, as we are a 501 (C) organization. Next week I will begin telling you about my new exhibition for May!


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