The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Wednesday, February 6, 2008 Volume XVI,
Number 163
ya know?
Did Ya Know?... Carthage
Public Library has completed their building
project. Come help us celebrate it’s
completion. Saturday, February 9, 2008 from 1:00
to 3:00 p.m.. Ribbon cutting and program will be
held at 1:15 p.m. upstairs between new addition
and original building.
Did Ya Know?... The 8th
Annual Bowling Round Up to benefit Magic Moments
Riding Therapy will be held at Bowl East in
Joplin on February 9, 2008. We are looking for
bowlers to participate. You could win a brand new
Nintendo WII. Get together a group of 5 or 6 and
call us at (417)325-4490 for all the details.
Did Ya Know?...
Stone’s Throw Dinner Theatre, Carthage, Mo.
will be hosting a special Valentine’s Day
Event on Thursday, Feb. 14th at the Theatre. In
addition to the play DIAL M FOR MURDER there will
be a very special menu and Roses and Candy for
the ladies. The price is $25.00 per person.
Seating is limited. For reservations call the
theatre at 417-358-9665 or 417-358-7268 or email
The doctor tells one patient,
"You’ll be up and complaining about my
bill in no time."
One girl broke up with her
boyfriend because he wanted to get married, and
she didn’t want him to.
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
School of Courtship.
A training school in
courtship which is one of the institutions in the
Salvation Army, has no counterpart in any other
organization in the world. Indeed, it is so far removed
from the ordinary that it is entitled to be described
with the much abused and misused adjective
"unique." There are three training schools in
this country - New York, Chicago and San Francisco - and
love making is conducted by rule and regulation.
Courtship is carried on in accordance with prescribed
discipline. No barred windows and tinkling guitars as in
Spain, for Salvation Army lovers. No clandestine
meetings, and no rope ladders with fleet horses waiting
at the lower rung, while Romeo carries his Juliet from
her prison bedchamber. All the courting is done in public
- that is to say, in the presence of other members of the
Army. Strangely enough the girls appear to like these
extraordinary rules.
Splendid line trunks.
Sports Complex
Smoking Ban.
The City Council
Public Services Committee met Monday evening in a
regular session. The committee agreed to forward
to Council a recommendation to approve a park
rule that would prohibit smoking at the Fair
Acres Sports Complex beyond the parking lots.
This item was
originally discussed by the committee in October
of 2007 when Carthage Little League President
Jeff Jones proposed the idea. Jones said that he
felt prohibiting smoking near the fields would
set a better example for the children who play
The committee
originally discussed the proposal with the idea
to propose an ordinance to City Council.
Following those discussions Parks Director Alan
Bull spoke with former Police Chief Dennis Veach
who instead recommended imposing a park rule. As
a park rule, if a person continues smoking beyond
the designated area, the Police may be called.
Those not willing to cooperate would be asked to
leave the premises by an officer. If those
offenders do not leave they may be charged with
Bull told the
committee that the Little League was willing to
provide signs clearly designating the non-smoking
areas. The committee also discussed the placement
of receptacles for cigarette butts near the
"no smoking" signs. The committee
agreed unanimously to forward the item to
Social Security
Programming Error.
The Missouri Department of Revenue last Friday
announced that it is ready to process any amended
returns which may be needed due to a programming
error at the Social Security Administration
(SSA). This computer error in Washington resulted
in many Missouri taxpayers possibly receiving
incorrect Social Security benefit statements.
"I commend
our Department of Revenue on their quick response
and proactive steps to clean up another mess in
Washington," Gov. Matt Blunt said. "I
know that some Missourians will be inconvenienced
by Washington’s mistake but our state’s
Revenue Department will continue to be aggressive
in fixing this error to ensure that Missouri
taxpayers are refunded their hard-earned
The Department has
added a helpful link on the web site to further
assist Missouri taxpayers through the process of
either filing the proper Form SSA-1099, or with
the process in filing an amended return. The link
to the web site is and
provides Missouri taxpayers with instructions
answers to frequently asked questions.
If Missouri
taxpayers have not filed their Missouri income
tax or Property Tax Credit (PTC) claim, they
should use the corrected Form SSA-1099 to prepare
the Income tax return or the PTC claim. If the
taxpayer has already filed, they can use the
corrected Form SSA-1099 to file an amended income
tax return or PTC claim.
If Missouri
taxpayers have additional questions, they may go
to Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) on the
Department’s web site at www. or
call the Department at (573) 751-3505. To date
over 275,000 Missourians have already filed their
Missouri Income Tax return.

Just Jake
Talkin' Mornin’
I’ve always admired
original thinkers. Even when I don’t
necessarily agree with what they’re
Salesmen, especially those that
ya see at the open air flea market, wheelin’
and dealin’, tryin’ to find some way to
make what they have to see fir the needs of those
who have come to buy.
It’s amazin’ how
flexible some items are. "Sure it’s an
ugly lamp shade, but if you stick it out in the
garden on a stick, it will keep the crows from
eatin’ your corn." Original thinkers,
all of ‘em.
Once a story is attached to one
particular object, of course the buyer has the
right to pass it in to his friend or to the next
purchaser, that’s a big piece of what ya pay
for. But no original thinker worth his weight in
salt would think of takin’ a legitimate
story he heard in the mornin’ and
passin’ it off as an original thought in the
This is some fact, but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin’.
Cathage Printing Services |
Here's A Tip
By Jo Ann Derson
What’s on sale in
February? Get great deals on electronics -
including computers - and mattresses,
carpet/tile/laminates and other flooring, used
cars, catalog closeouts and exercise equipment.
Also, look for gift add-ons with perfume
purchases and after-holiday deals on candy and
red items (think ahead for Fourth of July and
Christmas tableware!).
If you have an ink stain on
fabric, try blotting it with hairspray. Use a
clean white cloth or paper towel, saturate the
ink spot with hairspray and blot. Repeat until
ink is gone. Make sure you test on an
inconspicuous area first.
Are your artificial flowers
dusty? Here are a couple of ways to clean up
those blossoms: Place the flowers in a paper bag
with some salt, maybe a half-cup or so. Shake
until clean. Or, try blowing them off with a hair
"If you have trouble
pulling out a splinter with tweezers, as I do,
try using regular household glue -- a dab on the
spot, let dry and pull off -- or a bit of Scotch
Tape. These seem to work for me, and it’s
easier than trying to manipulate a tiny pair of
tweezers." -- I.F. in California
Recipe Substitutions: If you
need ketchup, mix together 1 cup of tomato sauce,
1/2 cup of sugar and 2 tablespoons of vinegar.
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