The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Friday, July 25, 2008 Volume XVII, Number 26
ya know?
Did Ya Know?...On Sat.
July 26th, Greater Ozarks British Motoring Club
will host their 9th Annual GOBMC Car & Cycle
Show on the Historic Carthage Square. Call Dave
at 417-358-9166 for more info.
Did Ya Know?... On Sat.
July 26th, Carthage Merchants will have their
Summer Sidewalk Sale starting at 7 a.m. There
will be drawings for $50 and $150 "Chamber
Cash" sponsoring the participating
businesses in the sidewalk sale.
Did Ya Know?... The City
of Carthage will be spraying for mosquitoes July
28th - Aug. 1st at 8 p.m. on the evening of your
trash collection day.
Did Ya Know?... Carthage
Church of Christ, 3122 S Grand, invites all to
their Vacation Bible School July 28th thru August
1st from 7 p.m. to 8:45 p.m. Classes for all ages
including Adults. For more information phone, or
for transportation call 358-3661.
An income is what you
can’t live without or within.
Which do you think has the
bigger grapefruit? Florida or California?
What’s the difference? A grapefruit’s
only idea in living is to squirt in your eye.
When you went to school,
didn’t you learn the three R’s?
Yeah, Rah! Rah! Rah!
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Three Library Board
During last council
meeting, the mayor re-appointed Col W. K. Coffey and
Samuel McReynolds as member so the city library board to
succeed themselves, and Dr. L. E. Whitney was named to
fill the unexpired term of G. A. Rose who recently
resigned as a member of the library board. These
appointments were promptly confirmed.
An ordinance was passed
providing for the current city expenses and the salaries
of certain city officers.
There was much urgent
business pressing for action before the council but will,
but it was by this time past midnight, owing to the great
amount of time consumed by the discussion of the milk
ordinance. Hence the council adjourned until tomorrow
night, when these other public matters will be given an
exclusive attention.
Sidewalk Sale
& Car Show.
The annual Chamber
of Commerce Sidewalk Sale-bration will be held
this weekend on Saturday, July 26th at various
local businesses beginning as early as 7:00 a.m.
During the
sidewalk sale, game cards will be available at 14
local businesses. Participating businesses
include Front Page, Carthage Hardware, Kay’s
Jewelry & Gifts, Custom Carpets, Digitally
Speaking/Koka Art Gallery, Colonial House, UMB
Bank, Powers Museum, TC’s Liquor Locker
& Smokes, Precious Moments Gift Shop, Family
Video, Schwann’s Food Co., Sherwin Williams
& Burggraf Discount Tire & Wheel. Game
cards may be completed by visiting all of the
participating businesses. Completed game cards
can then be turned into the Chamber office for
entry into a drawing for prizes valued at $50 and
$150 including gift certificates to the
participating businesses.
Many local
businesses will be holding drawings and other
special events throughout the day. Free hot dogs
will be available at UMB Bank and free ice cream
at Schwann’s, located in the Sherwin
Williams parking lot.
Also on Saturday,
the Carthage Square will be filled with British
cars as part of the Greater Ozarks British
Motoring Club’s car show. The show is
scheduled to begin on the square at 9:00 a.m. and
continue until 3:00 p.m. Over 100 cars and
motorcycles are expected for the event. An SECA
racing event will also be held in the Memorial
Hall parking lot following the car show.
Other events on
the square include the farmer’s market and
safety demonstrations to be given by the Carthage
Fire Department. More information about the
sidewalk sale and may be obtained by calling the
Carthage Chamber of Commerce at 358-2737.

Just Jake
Talkin' Mornin',
They say that all politics are local. I’ve
decided another, all history is local.
Talked to an interestin’
person ‘bout over the weekend who is from
just south of Kansas City on the Kansas side. She
has a really interest in the pre-Civil War and
Civil War period up in those parts. Lots of local
history durin’ the ‘Bloody Kansas’
‘Course this part of the
country was also involved in that part of
history, so we traded little bits of local lore
back and forth. I heard some of the details of
the circumstances surroundin’ the Lawrence
raid and other less well known confrontations.
We discussed other areas, but
when talkin’ about our particular location,
there was always a little more emphasis.
It’s just natural ta feel close to history
you feel a part of.
This is some fact, but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin’.
Oak Street Health & Herbs |
By Mari An Willis
We are fortunate here in
Carthage to have many people who have made a
commitment to support the environment and save
our land. We take it for granted and may not be
aware of the work that is being done to keep open
prairies and woodlands ready for us. If you do
not get the Missouri Conservationist magazine
(free to Mo. residents), it is worth the phone
The following are excerpts from
a Field Guide to Common Ozark Wildflowers by Don
flowers have a maple or balsam fragrance. Pillows
filled with the dried flowers were used to quiet
coughing. Herbalist have traditionally used it to
help balance the hormonal system.
MULLEIN... one of my favorites.
In ancient Greece the leaves were rolled, dried
and made into wicks for oil lamps and candles.
More modern usage has been to treat lung
problems. It has been known to kill the pain
associated with many bronchial and lung
conditions, without being addictive.
WOOD BETONY... the pretty
yellow plant has already come and gone for this
season. It is member of the snapdragon family.
The native Americans boiled the whole plant to
make a tea.
Art Notes from Hyde
By Sally Armstrong, Director of artCentral
Monday morning we begin
welcoming students to our annual summer artCamp.
This is a two week program for kids aged 8-14
here at the Hyde Gallery, and we have a good
group registered so far. Last week I told you of
the three new teachers we were welcoming to the
faculty this year, but we also have four veteran
teachers that continue to come and give
interesting and creative classes each year.
Anne-Marie Gailey is a senior art teacher from
Joplin who has taught young people in the Webb
City and Carl Junction school systems and will be
teaching "Project Insect", where
students will create creepy creatures from wire
and clay materials, "Young Illustrators
Studio", a sculpture and poster making class
which will prepare for Young Authors next year.
Andrea Land is her daughter, and will be
returning again from California to teach with us
in a sculpture class called "Calder and the
Sensational Circus" and "Magical
Magritte" which will explore the paintings
of Belgian artist Rene’ Magritte, where
students will work in painting and sculpture.
Carthage’s own Cheryl Church-Saving teaches
art at the high school, and she will be leading
several ceramics classes including instruction on
wheel thrown pottery and a Ukrainian egg painting
class. Randy Wright, former elementary art
teacher at Columbian school, is currently working
in the areas of jewelry design and her own art.
She will again lead several classes this year,
and is a particular student favorite, with her
action figure class, clay animals, and mosaics
classes. There are spaces available in most
classes still, and thanks to generous patrons, if
students cannot afford the full price of class
tuitions, assistance is available. I have forms
available with more information here on the porch
at the Hyde House, 1110 E. 13th St. in Carthage,
or visit the Public Library or Chamber Office or
Powers Museum or Civil War Museum for forms as
well. For those who say we are not offering
opportunities for our kids here in the area, here
is a great opportunity for a child who is
interested in art, to come and enjoy activities
with kids from all around the area!
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