The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Thursday, December 11, 2008 Volume XVII,
Number 123
ya know?
Did Ya Know?...
American Legion Post # 9 and D.A.V. Chapter
41 will hold a rummage sale Saturday,
December 13 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday,
December 14 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the
National Guard Armory in Carthage Municipal
Park. All proceeds dedicated to local
Did Ya Know?...
Carthage Business & Professional Women
are selling pecans and black walnuts to
support their scholarship fund. Call 358-9128
Did Ya Know?... The
Family Literacy Center, 706 Orchard, holds
classes in Spanish, English, Citizenship, and
Computers. Closed from Dec. 19 through Jan.
5, 2009. Call 417-358-5926 for more info.
The teacher was proud of the
results of her labors during the past few weeks.
Day after day she trained her pupils in fire
drill and at last they seemed perfect.
"Now," she said one day, "what
would you do if I told you the building was on
Like one voice came the children’s answer.
A few days later a lecturer visited the school.
Said the teacher with a beaming smile: "Now,
children, what would you do if I were to tell you
that Dr. Wisehead was going to lecture
"We would rise promptly, put away our books,
then quietly and without disorder file into the
street!" they said in unison.
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Entertained At Dinner.
Dr. and Mrs. F. W. Flower
entertained the following at dinner last evening: Mr. and
Mrs. Lon Ashcraft, Mr. and Mrs. E. Knell, Miss Emma
Knell, Miss Curtes Henry of Alba, and Frank Knell.
Mr. and Mrs. Kilham of
Springfield, were over to spend Thanksgiving in Carthage
as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Betts, on Lyon
Short But Strong.
An old woman met a well to
do and humorous Irishman, and said: "Kind sir, could
you give a copper to a poor old woman who is short of
The Irishman gave her a
shilling, with the remark: "There you are, my good
woman. Now don’t take any more, for, begorra, ye may
be short of breath, but what ye do have of it is mighty
strong. - London Tid-Bits.
Project Approved.
Carthage City
Council met Tuesday evening in a regular session
and approved an ordinance entering into contract
with Polston Construction, Inc. for the second
phase of improvements to the drainage system from
Centennial to 13th Street. The improvements are
estimated to cost $140,433.30.
Mayor Jim Woestman
noted during his report that he had received
several calls regarding odor emissions on
Tuesday. City Attorney Nate Dally and City
Administrator Tom Short both mentioned that the
City is in the process of revising its own odor
ordinance that would allow for stricter and more
immediate control over excessive odor emissions.
Dally added that the city of Springfield has had
some success with a similar ordinance. That item
is to be discussed at the next Public Works
Committee meeting.
The first reading
of an ordinance authorizing the sale of a portion
of the former McCune-Brooks Hospital Building for
use as the State Crime Lab was heard in its first
reading. City Administrator Short said that
additional documentation for the occupancy is
still in the review process.

Just Jake
Talkin' Mornin'
A little while back there was a TV show
talkin’ ‘bout companies that use
charities ta make money. Doubtless, a lotta folks
think twice before they hand over hard earned
cash to just anyone that puts out their hand.
For those who are still
wantin’ to put a few dollars where they know
folks needin’ it will get the benefit, there
are several local organizations that can use the
cash or other donations.
I don’t want to run the
risk of leavin’ any organization out, so I
won’t list ‘em, but they aren’t
hard to find.
The nice thing ‘bout makin
contributions to local organizations is ya can
talk to those who make the decisions, and feel
assured that your money is bein’ used as
This is some fact, but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin’.
Metcalf Auto Supply |
Click & Clack Talk
By Tom & Ray MagliozziDear Tom and Ray:
I had new brake pads installed
about three weeks ago, and when I use the brake
pedal to stop, the car makes a groaning noise.
The mechanic told me that it takes about a month
to "break the pads in," and that after
that, the noise will go away. Is that correct? -
RAY: It groans, huh? Well,
groaning noises are usually associated with
mating. What’s mating in your car are the
new brake pads and the old disc rotors. I’m
guessing that your mechanic didn’t change
your disc rotors, probably in an attempt to save
you some money.
TOM: We don’t do that
anymore because when new, perfectly flat pads
press against old, grooved and uneven disc
rotors, they make noise. And then customers come
back and complain. And then we have to get rid of
them by making up some story about how it takes a
month for parts to get to know each other.
RAY: Unfortunately, this is not
an entirely benign noise, Adrienne. Because your
pads aren’t making point-for-point contact
with the surfaces of your discs, you’re not
getting as much braking power as you should be.
TOM: Normally, new pads will
"seat" or "mate" with discs
fairly quickly. In fact, we usually do it during
a test drive right after we finish a brake job.
And it’s usually accomplished within 10-10
minutes of working the pads.
RAY: But if it’s still
groaning after three weeks, you probably need new
TOM: The reason your mechanic
told you it would take a month is because
he’s leaving for vacation in a month.
RAY: So, I’d go back now.
Explain to him that the noise hasn’t gotten
any better, and ask him to take another look. My
guess is that the discussion will turn to the
wonderful world of new disc rotors. Good luck.
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