The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Wednesday, April 2, 2008 Volume XVI, Number
ya know?
Did Ya Know?... The St.
Ann’s Catholic Annual Fundraising Auction is
coming April 5th at 6:00 PM in the school
gymnasium (1156 Grand Ave.) This will be a Live
and silent auction with a Luau theme. White Rode
Winery will be giving away samples, there will
also be hors d’ oeuvres. Tickets are $20 per
person or $30 per couple. Call Melynne Ryder at
388-4234 for tickets and info.
Did Ya Know?... Relay
For Life April 8th meeting will be held at the
First Christian Church, 800 S. Main in the
basement. The Committee meeting is at 5:30 and
Team captain meeting is at 6:30.
Did Ya Know?... The
Carthage Chamber is hosting a Small Business Expo
at the Memorial Hall, April 18th from
1:00PM-6:00PM and April 19th from 9:00AM-3:00PM.
Call Amber to register, 358-2373.
If I cut a beefsteak in
two," asked the teacher, "then cut the
halves in two, what do I get?"
"Quarters," answered the boy.
"Good. And then again?"
"Correct. Again?"
"Exactly. And then?"
"And once more?"
"Hamburger!" cried the little boy,
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
One Fine in Police
Allen Scott pleaded guilty
to intoxication in police court this morning and was
fined $8.50 including cost.
Brought Home a Coyote
Wade Goldstein came home
from Oklahoma this morning, bringing a cub coyote to his
Selected Knights and
Meet Friday night April
9th. Each and every member is requested to be present as
important business will be transacted.
Harry Blankenship is no
longer a clerk at the Hamilton & Wallingford shoe
store, he having resigned to attend the High school.
Our bargain sale of wall
paper is proving a great opportunity for wall paper
buyers. Don’t miss it. The Wells Drug Co.
Carthage ranked
among state’s best in recent publication.
Mo. – The city of Carthage was recognized as
one of the most beautiful cities in Missouri,
according to the sixth annual Best of Rural
Missouri Readers Choice awards. The awards
celebrate the uniqueness of the Show-Me State
while introducing distinctive shops and
restaurants and one-of-a-kind destinations to the
than half a million rural electric cooperative
members were asked to vote for their favorite
foods and destinations throughout the state.
Carthage drew accolades for our beautiful
courthouse, prosperous town square, and
picture-perfect Victorian homes and historic
award is a great opportunity for domestic
travelers to hear about and explore the many
historical and cultural activities and
destinations that make our city great," says
Kate Massey, executive director of the Carthage
Convention and Visitors Bureau (CCVB). "With
our rich history, breathtaking scenery, and
numerous activities, unforgettable vacation
memories are available for the entire family
right here in Carthage."
adds, "With the increasing cost of gas, more
families are choosing day and weekend trips for
their family getaways. As they begin planning
their summer vacations, we’d like to remind
them to explore the treasures found right here in
cities ranked in the Most Beautiful Town category
included Hermann, Weston, Ste. Genevieve, and
Cole Camp. For more information on tourism in
Carthage, contact the CCVB by calling
417.359.8181 or log on to
Missouri is published monthly by the Association
of Missouri Electric Cooperatives.

Just Jake
Talkin' Mornin'
One of my dad’s first
priorities was ta make sure all us kids had
plenty ta eat. We always did too. I know, cause
ever’ time I’d ask for seconds, Dad
‘d say, "Nope, you’ve had
One a the problems with
priorities is that ever’one has ‘em,
just some folks won’t admit it. That’s
when things get confusin’. It makes it a lot
easier if things are laid out on the table for
all ta know what you’re up to.
It’s like followin’
someone that keeps hittin’ the breaks ever
time a car comes from the other direction. After
a while ya start ta understand you’ve got a
nervous nellie drivin’ in front of ya. Ya
back off a little ta give ‘em plenty of
room, then ya pass ‘em and get as far away
from ‘em as you can.
It’s likely your
priorities include gettin’ where your
goin’ as quickly as ya can.
This is some fact, but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin’.
Carthage Printing Services |
a Tip
By JoAnn Derson"I really abhor bar soap, but my
husband prefers it. After cleaning the soap dish,
I smear it with petroleum jelly. I do the
underside too. There’s a little lip that
will keep the soap from sliding off, but the
petroleum jelly keeps the inevitable sludge from
sticking to the soap dish, making my cleaning
routine much easier!" -- A.D. in Idaho
"I make my own little
good-behavior coupons for my three children. I
print them on different colors of paper for each
child. They can cash in coupons for activities or
rewards, and if they go in together to get
something, I will give them bonus coupons for
working together. I think this has made
goal-setting a priority for them, and it has
helped them learn the lesson of shared goals --
an important one for a large family." --
R.V.F. in Arizona
"When I go to the grocery
store, I put my wallet in my pocket, then as I
move through the store and determine which
coupons I will be able to use, I put them in my
wallet pocket. Since I have started doing this, I
have not accidentally forgotten to use my
coupons. They are there in my pocket when I am
ready to pay." -- O.B. in Indiana
To keep dirt from sticking to
your dustpan, try spraying it lightly with
furniture polish. Buff slightly and floor dirt
will slide right off.
"I found a small waste
basket that fits right between the wall and my
dryer. There’s a gap that’s about 8
inches wide. The lip of the basket keeps it from
sliding down to the floor, so it’s easy to
clean out the lint trap and put the waste in the
basket. Also, I used a strip of hook-and-loop
tape to attach a tissue holder box vertically to
the wall. I stick a box of fabric softener sheets
in it, and they, too, are right where I need
them." -- T.K. in Nevada
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