The Mornin' Mail is published every weekday except major holidays
Tuesday, August 26, 2008 Volume XVII, Number 48

did ya know?

Did Ya Know?... Mark Twain Accelerated Elementary School will host Mrs. Cindy Dagnan, author and speaker, on August 26, 2008, at 6:30 p.m., to kick off the Practical Parenting Partnership series of informational monthly meetings for school parents. The meeting will be held in Mark Twain Accelerated Elementary auditorium.

Did Ya Know?... Registration for Maple Leaf Festival events has begun. Forms are available at the Carthage Chamber of Commerce office at 402 S. Garrison or by email request to Call Linda at 417-358-2373 for more info.

Did Ya Know?...The Church of the Nazarene, 2000 Grand, Carthage, is having a blood drive on Thursday, Aug. 28th from 11.30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Call Caroline at 417-388-1361 for more info.

today's laugh

I have an uncle that hates police alarms.
He claims it interferes with his work.

Yesterday, I got pinched for speeding. The judge said, I’ll fine you today, but if it happens tomorrow I’ll have you thrown in the cooler.
I get it. Fine today, cooler tomorrow.

A Chronological Record of Events as they have Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.


This fall will be the 24th anniversary of the laying of the cornerstone of the Christian Church on the corner of Chestnut and Main streets. On that day the process of tearing down the old structure will begin under the direction of the building committee. On the next anniversary, the congregation it is expected, will have a building that modern Carthage will be as proud of as was the pioneer congregation in 1884 of the present church.

A farewell will probably be held in the old building, but the date and nature of the entertainment have not yet been decided. The Bethany Circle and Ladies’ Aid Society have the matter in charge, but have made no definite arrangements.

The committee for procuring a place to worship during the construction of the new building has arranged to use the Knights of Pythias hall, and the first services will probably be held there this fall.


Today's Feature

Property Tax Second Reading.

The Carthage City Council will meet this evening at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall. Items on the agenda include the second reading of an ordinance levying real estate taxes for 2008.

A special meeting was held last Friday for the public hearing and first reading of this ordinance, and the vote is scheduled for this evening. According to preliminary numbers, the property tax rates are proposed at .7604 per $100 assessed valuation for this year. Last year’s rate was .7525 per $100 assessed valuation.

Council is also scheduled to hear the second reading of an ordinance amending the Memorial Hall rental contract, and an ordinance removing Hazel Avenue from HH highway to Fairview avenue as a truck route.

Items in their first reading include the addition of a penalty fee structure for contractors who work without permits, and three items from the Planning, Zoning and Historic Preservation Commission. Those three include two rezonings and one special use permit for operation of a preschool at 627 S. Orner.

Just Jake Talkin'


I’ve had the opportunity to see the ruts left by the settlers crossin’ the Santa Fe trail. Curious thing those records of passage. Years after any horse drawn implement has been moved over, they still sit as a monument to the traffic. The comin’ of the railways no doubt changed the patterns of growth and the survival of small communities along the once popular trail.

If you stand in the silence, you can almost hear the braying of some lonesome old mule still searchin’ for the good old days when four legged creatures dictated the path to the future. It is a romantic time to read about in some book, but the current realities of transportation and the fluid changes in economic factors make the horse and buggy days a lot less appealing.

This is some fact, but mostly,

Just Jake Talkin’.

Mornin' Mail

To Your Good Health
By Paul Donohue, M.D.

Berries, Nuts, Popcorn and Diverticulosis.

DEAR DR. DONOHUE: I was hospitalized with diverticulosis and had to have intravenous fluids. My brother-in-law says that wasn’t necessary. He has it, and it has never caused him any trouble. He says he’s careful about not eating nuts, seeds, popcorn and berries, and that’s all you have to do for it. I know I was in pain, and can you clear up these issues for me? -- W.F.

ANSWER: Your brother-in-law is right about diverticulosis. It seldom causes severe pain. Diverticulosis is the formation of diverticula -- small protrusions on the outer colon wall. It’s a condition widespread in countries where refining flour is the rage. Refining gets rid of fiber, and a low-fiber diet is believed to be a major factor in the development of diverticulosis. Fiber keeps undigested food soft, moist and easily propelled through and out of the digestive tract. Without it, stool becomes hard and dry. The colon must exert great force to pass it through. That force generates diverticula formation.

You had more than diverticulosis. You had diverticulitis -- inflammation of the diverticula. Each diverticulum connects with the colon through a narrow neck. If that neck becomes obstructed, bacteria in the diverticulum multiply and cause it to swell and become most painful. Swollen diverticula break and form abscesses, which add to the pain. Most often, diverticulitis must be treated in the hospital.

If your personal doctor tells you to avoid those and similar foods, do so. He or she knows far more about your particular condition.

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