Youth Fair
Weekend Events.
The Jasper County 4-H Youth
Fair will continue through Saturday, July 12 at
the Jasper County Fairgrounds in Carthage
Municipal Park. The Cardinal Amusement Carnival
is ongoing daily from 6:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.
Today’s events include the
Dairy show at 8:00 a.m., A Celebrity Milking
Contest in the show arena at 12 noon, a Bar-B-Que
sponsored by the Jasper County Youth Fair Board
from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m., and the Market Animal
Sale at 7:00 p.m.
Saturday’s events begin
with an Exhibitor’s breakfast, served by the
Carl Junction FFA from 7:00 to 9:00 a.m. at the
patio shelter east of the Livestock Barns. The
breakfast is open to the public and costs $3.00.
A Livestock Judging Contest
will be held at 10:00 a.m., and a Round Robin
Showmanship Competition will be held at noon.
Also at noon the Little Tikes Pedal Tractor Pull
will be held for ages 2-10.
The Beautiful Baby Contest will
be held at 3:30 p.m. in the Show Arena, and the
Kountry Kritters Pet Show will be held at 4:30
p.m. The Awards Ceremony will be held at 7:00
p.m. on Saturday evening.
Buying Local
is the New Trend!
From the
University of Missouri Extension Office
"Ag News & Views"
Contributor Kelly Roberts, Newton County
Extension Intern
Whether your garden is
producing more than you can eat or you’re
looking for a new way to market your products,
farmer’s markets may be the answer. Better
yet the advertising is being done for you!
As prices rise, most of us are
reevaluating our spending habits. Eating out is
no longer economically savvy; instead many
consumers are cooking those gourmet meals at
home. Chefs cooking on Good Morning America
reference shopping local farmer’s markets as
one of the best ways to buy organic, fresh and
fully ripe products. From cut flowers to fresh
produce and even the occasional home made pie,
farmer’s markets are a creative and fun way
to market your commodity.
There are more than 130
farmer’s markets offered across Missouri.
Six are located in SW Missouri which include
markets located in Lamar, El Dorado Springs, Carl
Junction, Webb City, Carthage and Neosho. For a
complete list of Missouri’s Farmer’s
Markets look online at http:// A rental fee
may be charged to sell your products at the
market. However, these fees are almost irrelevant
when considering the benefits of a clean, well
located, community driven location for marketing
your products. Farmer’s markets are
traditionally open on Saturdays and are
encouraged to be a family adventure.
The University of Missouri
Extension and the Missouri Department of
Agriculture has a vast amount of information
listed for farmer’s who wish to market
locally. Helpful lists such as retail weights and
units as well as harvest calendars are available
via internet. It’s also important to think
about charging sales tax on your items as well.
The Department of Revenue has a great web page of
questions and answers dedicated to sales tax
issues and farmer’s markets.
As a producer, farmer’s
markets are a great way to build rapport with
customers. When you sell products at a
farmer’s market you have the opportunity to
actually meet your customer and better yet they
get to meet you. It gives people a sense of
security to meet the people that are producing
their food. Families are choosing to eat
healthier and in turn paying more attention to
where their food comes from. Offering samples of
your product is a great way to show them the
difference between farm fresh and store
purchased. It reminds me of the Pringles
commercial "I bet you can’t have just
Deborah Madison author of
"Cooking and Eating from America’s
Farmers Markets" (Broadway Books) encourages
shoppers to ask questions about products and ask
for tips on how to use it. So, gather up your
cooking tips, practice your smile and head down
to the farmer’s market near you.
They’ll be waiting and you can bet
they’ll keep coming back for more!