The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Friday, March 14, 2008 Volume XVI, Number 190
ya know?
Did Ya Know?... The
Carthage Humane Society is in immediate need of a
foster family for a pregnant homeless cat. Call
358-6402 for more information.
Did Ya Know?... Due to
dry conditions the Carthage Fire Department has
requested that any citizens wishing to burn brush
contact the Department prior to burning to obtain
a permit. 237-7100
Did Ya Know?... The
Carthage Humane Society is having their 1st
Annual Easter B’egg Hunt on Saturday, March
15, 2008 at 10:00 a.m. at Central Park in
Carthage. The Easter Bunny will be there posing
for pictures. Call 825-1228 for more info.
A father had been lecturing his
young hopeful upon the evils of staying out late
at night and getting up late in the morning.
"You will never amount to
anything," he continued, "unless you
turn over a new leaf. Remember that the early
bird catches the worm."
"How about the worm
father?" inquired the young man.
"Wasn’t he rather foolish to get up so
"My son," replied the
father solemnly, "that worm hadn’t been
to bed all night; he was on his way home."
"You must not fight.
Haven’t you been taught to love your
"He’s not my enemy -
he’s my brother."
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Snow Slide Just Missed
Carthage Man Got a
Chilly Experience While Admiring Window Display.
While standing on the
sidewalk in front of the South Shoe Company’s
building on the north side of the square Saturday evening
one humble citizen of Carthage had a scare of no mean
proportions thrown into him.
The aforesaid citizen was
warming his feet with the sight of brand new winter shoes
when a big bank of snow weighing a quarter of a ton fell
from the top of the building within such easy striking
distance that the "innocent bystander" got part
of it down his neck. He gasped, then hastily skidding out
of the zone, he resumed his way around the square, but
kept on the outer edge of the walk during the remainder
of his journey.
Eggs &
Issues Today.
The Carthage
Chamber of Commerce will hold an Eggs &
Issues breakfast today at 7:00 a.m. in the First
Assembly of God Church, 1605 Baker Blvd. The
public is invited to attend this event, which
includes breakfast. Cost for entry is $7 per
Several State
Representatives and Senators including Senator
Gary Nodler, and State Representatives Ed Emery,
Steve Hunter, Marilyn Ruestman and Ron Richard
have been invited to speak about local and
regional issues.
The Chamber also
plans to host another upcoming Eggs & Issues
session with speakers including candidates for
the Carthage City Council and for the Carthage
R-9 School Board. That breakfast will be held on
Friday, March 28th at 7:00 a.m. also in the First
Assembly of God Church.
Governor Matt
Blunt is scheduled to be at the Jasper County
Courthouse today as part of the "Capital for
a Day" program. A conference will be held
beginning at 1:00 p.m. in the Courthouse, after
which citizens are encouraged to speak with the
Governor. Blunt is scheduled to remain in
Carthage until 5:00 p.m.

Just Jake
Talkin' Mornin’
I’ve heard of some old laws on some cities
books that are referred to as "ugly
laws." When they were bein’ enforced, a
person could be arrested if someone was offended
by their appearance. I’m wonderin’ if
the obnoxious odor law could be taken to that
I’m sure there would be a
market for pocket sized sniffers that would set
off an alarm when odor reached a certain level.
Such a device would certainly eliminate cigar
smokers from most neighborhoods along with most
cat boxes. There is nothin’ more obnoxious
than an overworked cat box. I suppose the sale of
deodorant would skyrocket.
It could make every law
abidin’ citizen fear the term
"somethin’ smells fishy."
This is some fact, but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin’.
Oak Street Health & Herbs |
Natural Nutrition
By Mari An Willis
Guess What? There is more than
one vitamin with ginseng in it and has been for
many years. Funny how those who jump on after
others have spent so much time building the
bandwagon and think they actually built it
because they have more notoriety. Get my drift?
Essential oils are playing an
important part in treating many conditions. If
yeast infections are a problem for you it has
been suggested that using antifungal essential
oils such as lavender, myrrh and/or a dilution of
tea tree oil either in baths or rubbed on the
abdominal area could lend some relief. Be sure to
dilute essential oils. Good oils for dilution are
apricot, avocado and almond. They can be
purchased in the cooking section for a price
break. Cold pressed is a must.
If you are trying to
incorporate tofu into your diet and don’t
know how, buy a good cookbook. You will be amazed
how easy it is to use. If you have tried only the
stuff in aseptic packages you are missing out.
Get some that is fresher and waterpacked. Fresh
is a key word. Try this for a quick dish. Rinse
the tofu with fresh water then marinate in small
amount of tamari sauce (lower salt than soy) for
a few hours. Dice up any fresh veggies you have
on hand. Get the oil very hot and then throw in
your tofu and veggies and cook until tender.
Yummy and easy. If you have leftovers, try
putting them in pita bread with some lettuce and
The tomatoes and new potatoes
are so good now but, they can aggravate an
arthritic condition. If you notice aches and
pains, you may be having a food reaction.
*This article is meant for
informational purposes only and is not intended
as a substitute for medical advice.
Art Notes from Hyde
By Sally Armstrong, Director of artCentral
I was given the opportunity
this week to offer a location for the hanging of
the prize winners of the first annual District 9
Art Competition that was hosted last weekend by
the Carthage High School Art Department under the
direction of Cheryl Church. Our Atrium Gallery at
the Sirloin Stockade was empty and I offered the
walls to Ms Church, and the work went up on
Wednesday. Unfortunately, we could only
accommodate the 2 dimensional work at that
location, and so the many dimensional 3-D winners
can be seen at the new KoKa photography gallery
location on the square. I am pleased to present
two excellent pencil sketches by College Heights
students Leia Pittman and Erika Liston,
photography by Will Norton Fresh of Thomas
Jefferson IDS, a painting by Carl Junction art
student Zach Edens and a painted tapestry work by
Caitlin Miller of Thomas Jefferson IDS.
Additionally, there are three other
students’ works represented. I hope that
these students will stop by to see their work
displayed and the public will be pleased to see
it as well. These things will remain until the
end of the month. Congratulations to these young
art winners and may you continue in your
endeavors! The gallery continues to prepare for
the upcoming showing of the work of three of our
local member-artists, which will open with an
artist’s reception on March 28th beginning
at 6:00 pm. The men, Joe Prater of Joplin and
Steve Binam of Jasper, will show paintings in the
Main Gallery, and Nida Rudd of Joplin will have
her paintings, pastels and drawings in the Member
Gallery. There should be a nice mixture of art
for every taste, and I invite the public to
attend as this show remains until April 13th
during regular hours, Thursday-Sunday from noon
until 5:00. I will tell you more next week about
our featured artist, Joe Prater. Until then,
enjoy our area’s student work at the two
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