The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Wednesday, June 18, 2008 Volume XVI, Number
ya know?
Did Ya Know?... June
19th-- Golden Reflections meeting at 2 p.m. The
meeting will be held at the hospital training
center at 2307 Missouri Ave. Call 359-1351 for
more information.
Did Ya Know?...
Saturday, June 21st, 3rd Annual Shrine Train Crew
Poker Run. Run starts 10-11:30 a.m. from Central
Park in Carthage, Mo. For more information,
contact Larry T. at 417-850-3104.
Did Ya Know?... June
26th, Paw Prints will be at the Carthage Human
Society. For more information call
Did Ya Know?... June
27th, McCune-Brooks Healthcare Foundation 2008
Golf Tournament. All proceeds go to MBH
Foundation Pink Ribbon Crusade Mammogram Program.
Call 359-2657 for information.
I think I should tell you
something, I’m a somnambulist. You know what
a somnambulist is?
Sure, it goes (makes a noise
like siren) and takes people to the hospital.
I dreamed about the funniest
thing last night. Wasn’t it a funny dream?
How do I know what your dream
was about?
You ought to know. You were in
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Will Murphy and J. W. Williams, two
enterprising Carthage young men, have formed a
partnership and will next week open for business under
the firm name of "The Murphy-Williams Sheet Metal
Works." They are fitting up shops at 114 West Fourth
Street, and will manufacture and put up cornice,
skylights, slate and tin roofing, gutters, conductors,
furnaces, etc.
Both are experience to their line of
work and should succeed. Mr. Murphy is a son of Assistant
Postmaster, L.M. Murphy and has had ten years experience
in the cornice business and Mr. Williams has been fifteen
years with the Kitching cornice establishment. Mr. Murphy
returned last week from a big job for Kitching at
Columbia, Mo.
Foley’s Honey and Tar is
guaranteed to give prompt relief in all cases of asthma.
Do no class this with other medicines that have failed to
give relief. Give it a trial.
Street Closure.
The City Council Public Safety
committee met Monday evening in a regular
session. The committee discussed and approved a
request for the closure of Belle Aire street at
Grand, Fulton and Clinton intersections on July 3
from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. for an annual Fourth
of July block party. The item will be referred to
City Council for approval during the next regular
Council meeting, to be held on June 24.
The committee also heard from a
citizen participant who lives on Valley Street.
The complaint stemmed from persons parking in
front of the citizen’s residence for long
periods of time. The City has no ordinance
prohibiting parking on the street in front of
residences. Police Chief Greg Dagnan said he
would inspect the parking at the location to
determine if any of the cars are parking on the
grass or in any other illegal manner, and said he
would report back to the citizen.
The committee met earlier than
usual to tour the Police Station. Two of the
members are new to the committee, and requested
the tour. During the previous meeting the
committee toured the Fire Station.

Just Jake
Talkin' A farmer I used ta work for while I was
in high school always told me that if ya see
turtles on the road it means it’s gonna
rain. Said they could sense the comin’
weather and headed for higher ground. I never was
convinced completely, but I always try to
remember when I see the creatures ploddin’
on the roadways.
I always look in the rearview
mirror when I pass over turtles with the car.
Some pull their head in and just wait, others
just keep wigglin’ along like nothin’
happened. I can’t imagine what a turtle must
be thinkin’ when a vehicle whizzes over
‘em. Maybe they figure it was one a those
quick thunder storms movin’ through, or a
giant crash of thunder.
Maybe they’re just
hopin’ for rain.
This is some fact, but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin’.
Mornin' Mail |
A Tip
By JoAnn Derson
Recipe Substitutions: If you
need 1/2 cup tartar sauce, mix 6 tablespoons of
mayonnaise with 2 tablespoons of pickle relish.
Getting bugged by bugs? Here
are some plants that are said to repel mosquitos:
Citronella grass (although, this one is tropical
and very large), catnip, rosemary, marigolds,
horsemint and "mosquito plants."
If you go to a lot of cookouts
in the summer, try this tip to avoid overeating:
Keep a drink in your dominant hand. You’ll
be less likely to graze on high-fat chips and
other snack foods. Need a little something? Hope
for a veggie platter. But whether it’s
veggies or chips, grab a couple and then WALK
AWAY from the table before you can hit the dip.
"For fun pancake shapes,
use a turkey baster. Fill it with pancake batter,
then spell or draw on a heated and oiled pan.
Just make sure your letters are backward to start
with; they look better when flipped!" --
E.L. in Washington
If you make your own bread from
time to time, save the bags and ties from
store-bought breads. They are the perfect size,
and they can be reused with ease.
"This is my husband’s
diet tip. He’s lost almost 35 pounds. Before
he sits down to a meal, he tightens his belt a
notch. He can still breathe and everything, but
it makes it uncomfortable to overeat. He eats
more slowly, too." -- J.J. in Florida
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