The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Monday, December 15, 2008 Volume XVII, Number
ya know?
Did Ya Know?... A
Christmas Service will be held at Risen Ranch
Cowboy Church, 11838 Civil War Rd., Carthage,
MO on December 16 at 7 p.m. Christmas music,
guest speaker and fellowship.
Did Ya Know?... The
Family Literacy Center, 706 Orchard, holds
classes in Spanish, English, Citizenship, and
Computers. Closed from Dec. 19 through Jan.
5, 2009. Call 417-358-5926 for more info.
Did Ya Know?...
McCune-Brooks Regional Hospital will hold a
"Home for the Holidays" Chili &
Soup feed fundraiser for Habitat for Humanity
December 19th in the hospital Community Room.
$5 for adults, $3 for children, incudes chili
or soup, cookie & drink. Take-out
available by the quart by calling 359-1956 or
A nation trying to tax itself
into prosperity is like a man standing in a
bucket and trying to pull himself up by the
handles. - Winston Churchill
"The garage man sent that
second hand car you ordered and tried it
"How many does it carry comfortably?"
"Is the editor in?"
"Well, just throw this submission in the
wastebasket for him, will you?"
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Circuit Court Doings.
The day in circuit court
was given up to the disposition of divorce cases. The
following were dismissed:
Minnie M. Avery vs. Wm. S.
Avery, dismissed by plaintiff
Rachel Peppers vs. J.C.
Peppers, dismissed by plaintiff
The suit of Mrs. Lena
Hagar against Winston B. Hagar for divorce went to trial
and took up the greater part of the afternoon, but the
judge soon took the matter of a decision under
County Teachers in
Among the county teachers
in town today were: Misses Ella Moore, Pleasant Grove
school, Clara Gogh, Sunflower; Jessica Bales, Pleasant
Valley; Messrs. E. E. Rush, Brush college; John W. Scott,
Liberty;’ George E. Bradley, Centennial; Walter
Arthur of Arthur, and John H. Welty, Pleasant Valley.
Police Conduct
Compliance Check.
News release
During the evening
of 12-05-08 the Carthage Police Department
conducted compliance checks of several of the
locations in the city that sell alcohol. Through
the process of these checks, six of 14 locations
sold alcohol to a minor. Seven people were issued
a city summons for sale of intoxicants to a
minor. The goal of the police department is to
deter individuals that attempt to illegally
purchase alcohol. In the process of doing this we
encourage clerks that are presented with altered
ID cards or ID cards from an underage person that
is attempting to purchase alcohol to seize those
ID cards and call the police department
immediately. Only one location that was tested,
Mizzou Liquor (2506 Grand), did this.
The following
locations were checked and found to be in
compliance: Mazoo North, Price Cutter, Wal-Mart,
TC’s Liquor Locker, Mazoo South,
Supermercado Guerrero, Fastrip South
The following
locations were checked and found not to be in
compliance as they sold alcohol to a minor. Snak
Atak East, Fastrip North, 201 W. Central, Snak
Atak West, Ez-Mart, Tiger Alley, Casey’s
General Store
The Carthage
Police Department firmly believes in the
importance of keeping alcohol out of the hands of
minors. Underage drinking is a serious issue and
we are committed to enforcing the laws in place
to prevent minors from accessing alcohol.

Just Jake
Talkin' Mornin'
When it comes to the Christmas tree discussion,
there’s one major question: real or fake.
I’ve gotta admit I bow toward the real
thing. But that’s knot to say that there is
less than a sliver of truth to the fact that a
good fake can fool most any sap.
Course, there are even
differences of opinion among the real tree
advocates. To some, pickin’ up a tree at the
grocery store goes against the grain. They want
to actually go out to the tree growin’ place
and amputate the trunk themselves. Pretty
emotional. That in itself may be why some choose
the artificial type, so as to avoid goin’
through the trauma ever’ year.
The one thing ya can’t
excuse is a ratty lookin’ fake tree. The old
"that’s the only one I could find"
story doesn’t play except with the real
This is some fact, but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin’.
Oldies & Oddities |
This Is A Hammer
By Samantha MazzottaFinding AAAA
Q: As you know,
you are not supposed to drive and use a cell
phone at the same time. I did the responsible
thing and purchased a Bluetooth headset. Now the
battery has died, and I can’t find a
replacement at any local retail stores (Home
Depot, CVS, Wal-Mart). Where in my region can I
purchase AAAA batteries? --- Erik in Coventry
A: A store
specializing in electronics would be your best
bet (Circuit City, Best Buy, MicroCenter). You
also can order them over the Internet -- try the
Web sites of any one of these major electronics
retailers or, which sells many items
besides books.
Q: In response to
your column about a visiting mother-in-law who
complained she was cold all the time, your answer
didn’t cover one possibility. In a lot of
houses with one central heating system, the doors
to all rooms should be left open all the time so
that return air circulates evenly throughout the
house and all rooms stay the same temperature.
If one person
closes their door at night for privacy reasons,
that door seals off air circulation so no warm
air can enter from the register. A crack under
the door would let that warm air in, but if there
is no such opening, air cannot circulate into
that room, and it gets cold. The next day when
the door is open again, no problem can be found
because air is circulating through the open door.
-- Jack H., Salem, Mo.
A: That’s
definitely a possibility. Having grown up in the
South, where central heat was often jury-rigged
into older homes -- so not every room had a
register -- it was not uncommon for closed-off
rooms to get chilly. Thanks for your suggestion.
Perhaps the mother-in-law could leave her bedroom
door open just a bit to let air circulate.
HOME TIP: Not sure
whether a furnace’s air filter needs
changing? Hold the filter up to a light -- if the
filter blocks most of the light, replace it.
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Publishing. All rights reserved.