The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Friday, July 18, 2008 Volume XVII, Number
ya know?
Did Ya Know?...Saturday,
July 19th, the Missouri Veterans Home at Mt.
Vernon will host their Fifth Annual Ride for
Freedom to raise funds for the Mt. Vernon
Veterans Home Assistance League Fund. For more
information, call Deann at 417-466-7103.
Did Ya Know?... Carthage
Church of Christ, 3122 S Grand, invites all to
our Vacation Bible School July 28th thru August
1st from 7 p.m. to 8:45 p.m. Classes for all ages
including Adults. For more information phone, or
for transportation call 358-3661.
If an elephant charges you, let
him have both barrels at once.
And the gun, too, so far as
I’m concerned.
How come I didn’t see you
on the bridle path is morning?
You know that mare I’ve
been riding?
Well, she had a Charlie horse.
Oh, I’ll bet it’s
What are you putting in your
boxing glove?
My good luck piece, my
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
At a joint meeting of the directors of
the Commercial Club and the trustees of the college, held
yesterday afternoon, a public meeting was called for next
Monday evening in the court house to consider the
question of raising the proposed endowment for the
Carthage Collegiate Institute and secure the $10,000
generously offered by Mr. Joseph Wilson.
It is hoped to have a full
attendancetive of citizens. There will be good speakers
and everybody is asked to attend at the courthouse Monday
"The maddest party in Paris last
Sunday", the Monroe County Appeal says, "was
the woman who went clear up to the front seat and sat
through the sermon with the proud consciousness that all
eyes were riveted on her huge mass of flowers and straw,
only to find on reaching home that the most conspicuous
thing about it was the tag which read, ‘Was $7.08,
now $3.15’".
Meet the
Candidates Ice Cream Social.
The Lincoln Ladies Republican
Women’s Club will hold a "Meet the
Candidates" Ice Cream Social and Republican
Rally on Monday evening at 6:00 p.m. in Carthage
Memorial Hall. The event is free to the public
and is an opportunity for citizens to hear and
meet the candidates who are running in the August
election. Each candidate is allowed time to speak
during the event.
"It’s a big
opportunity for people who care to get out and
meet the candidates," said Jenny Mansfield,
member of the Lincoln Ladies.
Mansfield said that all of the
candidates running for positions on the County
level were slated to speak at the event. Kenny
Hulshof, who is running for Missouri Governor, is
also planning to attend, added Mansfield.
In addition to providing
information about candidates the event will also
help raise awareness about issues that are on the
ballot, including the Carthage Library tax issue.
The Women’s Club provides
unofficial ballots to those attending the event.
The ballots may be filled out and cast in a
ballot box as part of an unofficial straw poll,
or they may be used to take notes as candidates
"It helps to put a face to
a name," said Mansfield. "It’s an
informative evening."
Tickets will be available for
entry in a drawing for $300 worth of gift
certificates to local businesses. The tickets
will cost $5.00 and the proceeds will be used to
help offset the cost of the event.

Just Jake
Talkin' Hurry up and wait.
While I was growin’ up,
the family seldom went to anything where we had
ta stand in line. Mom always said Dad never liked
to stand in line ever since he got back from
bein’ in the Air Corps durin’ the War.
As a kid, there were some
things I thought worth waitin’ for a while.
I’ve got to admit that the older I get, I
find fewer and fewer things worth waitin’
I really don’t think Dad
ever like bein’ in a line, but talk of the
time he was in the South Pacific didn’t come
up much, so we accepted this without much
I’ve never come up with a
good excuse for standin’ in line. I just
don’t like it much. "Course there are
times it’s unavoidable, especially in the
"Express" lane at the grocery store.
This is some fact, but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin’
Oak Street Health & Herbs |
Natural Nutrition
by Mari An
Diet season is upon us. Some of
the tried and true methods are still popular
among those in the know....meaning those of us
who have dieted most of our lives. Among some of
the newer products the active ingredient may be
Ma Haung or ephedra. This herb certainly has a
place in herbal blends, but one MUST be aware
that it "speeds up metabolism" because
it stimulates the central nervous system.
According to the PDR for Herbal Medicine, it is
used in diseases of the respiratory tract
including asthma, cardiovascular stimulation and
as a stimulant. The contraindications include
"states of anxiety and restlessness, high
blood pressure, angle-closure glaucoma" and
more. It may have an interaction with many drugs
and has the potential for becoming addictive with
extended or overuse. As of the printing of this
1998 PDR "health risks following the proper
administration of designated therapeutic dosages
are not recorded." Just because an herb is
naturally occurring does not automatically mean
it is perfectly safe or has no potential
side-effects. I feel as an herb specialist it is
necessary to make on aware of these
Growing right here is a
commonly used weed for appetite depression,
chickweed. Some have combined it with celery for
a weight loss formula.
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