The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Monday, December 29, 2008 Volume XVII, Number
ya know?
Did Ya Know?... The
Carthage Chamber of Commerce will be closed
December 31 and January 1 for New Year’s
Did Ya Know?... A
retirement party for Carthage Police
Detective LaVerne Williams will be held on
December 31 at 2:00 p.m. in the Council
Chambers of City Hall. Public is welcome.
There’s a study in Maine
that found if you marry someone who doesn’t
appreciate you, tries to control you, and always
has to be right, you may be unhappy. They also
discovered that going without water for long
periods of time makes you thirsty. - Caroline
Last week I helped my friend
stay put. It’s a lot easier than helping
someone move. I just went over to his house and
made sure that he did not start to load stuff
into a truck. - Mitch Hedberg
The fact that we live at the
bottom of a deep gravity well, on the surface of
a gas covered planet going around a nuclear
fireball 90 million miles away and think this to
be normal is obviously some indication of how
skewed our perspective tends to be. - Douglas
What a world. It could be so
wonderful if it wasn’t for certain people. -
Woody Allen
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Pastor Makes Quick
Leaves Funeral
Procession, Performs Wedding and Returns.
That Dr. S.A. Northrop,
pastor of the First Baptist church, is a hustler and a
man of energy has long been suspected by his many friends
here, but the pastor accomplished a feat Thursday which
establishes him undisputedly in that reputation forever.
Dr. Northrop was being
driven to Park cemetery in a funeral procession Thursday
afternoon when he was met by two young men who informed
the pastor that he was wanted at once at his home The
minister thought that something had happened to his young
daughter, Miss Irene, so he hurriedly left the carriage
and rushed to the Baptist parsonage. His fears were
groundless, however, for instead of an accident victim,
Dr. Northrop found Earl Lloyd and Miss Lottie York, both
of Kendricktown, anxiously waiting to be married at once,
in order that they might catch the train. Frank L. Lloyd,
a brother of the groom, was present and witnessed the
When the wedding had been
duly performed, the bridal couple sped away to catch
their train and R. Northrop rushed to catch up with the
funeral procession reaching the cortege before it arrived
at the cemetery.
When Dr. and Mrs. Northrop
returned from the funeral an hour later, they found that
during their absence some of their flock had broken into
their home and had left an elegant velvet rug and an
envelope of bank bills representing a total value of $50.
This was a complete surprise to the minister and his wife
and a very agreeable one.
Dr. and Mrs. Northrop and
Miss Irene Northrop were also profusely remembered on
Christmas by their church friends in Los Angeles, Cal.;
Kansas City, Mo.; Fort Wayne, Ind.; and Detroit, Mich.
Former Hospital
Work Continues.
City Administrator
Tom Short last week gave an update on the status
of the former McCune-Brooks Hospital Building.
The City is in the process of looking for tenants
to occupy the building.
The Jasper County
Highway Patrol Department Crime Lab has agreed to
purchase a portion of the building, the former
emergency room area, for use as a lab. Contracts
are still in the review process between the City
and the Missouri Office of Administration. Short
said that the departments are currently working
on a memorandum of understanding, touching on
finer details like lawn maintenance and snow
Short also noted
that another portion of the building recently
sustained a substantial water-line break, and
that cleanup efforts had already taken place.
Following the break, the waterlines were turned
off and drained, to ensure safety for the colder
Several prospects
have been in contact with the City regarding the
building, according to Short, but nothing has
been finalized. Short stressed the importance of
finding occupants for the remainder of the
"If we
don’t put it to use pretty soon, it’s
going to deteriorate fast," said Short.

Just Jake
Talkin' Mornin'
I don’t pay much attention to those end of
the year/beginnin’ of the year things ya see
this time a year. I suppose there needs ta be a
day or two ever so often that we allow ourselves
to do a little reflectin’ ‘bout how
things are goin’, but it seems that usually
writers get sappy and what they’re
talkin’ ‘bout isn’t of much
consequence to me.
I think the new year thing is
mainly an excuse to let the hair down a little
after the holiday rush anyway. More of a reward
for makin’ it through Christmas than a
celebration of the comin’ of a new year.
I suppose ta some the new year
has some significance. Pushin’ out the old,
bringin’ in the new. And the realization
that another year has slipped by and that clock
that didn’t work last New Year’s Eve
still hasn’t been fixed. Oops.
This is some fact, but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin’.
Mornin' Mail |
This Is A Hammer
By Samantha MazzottaBackhand Safety
Q: This might be a
good tip for those do-it-yourselfers who feel
they are ready to tackle electrical repairs. We
recently had an electrician come in to update the
wiring in our kitchen as part of a remodeling
project. During a break we were chatting, and the
electrician told us an important safety tip.
Anytime you touch a wire, you should touch it
with the back of your hand -- not your
The reason for
this, he explained, is that the hand naturally
closes around things. If you touch a wire with
the fingertips and the wire is live, your hand
may reflexively grip closed around the wire,
leaving you unable to pull away. If instead you
touch the wire first with the back of your hand,
and it is live, you will be able to pull your
hand away.
I thought this
would be a useful safety tip for your readers. --
Margie L., Kennebunk, Maine
A: That’s a
great safety tip, Margie, and thank you for
sending it!
One must always
shut off the circuit to the electrical outlet or
switch being worked on, and test it using a
voltage tester before commencing work. This step
-- touching the wire with the back of the hand
first -- provides an added layer of safety and
costs nothing more than a few extra seconds of
your time. But it should only be done after you
have made certain the circuit is open (off) --
it’s the last step before going ahead with
wiring work.
HOME TIP: Taking
down holiday lights? Now is the time to inspect
all light strings and extension cords for exposed
wiring, broken plugs or loose connections.
Discard and replace cords that show this sort of
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