The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Monday, June 9, 2008 Volume XVI, Number 251
ya know?
Did Ya Know?...June 13--
Friday Morning Coffee, 7:00-8:00 a.m. at Kellogg
Lake. What a great way to start your day!
Did Ya Know?... Avilla
Baptist Church invites all children who have
completed K - 8th grade to Vacation Bible School
June 16 - 20 from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. Supper will
be provided each night. Kick off the fun Sunday
June 15 at 6:00 for a free picnic and game night.
Call 417-246-5568 for more information.
I’ve been sliding my cows
down a rough plank---trying to raise my own
planked steak.
Our hen kicked a porcelain egg
out of her nest. She said they weren’t going
to make a brick layer out of her.
My uncle fell into a ditch in
Arizona and they never found him.
Fell into a ditch and never
came out? That’s ridiculous!
You mean you’ve never
heard of the Grand Canyon?
What do you call all the little
rivers that run into the Nile?
The Juveniles!
Is your car an eight or a
Both. Eight cylinders--twelve
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
The new mill on the Kane, Daughtery
& Co. lease of the McGregor and Harrison land north
of Carterville, has been started.
The lease comprises forty acres on
which prospecting was commenced about a year ago. Ore is
being taken out at a depth of 163 feet and is of a very
fine quality. The mill was erected by Mr. Cass, of
Carterville and cost $10,000. It is equipped with all the
latest improved machinery and is of a 100 ton capacity.
The present indications are that this lease will prove
valuable and will make an extensive camp. Mill lots are
all taken and offers of $6,000 have been refused. The new
mill is christened The Argo.
The athletic football team last night
divided up the reserve fun among thirteen players, each
getting $3.25. Fram Moore and John Henkel, beside the
regular eleven, shared in the receipts.
Saddle Club
The Carthage Saddle Club will
hold its 31st Annual ACRA/IPRA Rodeo on Friday,
June 13th and Saturday, June 14th at the Carthage
Saddle Club Arena in Carthage Municipal Park.
The event will feature Miss
Rodeo Missouri 2008, Janell Schlobohm and the Old
Fort Days Dandies. Kids 10 and under will be able
to participate in a Boot Scramble on Friday and
Saturday, and a Clown Contest on Saturday.
Admission costs $8 in advance,
$10 at the gate for adults, and $3 in advance, $5
at the gate for children 6-12, with free entry
for children 5 and under. Advance tickets may be
purchased at Race Bros. Farm & Home in
Carthage, Southwest Missouri Banks in Carthage,
and H&H RV Service in Carthage.
Call 417-358-6107 or 358-3597.

Just Jake
Talkin' Mornin'
I was talkin’ to a guy the
other day and he said for some reason it seemed
his work load was gettin’ heavier. All the
sudden he looked up and he was buried with things
to do and not enough time ta get ‘em done.
I was amazed when someone
pointed out to me that frustration isn’t the
result of not bein’ able to do
somethin,’ but the result of knowin’
you can do somethn’, but for some reason
it’s just not gettin’ done.
Frustration is havin’ a
handle break on your shovel ‘bout half way
through diggin’ a hole. Or havin’ the
computer crash just seconds before ya save those
last few changes. Although throwin’ a broken
shovel handle halfway down the block can relieve
some of that tension. I wouln’t recommend
the same remedy in the case of the computer.
This is some fact, but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin’
Carthage Printing |
Loose Stair Tread Needs Repair
Q: I returned
home from a business trip last week and, walking
up the stairs, one of the steps actually lifted
up from the back as I put my foot on it, then
flopped back into place as I continued up. I put
some wood glue along the back edge and tapped it
tight against the vertical board behind it, but
it has come loose again. Any tips? -- Edward F.,
via e-mail
A: If you can
access the underside of the stairs, place sturdy
screws through the riser (the vertical board
between each step) and into the back of the step
to make sure it stays in place.
Many staircases
are enclosed, however, so you’ll have to
make the repair from the topside. I’d
recommend inspecting the step closely before
securing it to make sure it’s not damaged.
If you can pull the step away from the riser and
stringers (the vertical bracing on either side of
the step) without damaging the wood, do so. (A
pry bar and hammer are helpful.) Inspect all
surrounding wood for damage and scrape away old
glue and paint from the contact surfaces.
If the step is
damaged -- cracked, broken or rotted -- it should
be replaced; measure and cut a new tread to size
and test fit. If it’s not damaged, remove
old nails and test fit.
Apply a bead of
construction adhesive along the tops of the
stringers, and set the step in place. To fasten
it from the topside, drill pilot holes through
the tread into the tops of the stringers (two or
three each side) and drive screws through them.
Countersink the screws and fill the holes with
wood putty or plugs.
squeaky stairs are an annoyance, sagging or loose
stair treads indicate more serious problems.
Access the underside of the staircase to inspect
the condition of the wood if more than two steps
are in poor condition.
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