The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Monday, June 23, 2008 Volume XVII, Number 3
ya know?
Did Ya Know?... The
Carthage Public Library Teen "Big Bug Movie
Night" scheduled for Tuesday, June 24th has
been changed to "Big Bug Movie Matinee"
for ages 12-18 on Saturday, July 19th at
1:30-3:30 p.m. in the Community Room. Call Deb at
417-237-7040 for more info.
Did Ya Know?... July
3rd, 4th, & 5th, Carthage Crisis Center
Firecracker Work Days. 100 South Main St.,
Carthage, enter and park on the East side of
Building. Lunch, water, and drinks will be
provided. Workers needed for general labor and
carpentry. Call Brian or Marilyn Bisbee at
417-358-3533 for more information.
Did Ya Know?... July
4th, Red, White and Boom at Carthage Municipal
Park. Activities start at 7 a.m. Fireworks will
begin at 9:30 p.m.
Did Ya Know?... June
23rd through June 27th, The City of Carthage will
be spraying for mosquitoes. Your area will be
sprayed in the evening of the day your trash is
picked up, between the hours of 8 pm and
The teacher told my mother I
was a flathead and she went all around to the
neighbors and bragged about my being so
I told her Joe called me a
blinking idiot, and she said I should see an
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
His Tire Exploded.
Chas. L. Cooper the piano man at H. P.
Hall’s was party to a momentary sensation on the
northwest corner of the square yesterday when his bicycle
tire exploded with a bang, attracting attention from all
parts of the square. A head appeared in every upstairs
window only to see the crest fallen Mr. Cooper meekly
escort a dilapidated wheel down to Peebles repair shop.
The hole in the tire was as big as a dollar, both in size
and cost.
Should try for
Packing House.
As it is now a fixed fact that Carthage
is to have another railroad, and possible two more in the
near future. As our woolen mill industry is something of
the past would it not be well to try and induce some of
the large packing firms of Kansas City or St. Joseph to
come to this city and establish a branch packing house,
using the old woolen mill building for that purpose. It
is well located for the business.
Case Resolved.
News release from Carthage
Police Department
The City of Carthage has
experienced many serious acts of vandalism within
the last two weeks. Officers from Carthage Police
Department with the assistance of investigators
with the Missouri State Highway Patrol arrested
two 15 year-old males in connection with these
events. These arrests have resolved the following
6/09 Graffiti and Property
Damage at the Junior High School
6/13 Graffiti and Burglary at
the Junior High School
6/14 Graffiti on a vehicle at a
private residence on Alison Street and Tiger
Alley Convenience Store
CVB Plans
Tree Replacement Program.
The Carthage Convention and
Visitor Bureau in partnership with Pinewood
Nursery is planning a program to help replenish
trees in Carthage following this year’s ice
storms. The "Re-Leaf Carthage" program
will allow citizens to buy new healthy trees for
$40 each, which can either be planted in
citizens’ yards, or donated to be planted in
the City parks.
Six varieties of trees will be
available for purchase including three types of
maple trees; October Glory, Red Sunset and Autumn
Blaze, as well as flowering pear, white dogwood
and redbud trees. The trees will be 5 gallon
size, and ranging from 6 feet to 8 feet in
Sales are slated to begin on
August 1 and continue through September 19, with
a distribution day on October 12 on the Carthage
Square as a kick-off for the Maple Leaf festival.
Information for care of the new trees will also
be available during the distribution.
Brochures are to be printed
soon, and more information will be released as
the program develops.

Just Jake
Talkin' I enjoy black-eyed peas, but they always
present a dilemma for me. They look and taste
more like a bean to my palate.
It gets me to wonderin’
how do ya tell a bean from a pea? Two peas in a
pod doesn’t help, beans grow in pods too.
And from all appearances, green beans are the
pod. I suppose there is some genetic code that
separates beans from peas, but how can an
ordinary pea picker really know?
‘Course we all know of
peanuts, could there be a peabean, or is the name
just descriptive reference?
I’d be interested in
hearin’ from any pea pickers out there that
could shed some light on this subject. Bean
pluckers are welcome to their opinion also, since
I really don’t know the difference.
This is some fact, but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin’
Carthage Printing Services |
Fixing a
Cracked Sidewalk
Q: Maybe it’s the weather
up here, but every spring when the snow melts, I
find another crack in the concrete walkway
leading from my door to the driveway. How do I
fix these, and can I prevent them from occurring?
-- Frank in Downeast Maine
A: I’m not sure if
there’s a surefire way to prevent cracks
from appearing in a concrete surface. Even in
more temperate areas, variable weather
conditions, excessive dampness or extreme drought
can hasten the deterioration of concrete.
As long as the concrete is
structurally sound -- there are no cracks going
all the way to the bottom of the concrete, and
the material is not crumbling away -- you can
repair the surface cracks at the beginning of
each warm season. If there are a lot of small
cracks or rough patches, rather than repairing
them individually, consider resurfacing the
concrete to improve its overall appearance and
extend the life of the walkway.
To repair individual cracks,
clean out loose material and dirt with a wire
brush and a jet of water from the hose. Brush a
layer of concrete bonding adhesive into the
crack. Then, fill the crack with vinyl-reinforced
patching compound and smooth out the surface. Let
dry at least 24 hours.
Resurfacing the walk takes a
little more work, but costs much less than having
the walk replaced. It also requires a bit more
instruction than I can fit into one column, so
for now, I recommend checking out
home-improvement publications specifically
addressing concrete resurfacing, including making
cost and material estimates. This way, you can
determine if the walk needs resurfacing, and
whether you want to do it yourself or bring in a
HOME TIP: Allowing a concrete
repair to cure properly is essential in order for
the repair to last. Shield the area from direct
sunlight and from rain, while allowing fresh air
to circulate over the section.
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