The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Thursday, March 13, 2008 Volume XVI, Number
ya know?
Did Ya Know?... The
First Assembly of God in Carthage will hold an
Eggs & Issues on March 14th at 7:00 AM. Our
state legislature representative will be there
answering questions over breakfast.
Did Ya Know?... The
Carthage Humane Society is having their 1st
Annual Easter B’egg Hunt on Saturday, March
15, 2008 at 10:00 a.m. at Central Park in
Carthage. The Easter Bunny will be there posing
for pictures. Call 825-1228 for more info.
Did Ya Know?... The
Jasper Christian Church is inviting the public to
celebrate the resurrection of Jesus with a
special "Sunrise Service" at 7:00 a.m.
on Sunday Morning, March 23. at 213 E Grand Ave,
Jasper, Mo. For further information call
417-394-2413 or 417-394-3040.
"I fear that young man I
gave a job to last week is dishonest."
"Oh, you shouldn’t
judge by appearance!"
"I’m not; I’m
judging by disappearances in this case."
Customer- "I hear my son
has owed you for a suit for three years."
Tailor- "Yes, sir: have
you called to settle the account?"
Customer- "No, I’d
like a suit myself on the same terms."
Home is where the mortgage is.
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
May Reopen Old Mines.
Ground In Front of Mo.
Pacific Depot Known to be Rich in Ore.
The idea of reopening the
old mines in front of the Missouri Pacific depot is being
agitated, and several experienced mining men have
expressed a willingness to put money into a company for
the purpose.
This ground has now
sufficiently settled to be workable again and is known to
be rich in ore. A little work and money would soon open
up a producing mine at this point. Here ten or fifteen
years ago one of the biggest mines in Jasper county was
operated, work being stopped by the ground caving owing
to insufficient timbering.
W. C. Thomas is one of
those interested in the plan.
Miss Georgia Kills of West
Centennial street left Saturday for Oklahoma, City,
Okla., where she will do stenographic work for a county
Highway Patrol
Interested in Hospital.
City Administrator
Tom Short recently told City Council that members
of the Jasper County Highway Patrol Department,
Highway Patrol Crime Lab, and the Missouri State
Office of Administration conducted a walk through
of the former McCune-Brooks Hospital building on
Tuesday with the possible intention of relocating
Crime Lab operations and Highway Patrol evidence
storage to that place.
As was reported in
the Mornin’ Mail on March 7, 2008,
the previous option of Missouri Southern State
University occupying the building has become
significantly less likely. The crime lab,
formerly located at MSSU, was also interested in
utilizing a portion of the 85,000 total square
foot building originally. During a Mornin’
Mail interview MSSU President of the Board of
Governors Dwight Douglass said that the Crime Lab
still had the option of relocating but that it
would be independent of the university.
One of the reasons
Missouri Southern indicated that they would not
be relocating was because of repairs that
reportedly would be needed to the building. Mayor
Woestman said that during the walk through,
minimal areas were found that would require
repair. City Administrator Short also took part
in a roof inspection. Short said that the roof
was close to reaching its age of useful life
expectancy, which is estimated at 20 years. Short
added that there are alternatives to a complete
replacement of the roof that may be less
expensive. The Office of Administration, which is
responsible for setting the guidelines for
Missouri Agency buildings, was to review the
condition of the building and options, and
present its findings by Friday of this week. If
any legislation is required it may extend the
If the relocation
takes place, the Crime Lab would be utilizing
approximately 8,000 square feet of the building,
formerly the emergency room and radiology center.
The evidence room would use approximately 2,000
square feet.
The Missouri
Highway Patrol has indicated that they would like
to own the portion of the building in question,
as opposed to leasing. Short said one primary
advantage of this situation is that it would
allow the state to maintain the building as a
budgeted item. The portion of the building is
able to be sealed off from the rest of the
building with minimal labor, according to Short.
The Highway Patrol Department has indicated that
it would like to have a deal in place as soon as

Just Jake
Talkin' Mornin’
I have some problems understandin’ a lot of
that advertisin’ they do out there.
There used ta be a magazine ad
that showed a guy sittin’ in front of a
speaker with his hair gettin’ blown straight
back. Now that says somethin’ ‘bout a
The commercial where they broke
a glass with a recording, that always seemed to
work for me. Fact is prob’ly any recording
could do that if the pitch was right and the
volume loud enough, but that doesn’t matter.
What matters is that it was a commercial I could
I won’t even get into the
weird perfume commercials. I guess I’m just
outta the latest "target market".
What really bothers me is those
crazy commercials must be workin’ on
someone. There must be a whole world out there I
don’t understand.
This is some fact, but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin’
Metcalf Auto Supply |
Click & Clack Talk Cars
By Tom & Ray
Dear Tom and Ray:
Will an air bag deploy if the
vehicle is running but not moving? For instance,
you are waiting at a red light minding your own
business, and a vehicle plows into your grill.
Will the air bag deploy? What if the car is
turned off? Let’s say you’re sitting at
the side of the road, out of gas, and you get
hit. Will the air bag work even if the ignition
is off? Thanks for knowing the answer. - Patrick
TOM: The answer to your first
question is yes, Patrick. The air bag is designed
to work even when you are not driving.
RAY: If you’re at a
traffic light with the engine running, the air
bag is absolutely powered and ready to deploy if
necessary. It’s ready anytime the engine is
on or your ignition key is on (even if the engine
is not running).
TOM: In a situation where the
engine is turned off - even if the key is removed
- the air bag will still have enough stored
battery power to deploy for at least a few
minutes. That covers you if you park the car and
get hit while you’re collecting your Sleepy
LaBeef CDs and getting ready to go into your
girlfriend’s house.
RAY: In fact, when we do work
on a steering wheel or steering column at the
shop, we’re always advised to disconnect the
battery and let the car sit for at least half and
hour to be sure that the stored power is
completely depleted before we start monkeying
around in the vicinity of the air bag.
TOM: The number of minutes of
reserve power varies from car to car, so
there’s no way for us to tell you exactly
how many minutes YOUR car’s air bag will
remain ready after you turn it off. But it’s
probably closer to five or 10 minutes than to 60
or 90 minutes.
RAY: But just to be safe, even
after we leave the battery disconnected for half
an hour, we still send my brother in first. Why
should those of us who still have passable faces
take that kind of a risk?
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