The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Tuesday, July 22, 2008 Volume XVII, Number 23
ya know?
Did Ya Know?...July 25th
& 26th, Carthage Shrine Club 20th Annual
Tractor & Pickup Pull. Starts at 7 p.m. North
of Carthage on V Highway. Call David at
417-358-8816 for more info.
Did Ya Know?...July
23rd, McCune Brooks Regional Hospital Diabetes
Support Group will meet at 4 p.m. in the
Relationship Center at McCune-Brooks Regional
Hospital. Deloris Vandegrift, RN, Nurse
Practioner will speak on skin care.
Have you ever had any hobbies?
Let’s see, I have had the
rheumatism and hives, and mumps, but I can’t
remember ever having hobbies.
So he’s a gentleman
farmer, now?
Gentleman farmer’s right.
Believe me, he even has his scarecrows changed
into evening dress at dusk.
This plant belongs to the
Begonia family.
Ah, yes, and you’re
looking after it for them while they’re away
on a holiday?
Someone stole my Toyota last
night. It makes me so mad. If I were a
magistrate, I would make sure that all car
thieves were driven out of town!
Really? Well, I think they
should be made to walk!
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
With the big Knell Fair but six weeks
away—its days are August 15-21, according to Miss
Knell, the well known and capable secretary of the Knell
Fair association, is one of the busiest persons in
Carthage. She is now in the midst of an unusually big
volume of work, such as would frighten many a man away,
for it’s the intention of the association to make
the coming fair the greatest ever held here.
Entries are being booked daily for the
races and the four big events have been closed already.
From present indications, the races will have more
entries and will be faster than any ever seen on the
track before.
The Knell Fair is this year third on
the circuit of the state fairs and this fact alone is
bound to insure fast races. The third place is right in
the very beginning of the racing season, all the horses
will be here and in the very best of condition and all
those entered now will almost without exception start in
the races.
Among the list of horses entered for
the races, some of the entries for which have just
closed, are a number of fast horses which have been
favorites in the past. There are also many new horses
which have never yet raced over the Knell track.
Horsemen of the city who are familiar
with the horses entered declare that it is the best list
of stake entries they have ever seen in this city and
they look for some correspondingly fast races with the
complete list of starters.
Hearing for Annexation.
Carthage City Council will meet
at 7:30 p.m. this evening in the Council Chambers
of City Hall. A public hearing regarding the
municipally initiated annexation of Southwind
Acres is scheduled for 7:00 p.m. prior to the
The second reading of a related
ordinance, providing for the extension of the
City Limits is also included on the Council
agenda. According to the Plan of Intent for the
annexation, the steps following the public
hearing include the adoption of the annexation
ordinance, obtaining a declaratory judgment and
an election. In the election, under Missouri law,
the annexation must be approved by a majority of
voters in separate elections held in the area in
order for the property to be annexed.
Council is also scheduled to
hear the second reading of an ordinance changing
Public Works and Public Health fees in the City
of Carthage. These changes include increases of
rates for construction debris at the Carthage
Recycling Center and Landfill and increases to
the fees for various curb and gutter repair by
the Street Department.
Items in their first reading
include an ordinance that would allow for the
proposed 1/2 cent economic development sales tax
on the ballot for the November 4, 2008 municipal
election. This item is brought to Council with a
recommendation to approve from the Budget

Just Jake
Talkin' Nothin’ like a big goose egg from
bangin’ your head on the bottom of a table
you’ve been under. Whack!
I hear that the thing to do is
to apply all the pressure you can to the knot
before it really starts swellin’. It may
work, but what I really hear is the
screamin’ from the victim bein’ helped
in this way.
I grew up with a gentler
remedy. Put some ice on it. I don’t figure
anything makes a lot a difference. After a day or
two the size gets smaller and starts feelin’
better ‘till ya happen to bump it again.
"Feels better when it
stops hurtin’," my old baseball coach
used ta say. Really funny guy.
At least if ya get a shiner you
can make up a good story ‘bout the other
This is some fact, but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin’.
Mc-Cune-Brooks Regional Hospital |
To Your Good
By Paul G. Donohue, M.D.
Asthma Can
Strike at Any Age.
odd to come down with asthma at age 66? They tell
me I have it. I had a cough that started this
past winter, and it wouldn’t go away. It
comes in spurts and is always worse at night. My
family doctor sent me to a lung doctor, who did
all sorts of tests on me; his verdict was asthma.
No one believes me when I say I have asthma. They
don’t say so, but I know they’re
thinking I’m too old. -- P.G.
ANSWER: You can get asthma at
any age. About 12 percent of adults suffer from
it, and 15 percent of children have it. The
number of adult asthmatic men equals the number
of adult asthmatic women. In childhood, more boys
than girls have it.
What happens in an asthma
attack is a sudden narrowing of airways.
Asthmatic airways are super-sensitive and
asthmatics react to things that the rest of us
don’t. In addition, the airways’ mucus
glands pour out thick, sticky mucus, and the
lining of the airways becomes swollen and
inflamed. All of these mechanisms make it hard
for air to pass into and out of the lungs.
Coughing is a characteristic
asthma symptom. Wheezing during an attack is
another telltale sign, but a cough might be the
only thing indicating asthma.
Your doctor must have looked
for a trigger for your attacks. If one is found,
eliminating it assures successful treatment.
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