The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Wednesday, March 19, 2008 Volume XVI, Number
ya know?
Did Ya Know?... The Girl
Scouts now deliver their Girl Scout Cookies.
Please call, fax or email your order in. Sales
end March 23rd. Call Shenan 623-8277 X17, Fax
625-1261 or Email
Did Ya Know?... The
Jasper Christian Church is inviting the public to
celebrate the resurrection of Jesus with a
special "Sunrise Service" at 7:00 a.m.
on Sunday Morning, March 23. at 213 E Grand Ave,
Jasper, Mo. For further information call
417-394-2413 or 417-394-3040.
Did Ya Know?... The
First Assembly of God in Carthage will hold an
Eggs & Issues on March 28th at 7:00 AM. City
and R-9 candidates will be there answering
questions over breakfast.
Did Ya Know?... The
Carthage Chamber is hosting a Small Business Expo
at the Memorial Hall, April 18th from
1:00PM-6:00PM and April 19th from 9:00AM-3:00PM.
Space is limited so call Amber to register your
business at 358-2373.
"The doctor said he’d
have me on my feet in a fortnight."
"And did he?"
"Sure. I’ve had to
sell my automobile."
Patient - "My wife tells
me I talk in my sleep, doctor. What should I
Doctor - "Nothing that you
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Federal Building
Government Wants to
Know About Service for New Postoffice.
Postmaster Gives
Information Concerning Light, Water, Power and Telephone
Postmaster R. T. Stickney
received a letter from the postoffice department in
Washington Saturday, which indicates that work on the new
$75,000 federal building for Carthage is soon to begin.
It is now expected by Postmaster Stickney that bids will
soon be asked for on the construction of the building.
The letter from the
capital asked for immediate information relative to the
names of companies furnishing light, water, power,
telephone and other similar classes of service in the
city. It asked whether or not the wires used by light and
telephone companies are overhead or underground, the
service rates charged, the amount of water pressure, if
there is a central heating plant, whether both day and
night service can be had and other kinds of different
utilities required for use in the new building.
A complete reply to all
these queries was mailed to Washington Saturday night by
Mr. Stickney. Over a two months ago a letter was received
from Washington instructing the postmaster to have all
buildings removed from the site of the new structure by
January 1, and this work was immediately begun and has
now being completed.
It is believed now that
the plans for building are so near completion that the
government must have bids on the work before very much
can be done.
Concessions Approved.
The Public Safety
Committee met Monday evening in a regular
session. The committee continued discussions
concerning a request from Alan Stinebrook to use
a golf cart as a mobile concession cart.
presented the original request at the previous
committee meeting, asking the committee’s
permission to use a golf cart for a mobile
Tropical Sno concession stand in the City parks,
around the Carthage Square, and at local
factories. Golf carts are unable to be licensed
through the state, and the request was to approve
a variance that would allow operation of the cart
on City streets. Stinebrook at that point told
the committee that he would take the steps
necessary to modify the cart so that the proper
safety lights and seat belts would be included.
The committee agreed at that point to research
the matter further.
Monday’s meeting Interim Police Chief Barry
Duncan said that he had checked with City
Attorney Nate Dally who agreed that it would be
acceptable as long as the cart was equipped with
headlights, tail lights, seat belts, turn signals
and all other necessary safety lights. Stinebrook
told the committee that he carries $1 million
insurance on every driver. Duncan added that the
Police Department would need to do an inspection
of the vehicle.
The vehicle’s
top speed is roughly 23 miles per hour, according
to Stinebrook. The committee requested that the
drivers choose less-traveled routes to go from
location to location.
The committee
approved a motion to recommend approval of a
variance allowing the operation of the cart to
City Council. The committee also agreed to
contact the City Attorney with the criteria used
to decide on the variance so that it may be
referenced in the case of any other similar
requests in the future.
The committee also
approved a motion to recommend to Council the
acceptance of a grant from the Jasper County Law
Enforcement Tax Grant fund for a file server for
the Carthage Police Department.

Just Jake
Talkin' Mornin’
It seems ta me ya don’t see near as many
rockin’ chairs around anymore. If ya go
around to the flea-markets and the antique shops,
it looks like there used ta be lots a folks with
I suppose folks back then felt
a little guilty ‘bout sittin’ and not
at least movin’ a little. Nowadays, the
recliner is a guiltless refuge from the
day’s toil.
I wonder if the decline in the
number of rockers ya see in homes has anything ta
do with there not bein’ many folks
whittlin’ or darnin’ socks. Seems
that’s where most of that kind of work got
Ya still see an occasional
rocker in a nursery. It seems that baby’s
still know what real comfort is.
I suppose there may be some
logical reasons why the rocker went out of style.
This is some fact, but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin’.
Mornin' Mail |
Here's A Tip
By JoAnn Derson
"If your wicker seats are
sagging, try washing them with a mild soap and
water solution, rinse well and let them dry in
the sun. The drying process can tighten up
wicker. If it’s cracked, frayed or breaking,
you might need to replace it, though." --
R.T. in Georgia
"I never let the water run
when I do dishes: I do them the old-fashioned
way, in a sink with hot water and soap. One thing
I do to keep the water cleaner is to add one
teaspoon of bleach to the sink rinse water. It
kills germs. I always use gloves, of course. I
save water by washing my dishes this way, and
that makes me happy." -- R.W. in Michigan
"When a bath towel or
washcloth gets old and raggedy, I cut it into
smaller pieces. I keep them in a bag under the
sink in the kitchen. They are great for cleaning
and for small kitchen tasks, like drying
vegetables or meats, wiping up spills and such. I
also keep a ‘dirty’ bag under the
counter, which I take out to the laundry every
day. I used to use a roll of paper towels a day,
it seemed, with the various uses for them, but
now I hardly ever use paper towels!" -- G.G.
in California
Use plastic foam trays from the
grocery store to prevent drafts! Remove outlet
covers and cut a foam tray to fit. Then, reattach
outlet covers with new foam lining.
Three ways to save money on
water-heater bills: 1) Set your temperature gauge
to a lower setting; 2) Install a timer so that
it’s not heating water when you aren’t
there to use it; 3) Add an insulating cover to
keep heat from escaping.
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