Hensley To Run
for Assessor.
Brent Hensley on
Thursday morning announced that his intention to
run for Jasper County Assessor in the upcoming
Primary election. Hensley said: "I look
forward, over the next few months of this
campaign, to differentiate myself from the other
fine folks that seek to serve, to further define
my goals and outline my plans for making the
office of Jasper County Assessor a progressive,
people oriented yet technically sophisticated
office that observes the discipline of state
regulations and yet recognizes the human element
in every interaction."
Hensley added,
"For the first half of my professional
career I’ve worked hard and have been
successful in a large corporate environment,
I’m now ready to devote my professional life
to serving citizens of Jasper County on a
personal, family level."
Seven County
positions will be up for election in the Primary
election, which is to be held on August 5, 2008.
Those positions include Eastern District
Commissioner, Western District Commissioner,
Sheriff, Assessor, Treasurer, Public
Administrator and Coroner. Filing for candidacy
officially opens on February 26th and ends on
March 25th.
Department Keeps Busy.
The freezing rain
that fell on Thursday morning once again kept the
Carthage Street Department occupied with cleaning
streets and picking up fallen limbs. Street
Commissioner Tom Shelley recently told the Mornin’
Mail his concerns about the weather trends so
far this year, saying it seems like precipitation
is a weekly occurrence
Shelley commented
about Thursday’s freezing rain.
"It could
have been worse," said Shelley.
"We’re lucky the temperature was what
it was. If it comes again tonight, it could be a
real mess."
This year the
Street department has devoted many hours of ice
storm cleanup to fallen limbs, having helped
monitor the landfill during J&R Disaster
Services’ contracted limb cleanup for 10
hours a day, 7 days a week. That cleaning has
tapered off, according to Shelley, though he
expressed concerns about the remaining trees.
"I don’t
think the limbs can take much more."
Shelley said the
department is trying new shifts of six-hours-on,
six-hours-off for employees, which is so far
working better than 12 hour shifts.
Oak Street Health & Herbs |
by Mari An WillisWhy bother to take vitamins? What is
the "right" way to eat? Our fast food
society looks at a salad bar and that is our
answer to all our nutritional needs. Our local
drive thru establishments probably account for
30-50% of meals for an average family. This, my
friends, is what we call "filler food."
It fills us up, but does not meet our
bodies’ needs.
According to recent studies,
the average American is deficient in trace
minerals, enzymes and vitamins. It has been
stated that a B-12 deficiency may account for
early dementia, a lack of chromium may result in
hypoglycemia or diabetes, mineral shortages
aggravate arthritic conditions, preservatives and
additives may be a major cause of behavioral
problems and on and on. The ideal is to get all
we need from our food, but if you know you are
among the millions of Americans who are not
eating plenty of fresh vegetables, grains,
fruits, dairy and meat on a daily basis or if
stress depletes your intake; vitamin and/or
herbal supplementation may be necessary. Ask your
professional practitioner, read some books and
listen to your body.
This brief rundown may give you
some ideas: Vitamin A - necessary to new cell
growth. Helps fight infection. Beta-carotene is a
precursor to A, and has received lots of press as
an antioxidant. Vitamin K - essential for normal
liver functioning and maintaining vitality.
Required for blood clotting. Zinc - a necessity
in healing process. Aids enzymes in digestion.
Important for healthy reproductive organs,
especially in men. Vitamin B-12 - powerful blood
building factor. Important factor in maintaining
a healthy nervous system, including brain cells.
By Greg Zyla
Q: Greg, I
really enjoy your column on classic cars and the
hobby of car collecting and restoring. I
currently buy Hemmings Motor News and read it
every month. I also like eBay very much, and
check on that site for classic cars. What other
publications do you read, and what online sites
would be of interest to me? I am retired, got a
computer not long ago, and enjoy your articles
and the computer. -- Bob P., Maryland
A: First,
congratulations on buying a computer and merging
online and print into your daily collector-car
hobby activities.
As for my
favorites when it comes to cars and the hobby, I
subscribe to print publications Hemmings Muscle
Car Magazine, Super Chevy, Hot Rod, Car Craft,
and Auto Roundup Magazine -- all well worth the
price. I, too, browse eBay, Hemmings and Auto
Roundup sites regularly, and a new Internet site
I highly recommend is called ClassicCars.com, a
company launched by Roger Falcione.
Falcione has a
history of success with e-commerce and online
automotive sites, including GoRacing.com and
MotorWeb.com, both highly regarded in auto racing
and specialty auto-parts segments, respectively.
ClassicCars.com offers alternative ways to
connect buyers and sellers nationwide, with
vehicles ranging from $1,000 to $1 million plus.
Based in Phoenix, Ariz., Falcione’s
ClassicCars.com has 10,000 vehicle listings and
$250 million in online inventory.
So get ready, Bob,
and enjoy both print and online, and get ready
for quite an experience when you go to www.classiccars.com.
By Sally Armstrong
We complete the first show of
the year this weekend, and I want to thank Linda
Teeter of Joplin for an interesting display of
her photography, both in the Main show of the
GALACTIC WAR series as well as her more general
subject display in the Member Gallery. Before we
begin talking about the new show that goes up in
March, I want to draw your attention to a series
of workshops that will be beginning at the Hyde
House, the first on Tuesday, March 4th. This is a
lecture- workshop series of four, one each
quarterly, directed to artists, art students, and
those who deal with artists as a business. Led by
Joplin resident Michael Bell, we hope our artist
members and non-members alike will join us in the
evening at 6:30 for an informal "round the
table" time with Michael, gleaning from him
words of wisdom from the art world. Michael Bell
returned to Joplin recently as a retired museum
curator, having spent time in several museums
around the country. A third generation Joplin
native, Michael is currently the curator of
VISUAL ART ACCESS. Founded in 1987, VAA has
taught career self-management with more than 1500
artists individually nationwide, and hundreds
more in large groups from New York to California.
Mr. Bell worked in art museums for more than 30
years, and is a qualified appraiser of
contemporary and fine arts and crafts. Michael
has been featured at SPIVA FOR THE ARTS in
simular formats, and we are excited to offer this
series of 4 workshops here at Hyde House this
year beginning with the first entitled, CREATING
A PORTFOLIO. This is a process that every artist
and art student struggles with, and yet needs to
be able to do. A Portfolio is the body of work
that an artist shows to prospective buyers,
clients, museums and galleries as well as
prospective employers or colleges. This is the
work that enables him or her to be received.
Michael will overview the process, offer tips,
and invites artists and students to bring with
them their current portfolio if they desire, for
discussion. Cost for the class is a donation of
$25.00 each, or $80.00 for the series of 4, for
non-members, a discount of 10% to members. Call
me for more information, and mention this to
young artists in your homes. It is not too soon
for them to have this knowledge and begin
building their portfolio with the work that they
are doing now. I can be reached at 417 358 4404.
1. Meet the
Spartans (PG-13) Diedrich Bader, Kevin Sorbo
2. Rambo (R) Sylvester Stallone, Julie Benz
3. 27 Dresses (PG-13) Katherine Heigl, James
4. Cloverfield (PG-13) Michael Stahl-David,
Jessica Lucas
5. Untraceable (R) Diane Lane, Billy Burke
6. Juno (PG-13) Ellen Page, Michael Cera
7. The Bucket List (PG-13) Jack Nicholson, Morgan
8. There Will Be Blood (R) Daniel Day-Lewis, Mary
Elizabeth Barrett
9. National Treasure: Book of Secrets (PG)
Nicolas Cage, Diane Kruger
10. Mad Money (PG-13) Diane Keaton, Queen Latifah
Transform rotisserie chicken
into a tangy, barbecue-sauced sandwich filling in
just minutes.
PREP:10 minutes
COOK:5 minutes MAKES:6 servings
1 small (2 to 2
1/2 pounds) rotisserie chicken
1 cup barbecue sauce
1/2 cup water
1/4 cup red wine vinegar
6 Kaiser rolls, split
1/2 pound deli coleslaw
Carrot and celery sticks
1. Remove skin and bones from
chicken; coarsely shred meat.
2. In 2-quart saucepan, combine chicken, barbecue
sauce, water and vinegar. Cook over medium heat 5
minutes or until hot, stirring frequently.
3. Spoon chicken mixture onto bottom halves of
rolls and top with coleslaw and top halves of
roll. Serve with carrot and celery sticks.
Each serving: About 405
calories, 11g total fat (3g saturated), 87mg
cholesterol, 870 mg sodium, 40g carb., 2g fiber,
34g protein.