The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Thursday, June 5, 2008 Volume XVI, Number 249
ya know?
Did Ya Know?..."Don’t
Bug Me, I’m Juggling" presented by
Brian Wendling will be at 10 a.m. Friday, June
6th in the library community room. Call Deb at
Did Ya Know?...The
Friends of the Carthage Public Library will hold
their monthly used book sale on Saturday, June 7,
from 8:00 until noon at the Library Annex, 510 S.
Garrison Ave.
Did Ya Know?... June
13th-- Friday Morning Coffee, 7:00-8:00 a.m. at
Kellogg Lake. What a great way to start your day!
Did Ya Know?... Avilla
Baptist Church invites all children who have
completed K - 8th grade to Vacation Bible School
June 16 - 20 from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. Supper will
be provided each night. Kick off the fun Sunday
June 15 at 6:00 for a free picnic and game night.
Call 417-246-5568 for info.
Do you find that advertising
brings quick results?
I should say it does. Why, only
the other day we advertised for a night watchman,
and that night the safe was robbed.
We’ll start from the
bottom and you can work up.
Not in my business.
Why not?
I’m a well digger.
Middle age is the roaring
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
The harp recital given at the
Congregational church last night under the auspices of
the St. Catherine’s Guild of the Episcopal Church,
was one of the best that has been given in this city.
The numbers rendered by the harpist,
Frances Hughes Wade, were fine and noted being the only
concert harpist that ever appeared in Carthage. G. Rawson
Wade, the baritone soloist, was well received.
Mrs. J. T. Wallace of this city was
accompanist. The audience was not large and the Guild
will not add greatly to the organ fund, the purpose for
which the event was given.
The Big Joe Mining company has decided
to put down another drill hole on their lease on the Heck
land. This one will be just west of the 1st hole drilled
which showed more or less ore from 165 feet down to 215.
Click It or
Ticket Results.
News release
The Carthage Police Department
participated in the national Click It or Ticket
mobilization conducted May 19-June 1. During the
enforcement effort, officers issued a total of 63
traffic tickets including: 18 safety belt
tickets; three speeding tickets; two tickets for
following too close and 37 tickets for other
"Safety belts are your
single best defense in a crash," stated Greg
Dagnan, Carthage Police Chief. "Law
enforcement will continue to encourage drivers to
make a simple, smart choice to buckle up and
Arrive Alive."
Funding for this effort was
provided through a grant from the Missouri
Department of Transportation’s Highway
Safety Division in cooperation with the National
Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the
Missouri Safety Center.
SBA Meeting
at Chamber.
Officials from the Small
Business Administration will be at the Chamber
Office June 11th from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm to
present information about financing and
refinancing of business projects with SBA loans.
Please RSVP.

Just Jake
Talkin' Mornin'
It’s somethin’ that
most just expect. Baseball fields, soccer fields,
swimmin’ pool, grassy park’s with
adequate facilities and equipment. Not only do we
expect it to be available, but ta be kept in
shape so when we have a family get together we
don’t have ta apologize for the grass not
being mowed.
Carthage has one a the best
baseball fields in the area I’m told. Same
with the soccer fields. I’m also
hearin’ that the swimin’ pool is
seein’ heavier usage this year. Golf rounds
are growin’. Folks use the Parks System in
Havin’ those facilities
available for use by the School System at minimal
cost appears to be just one more benefit the
community sees from having’ all those acres
dedicated to the Parks System.
This is some fact, but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin’
Metcalf Auto Supply |
AND CLACK TALK CARS by Tom & Ray Magliozzi
Dear Tom and Ray:
I have a 1997 Ford Aspire, and
I can't plug in my Sirius Satellite Radio adapter
because my car lighter does not work. I changed
all the fuses to no avail. What can I do? I can't
get your radio show on Sirius if I don't have a
working car lighter! Is there a way to circumvent
it and hook it up right from the battery? TWO
professional mechanics have told me it's a
systemic electrical problem, and I might as well
buy a new car. I don't believe them. I did try to
hook up my radio using two black wires, and smoke
came out and the radio died. So now I use a
boombox with D batteries for regular radio. But I
need a way to get my Sirius radio working. Any
suggestions? ----Laura.
RAY: Suggestions? Sure. Make
sure you have fire coverage on your car
TOM: There are several
possibilities. One is that you do have a systemic
electrical problem. How many accidents did you
have in this car? Systemic problems are often
related to grounding. So, you might suggest to a
mechanic that he run a new ground from the
battery to a solid metal piece of the car's
frame. If you can still find one.
RAY: While you changed all of
the fuses, it's possible that there's something
wrong with your fuse box that's not allowing
electricity to get to that fuse. So, you might
want to have a mechanic look into that.
Tom: You could have a broken
wire leading to the cigarette lighter. No amount
of grounding or fuse-box fiddling is going to fix
that. You can hook your Sirius radio adapter
directly to the battery by putting a fuse in the
circuit. You may also take the car to a
car-stereo shop. This is their area area of
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