Discussed Fee
The Public Works Committee met
Tuesday afternoon. Items on the agenda included
the discussion of establishing a penalty fee
structure for licensed contractors working
without permits. Public Works Director Chad
Wampler said that shortly after he took the
position of Public Works Department Director the
City approved a $25 penalty fee for licensed
contractors who do not get construction permits
before beginning work. Wampler said that the
initial fee of $25 was still adequate for a first
time penalty, but added that the department has
encountered several repeat offenders.
"If you do it twice, you
know there’s a penalty fee," said
The following structure was
discussed: 1st offense, $25; 2nd offense, $100;
3rd offense, $250. The committee also discussed
the possibility of revoking contractors’
licenses upon the fourth offense and agreed to
send the item to City Attorney Nate Dally for
review. No action was taken during Tuesday’s
Also during the meeting Street
Commissioner Tom Shelley announced that he will
be retiring on October 1 of this year. Shelley
said that he has worked with the Street
Department for 36 years.
"It’s time to move
on," said Shelley.
The committee discussed options
for the reorganization of the Street Department
and Public Works Department which may be
implemented following Shelley’s retirement.
The current proposal is to consolidate the two
departments under the Public Works Department
heading. The committee discussed this proposal
with Shelley, Wampler and City Administrator Tom
Shelley said he thought the
shift would be "no problem," as long as
the number of Street Department employees
isn’t decreased.
Short added that the Street
Department has had 18 employees for approximately
the past 20 years despite the growth of the City.
The committee approved a motion
to forward the plan to restructure the
departments to City Council for consideration.
Goat Show
The City Council Public
Services Committee met on Monday evening and
discussed a request to use Municipal Park for a
goat show. Tom Armstrong, President of the
Mid-America Goat Days LLC, said the group holds
an annual goat show and would like to move the
event to Carthage for the 2009 show.
May 8 and 9, 2009 are the days
planned for the event, which is to include junior
and senior division showings, a buck show, a
cook-off and an antique farm equipment display.
Armstrong said that the event draws approximately
500 people and that it is continuing to grow.
This year’s event was held at the Neosho
Fairgrounds, and Armstrong said that the group is
looking to Carthage as a larger venue for the
2009 show and beyond.
"We would like to make
this our permanent place," said Armstrong.
The committee discussed with
the group the proper channels to go through for
requesting use of the Jasper County Youth Fair
buildings, and for additional power that could be
provided by Carthage Water and Electric Plant.
Parks Director Alan Bull said that the only issue
would be Council approval for the vendors at the
The committee approved a motion
to forward to Council a recommendation to approve
a vending permit for the Mid-America Goat Days on
May 8 and 9, 2009, upon approval of the Jasper
County Youth Fair Board for use of the Youth Fair
buildings. The next regular Council meeting will
be held on August 12.
The committee also approved a
bid for a Scag 72" zero-turning-radius mower
from Race Brothers in Carthage in the amount of
$7,987.75. The mower is to be used by the Parks
Department and the bid was less than the budgeted