The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Thursday, August 28, 2008 Volume XVII, Number
ya know?
Did Ya Know?... Branson
is coming to Carthage on Sat. Sept. 6th at the
Carthage VFW starting at 8 pm. This event is open
to the public and features Lallie Bridges and
David Ehlert. Tickets for the 2 hour show are $6
for singles and $10 for couples.
Did Ya Know?...The
Church of the Nazarene, 2000 Grand ave., is
hosting a Back to School Bash on Friday Sept. 13
at 6 p.m. and Sunday Sept. 14 at 10:30 a.m. This
is a superbowl atmosphere for the whole family.
Call 417-358-4265 for more information.
If a man smashed a clock, could
he be accused of killing time?
Not if he could prove that the clock struck
I’m going to take a bath.
Well, don’t sing that long song you
generally sing in the bathtub, we haven’t
much soap left.
If you want to go over big, you
must sing louder.
I’m singing as loud as I can.
Well, man, be enthusiastic. Open your mouth and
throw yourself into it.
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
There will be a general
meeting of the faculty of the Carthage public schools in
the high school Saturday morning and most of the teachers
are already in the city in readiness for the session.
There are two new instructors in the high school, Miss
Goldau Hamilton of Dwight, Ill., who will take Miss
Elizabeth Faulkner’s place as assistant instructor
in English and literature, and Miss Spoor of Kansas City,
who will succeed Miss Martha Scott as musical director.
Miss Spoor is here and Miss Hamilton is expected to
arrive this evening or tomorrow.
Miss Esther Pratt,
instructor in English, has returned from her
summer’s study in Chicago University and will stay
at Mrs. Helen Bartlett’s on South Grant Street. Miss
Clarissa Works, instructor in manual training, is here
from her home in Wisconsin and will room with Miss Spoor
at the residence of Mrs. J. S. Harris on South Grant
Miss Louise Brayton of
Grand Rapids, Mich., instructor in Latin, is here, but
has not yet secured quarter. Miss Anna Pyle, instructor
in mathematics, will arrive tomorrow from her home in
Mexico, Ohio.
The Carthage small boy and
his sister are planning to get up early tomorrow morning,
in order to watch the Sells-Floto Circus unload at the
Frisco depot.
According to the schedule
made out by the circus people, they will arrive here over
the Frisco tomorrow morning at 5 o’clock, coming
from Aurora. There are to be three trains, carrying 50
cars all.
The circus will pitch its
tents just east of the Cowgill & Hill Mill. A street
parade is announced for 10:30 o’clock, and the tents
will open at 1 p.m. tomorrow afternoon.
Property Tax Rates.
The Carthage City
Council met Tuesday evening in a regular session
and approved an ordinance levying City property
taxes for 2008. The first reading for this
ordinance was held in a special session in order
to allow for the adoption of the ordinance within
the mandated timeline.
The property tax
rates are proposed at .7604 per $100 assessed
valuation for this year. Last year’s rate
was .7525 per $100 assessed valuation.
Council also
approved ordinances banning peddling, or selling
items from parked vehicles within City parks, and
an ordinance removing Hazel Avenue as a truck
participant Gordon Riley spoke to the Council
concerning an ordinance in its first reading.
Riley said that he opposed an ordinance rezoning
property at 1226 East 13th Street to allow a
duplex, citing that it would be inappropriate
because the rest of the homes in the area are
single family dwellings. The Planning, Zoning and
Historic Preservation commission has recommended
to Council that the request be denied. The item
will return for a vote at the next regular
Council meeting.

Just Jake
Talkin' Mornin'
I can remember the conversation
with my older brother, prob’ly twelve or
thirteen at the time. I don’t know what it
was about, but he was agreein’ with my folks
about somethin’ that I didn’t agree
I made some statement abut
‘em gangin’ up on me. Why couldn’t
anyone see things the way I did"
He said somethin’ about
takin’ a minute to at least consider the
possibility that if ever’one was
agreein’ but me, maybe , just maybe I was
Like I said, I don’t
‘member what the topic of conversation was,
but mostly likely he was right and I was wrong.
It happened on occasion. I doubt that I ever
admitted that to him though. I would have never
heard the end of it.
This is some fact, but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin’.
Metcalf Auto Supply |
& Clack Talk Cars
By Tom &
Ray Magliozzi
Dear Tom and Ray:
I have noticed that most, if
not all, new cars have lower miles-per-gallon
estimates for 2008 than they had for 2007. Are
the cars less efficient, or are the ratings
TOM: The EPA fuel-economy
numbers were, in fact, adjusted downward in 2008
in an attempt to get them from
"ridiculous" to "plausible."
RAY: Before 2008, everybody
knew that the EPA numbers were not real. If the
EPA said a car got 20 mpg around town, you’d
be lucky to get 15. In fact, the city numbers
were probably 30 percent lower, on average, than
EPA estimates.
TOM: The only use for EPA
numbers was for comparison purposes. If you were
buying a 20000 Ford Expedition, you knew it would
never really get the 12 mpg around town, but you
knew that the same year’s Honda CR-V, EPA
estimated at 22 mpg city, was almost twice as
good. And that was worth knowing.
RAY: But it was time for an
update. The original tests were done under
"ideal" conditions, they didn’t
reflect how people drive now. The EPA made some
TOM: People drive at higher
speeds now than they did during the 55 MPH speed
limits of the ‘70’s. Higher speed
driving uses more fuel. The EPA added a
high-speed component to its tests.
RAY: Almost all cars have air
conditioning now, which was not true in the
‘70s. AC used increases fuel consumption.
Portion of the new test are done with the AC on.
TOM: The old tests were done at
ideal temperatures and didn’t reflect cold
weather states. While the numbers are lower,
they’re at least real numbers now. Check out
www. for EPA ratings of every
car sold in America.
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