The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Thursday, June 19, 2008 Volume XVII, Number 1
ya know?
Did Ya Know?...
Saturday, June 21st, 3rd Annual TrainCrew Poker
Run. Run starts 10-11:30 a.m. from Central Park
in Carthage, Mo. For more information, contact
Larry T. at 417-850-3104.
Did Ya Know?...June
26th, Paw Prints will be at the Carthage Human
Society. For more information call
Did Ya Know?...June
27th, McCune-Brooks Healthcare Foundation 2008
Golf Tournament. All proceeds go to MBH
Foundation Pink Ribbon Crusade Mammogram Program.
Call 359-2657 for information.
Did Ya Know?...July 4th,
Red, White and Boom at Carthage Municipal Park.
Activities start at 7 a.m. Fireworks will begin
at 9:30 p.m.
Did you ever speak before a big
What did you say?
Not guilty.
What can I do for you?
I want a hat?
No, one for me.
Name me three kinds of nuts.
That’s easy! Peanuts, walnuts and
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Lafe Bennett, living a
half mile north of McDaniels mill, the stealing of whose
buggy was reported in Wednesdays paper found his outfit
yesterday in the timber east of McDaniels mill over
beyond Ed Pike’s. The horse was hitched up all right
and the lines were nicely tied up to the dash board. It
is supposed someone drove the rig to a dance and then
turned it loose.
The Owl club members are
promoting an event that promises to be the dancing
function of the season. The will issue two hundred
invitations for a ball masque, to be given next Monday
night, at the Elk Club House. Some costumes will be worn
and this promises to be an occasion long to be
The fund resulting from
the ball is to be applied to a banquet to be enjoyed by
the Owls in the near future.
Selected A
The City Council
Public Works Committee met Tuesday afternoon in a
regular session. The committee discussed two
options for Special Road District project
requests. 25% of the property tax collected by
the Special Road District is appropriated for use
improving City roads. Public Works Director Chad
Wampler told the committee that the City should
have two years worth of funding for a project,
having not used last year’s appropriation.
The two projects
discussed included improvements to Baker and
Fairview, and improvements to Civil War Road.
Street Commissioner Tom Shelley told the
committee that the two locations were both in
need of repair. The committee approved a motion
to request from the Special Road District the
improvements to Baker and Fairview, which will
include milling and overlay on the streets. The
project may be subject to negotiation by the
Special Road District.
The committee also
approved a bid for air conditioner replacement at
the Street Department building. The committee
approved the low bid from Southwest Heating and
Air in the amount of $2,500. The air conditioning
unit that is being replaced has been in use at
the Street Department since 1982.
Chautauqua Events.
"That’s Entertainment" Chautauqua,
presented by the Missouri Humanities Council
began on Wednesday, June 25 and will continue
through Monday, June 30.
events include an educational program to be held
in the Powers Museum, 1617 West Oak Street, at
2:00 p.m. Museum director Michele Hansford will
explore the history of the Carthage Chautauqua
Assembly, which was held 100 years ago. The
program will highlight some of the most important
people of the late 19th and early 20th centuries
who visited Carthage as Chautauqua speakers.
The events will
continue at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, with William
Worley portraying Walt Disney in the Carthage
High School Auditorium, 7th and Main street. The
musical guest will be ragtime pianist Susan
The Chautauqua is
sponsored by Powers Museum, Kent D. and Mary L.
Steadley Memorial Trust, Pat and Carolyn Phelps,
Carthage Convention and Visitor Bureau, Grand
Avenue Bed and Breakfast, the Carthage Public
Library, the Friends of the Carthage Public
Library, the Friends of the Webb City Public
Library, the Carthage Fund and the Dr. W. Russell
Smith Family Foundation Fund of the Community
Foundation of Southwest Missouri, and is
presented with support from the National
Endowment for the Humanities.
A listing of
additional events and other information may be
found on the Powers Museum website. Further
information about upcoming programs will be
listed in tomorrow’s Mornin’ Mail.

Just Jake
Talkin' Mornin',
I suppose it took more than a
little convincin’ ta get folks ta give up on
the horse and buggy. More than anything it was
prob’ly the idea of bein’ comfortable
witha known mode of gettin’ from here to
Automobiles aren’t
entirely the blessin’ that proponents of
that industry would have liked ever’one to
believe, but they did offer a lot of advantages.
The one thing that changed the
most was the amount of time folks spend just
walkin’. Nowadays, a visit to a neighbor on
the other side of town warrants takin’ the
‘Course one of the big
advantages of car ownin’ is ya don’t
have ta clean out the stall. Another is if ya
leave the car in the garage, you don’t have
ta keep puttin’ in fuel.
This is some fact, but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin’.
Metcalf Auto Supply |
Click &
Clack Talk Cars
By Tom and Ray Magliozzi
Dear Tom and Ray:
I just purchased a car with
ESC, and have read how it is a feature that
should be standard on all vehicles, it could
reduce the number of accidents and save more than
10,000 lives a year. If this is so good, why does
the car manufacturer provide a switch to turn it
off? Thank you. Dennis
RAY: Great question. For those
who aren’t familiar with automotive
acronyms, ESC is the generic term for electronic
stability control. We’ve also seen it call
stuff like ASC, DSC, ESP, RSC, SCAS and
TOM: ESC works by using sensors
to determine where the car is going, and compares
that with where you WANT the car to go (by
measuring steering and pedal inputs), and then
helps direct the car to where you want it to go
by applying the brakes on individual wheels.
RAY: Up to a point.
TOM: Right, There’s a
point where even stability control can’t
help you.
RAY: So, when wouldn’t you
want ESC on?
TOM: The most common reason has
to do with getting unstuck when you’re stuck
in the snow, sand or mud. The way ESC works when
you’re moving is that if it detects one or
more of your wheels slipping, it applies the
brake to that wheel to prevent a skid.
RAY: But if you’re stuck
in the snow, for example, and your drive wheels
are spinning, you might not want them to stop
spinning, at least not until the car had broken
free of whatever it’s stuck in. In that
case, you’d turn off the ESC and turn it
back on once you’re free and on your way.
TOM: But generally speaking,
Dennis, it’s a life-saving technology, and
you want it on all the time.
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