The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Tuesday, June 17, 2008 Volume XVI, Number 257
ya know?
Did Ya Know?... June
16-20, 6-8:30 p.m., Carthage First Nazarene
Church, 2000 Grand Avenue in Carthage is having
Vacation Bible School for children 5 years
through sixth grade. Transportation is provided.
There will be a program on Sunday morning, June
22, followed by the Church’s 3rd Annual Car
and Bike Show, 12 noon to 3 p.m. Call
417-358-4265 for more info.
Did Ya Know?...June
26th, Paw Prints will be at the Carthage Human
Society. For more information call
Did Ya Know?...June
27th, McCune-Brooks Healthcare Foundation 2008
Golf Tournament. All proceeds go to MBH
Foundation Pink Ribbon Crusade Mammogram Program.
Call 359-2657 for info.
Did Ya Know?... The
Courthouse clock on the Carthage Square was heard
to chime at least 36 times at 12 midnight on
Friday, June 13th.
I can get your brother a job at
the Model Laundry.
I don’t think he could do
it---he’s never had any experience at
washing models.
What did the photographer tell
Snow White?
I don’t know---what?
"Don’t worry, miss.
Someday your prints will come."
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
The Carthage Electric
Telephone Company, which is affording such excellent
service to the city, now has 550 phones in use, 100
having been added since January 1. Six young lady
operators are employed at the central office, where one
formerly did the work. The company has recently spent
$500 on its line between here and Lakeside, and when a
connecting link is finished by Webb City, the service
through to Joplin will be entirely satisfactory. The
Carthage Electric is steadily improving and expanding,
and is making every effort to please its patrons.
Bought a Coon Hound.
Alfred Finke yesterday
bought Will McBean’s coon hound for $20. The
purchaser has two other hounds and will use the three in
trailing coons which abound in the timber near the Forest
mills where he is employed by his father. "The best
coon dog in the state and not a cent less would have
bought him", says Will McBean.
Public Works
The City Council
Public Works Committee will meet this afternoon
at 5:00 p.m. in the Public Works Department, 623
E. 7th Street. Items on the agenda include the
discussion of Special Road District Project
Requests and the discussion of written quotes for
an air conditioner unit.
License Plates
The Missouri
Department of Revenue announced recently that the
new Missouri license plates would be available at
all contract licenses across the state beginning
Monday, June 16.
"This new
design is one that Missourians can be proud of
and one in which a collaborative effort was made
to assist law enforcement in better identifying
vehicles on Missouri roadways," said
Director of Revenue Omar Davis.
The public’s
input into the design of the license plate gave
every citizen a voice in what the new plate would
look like.
Missourians who
register or renew a registration after June 16,
2008 will be able to receive the newly-designed
plate. The new design can be seen at the
Department’s web site at, as
well as on newly registered vehicles.

Just Jake
Talkin' Mornin',
My uncle thinks that there
should be some way ta install a large, spring
powered flywheel in a car. He figures it would
work somethin’ like a clock, ya wind it up
and it provides a constant, clean, inexpensive
power. I suppose if it was positioned right, it
would also act as a gyroscope to keep the vehicle
from turnin’ over easily.
There would no doubt be some
technical difficulties to be overcome, but the
idea has grabbed my thoughts from time to time.
The basic premise, of course,
is to take advantage of momentum. That mysterious
source of energy that wants to continue motion
after it is initiated.
I’ve always worried that
my uncle’s clockmobile would stop short of
the top of a hill and reverse momentum would win.
This is some fact, but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin’.
Mornin' Mail |
To Your Good Health
By Paul G. Donohue, M.D.Clot in Leg Vein
Can be Deadly
Nine months ago, our son, 42, had a deep-vein
thrombosis. The clot was in the calf and thigh
vein. He was given an anticoagulant and the clot
was surgically removed, but surgery was only
partly successful. Some of the clot remains in
his leg veins. He continues to take Coumadin and
is told it may take a year for the clot to
dissolve. His calf is often swollen and painful.
Can you suggest any additional treatment? -- M.T.
readers unfamiliar with this problem, some
definitions are necessary. Thrombophlebitis
(THROM-boh-flea-BITE-is) is a clot in a vein.
"Thrombo" means "clot," and
"phlebitis" is vein inflammation. The
leg is the common site for it to happen. A person
on bed rest after surgery (especially knee and
hip surgery), who is sitting for prolonged times
during a car or plane trip, taking birth-control
pills or suffering trauma is at risk of getting
Clots in the deep
veins of the leg, the ones you cannot see, are
the dangerous kind. Bits of those clots can break
away from the main clot and be carried in the
circulation to the lung, where they can plug a
lung blood vessel. That’s called a pulmonary
embolism, and it can be deadly.
Clots in leg veins
cause the overlying skin to turn red and become
tender. The leg swells and is painful. Ultrasound
examination of the veins establishes the
Anticoagulants are
the treatment. They don’t dissolve the clot,
but they keep it from growing larger and they
prevent the chance of a pulmonary embolus.
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