The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Friday, March 28, 2008 Volume XVI, Number 200
ya know?
Did Ya Know?... The
Carthage Chamber of Commerce will host an Eggs
& Issues on March 28th at 7:00 a.m. in the
First Assembly of God Church, 1605 Baker. City
and R-9 candidates will be there answering
questions over breakfast.
Did Ya Know?... The
Carthage Chamber is hosting a Small Business Expo
at the Memorial Hall, April 18th from
1:00PM-6:00PM and April 19th from 9:00AM-3:00PM.
Call Amber to register, 358-2373.
Willie’s younger sister
called to her mother in sudden alarm. When the
mother came to the window to learn the trouble,
the little girl cried:
"Mama, quick! Willie’s takin’ off
his clothes. He’ll soon be barefoot all
Four-year old Johnny came running into the house.
"Mumsy, do you know Jacky
Brown’s neck?"
His mother did not answer this apparently
irrelevant question.
"Mumsy, I said- you know Jacky Brown’s neck?"
"Well, yes," his mother capitulated.
"I suppose I do know Jacky’s neck.
"Well, just now he fell into the pond up to
On the sea of matrimony I got a
leaky boat.
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
First Presbyterian
Congregation to Hold Farewell Services Sunday.
Building on Grant
Street Has Been Place of Worship For Many Years and Holds
Sacred Memories.
With the transferring of
the large church bell from the First Presbyterian church
on Grant street to the Westminster church and with the
last services to be held in the former church next Sunday
perhaps for all future time, many old and tender memories
are being recalled concerning the old church building.
For years the members of the church have faithfully
attended services Sunday after Sunday in the building
erected more than a generation ago when the congregation
consisted of only a handful of hardworking people.
Many fathers and mothers
who as children went to Sunday school in the church years
gone by now have children attending the same Sunday
school and in many instances parents have their children
married within the sacred portals of the church they
attended in their own youth.
The same old bell will
chime each Sunday as in the days of old, but it will call
the members of the congregation forth to another place
than the one which has been their house of worship for
Frame of Oak.
The frame work of the
building is heavy, solid oak, while the pews and interior
finish are of the finest white pine. The building
represents an investment of about $6,500. The bell was
not placed on the tower until about 1878, and was bought
at that time from a legacy left the church by a man of
the name of Hollinsworth. The pipe organ was not
installed until 1882.
Tax Deadline
(News Release)
JEFFERSON CITY – The Missouri Department of
Revenue (Department) is sending out a reminder to
all Missouri taxpayers that the April 15th
deadline is just three weeks away. To date, the
Department has processed over 1.5 million returns
and expects another one million returns before
the end of this tax cycle.
Missourians wait to file their returns in these
last few weeks because they owe money to the
state. It is not uncommon for the Department to
see a surge in filings during this time,"
said Director of Revenue Omar Davis.
"However, even though the Department will
receive more returns in these last few weeks, we
will still process every taxpayer refund as
quickly as possible. Governor Blunt has directed
the Department to refund taxpayer refunds without
delay and we continue to meet that challenge by
providing Missouri taxpayers the kind of service
they deserve."
Taxpayers may
check the status of their return online at To use the online system, just
click "Where’s My Tax Return?" on
the right side of the page. The Department’s
Interactive Voice Response system also gives
taxpayers the option of using the phone by
calling (866) 433-7259 toll-free or by making a
toll call to (573) 526-TAXX (8299).
Taxpayers who wish
to file electronically have a variety of software
packages or tax practitioners approved by the IRS
(called Electronic Return Originators or EROs)
are available at retail stores throughout the
state. Those who wish to obtain some of the
benefit of electronic filing without purchasing
software can do so by using fill-in forms
available on the Department’s website at Fill-in forms are printed by the
taxpayer but include a 2D barcode that speeds up
processing and reduces the chance of processing
Under Governor
Blunt’s leadership, in 2005 the Department
expanded its service to Missouri taxpayers by
extending state office hours, opening each
working day at 7:30 a.m. and closing at 5:30
p.m., to make state government more responsive to
its citizens. Customer service representatives
are available during those hours to assist
customers. The Department also has seven tax
assistance centers across the state that can
answer questions and assist customers in
completing their Missouri tax return. The
Department’s web site has many of the
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and is available
24 hours a day. The Department continues to look
for ways to better serve its customers and be
good stewards over the taxpayer dollars.

Just Jake
Talkin' Mornin
The first day of boot camp for most is a pretty
hectic day.
The first day we unloaded and
for some reason all the drill sergeants were in a
big hurry for us all to grab all our gear and
carry it at a dead run up a hill where we were
lined up and yelled at. One of the most telling
methods they used to get ever’one
understandin’ how things worked was to pick
out someone who hadn’t figured out the
difference between a sergeant, who was to be
called Sergeant, and an officer, who was to be
called Sir.
‘Course to those of us
lucky enough to simply be observin’ the
spectacle, it was obvious what was goin’ on.
We could tell it wasn’t that serious. The
only reality the trainee could understand was the
nose to nose confrontation with imposed authority
and a split second decision.
This is some fact, but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin’.
Oak Street Health & Herbs |
By Mari An WillisColds and flu are still hanging around
and provoking lots of conversation about some
tried and true family remedies. It is reassuring
to listen and share ideas as it lets me know that
I am not just a nut sleeping with sliced onions
on my chest at night to break up congestion.
The skin is the largest
eliminative organ. Through the sweat and oil
glands the body can eliminate waste material from
the blood and lymph more rapidly than through any
other means. Sweating has been a part of
traditional medicine for centuries. The Native
Americans used sweat lodges (for one reason) to
help a person recover health, as did the pioneers
use sweat pails. We are fortunate enough to have
hot running water to which we can add a few
tablespoons of ginger, lavender oil, tea tree
oil, rosemary, or other aromatic herbs to promote
sweat glands. After soaking in a tub for
approximately 20 minutes (no longer!), wrap up in
a nice flannel or wool blanket and continue to
sweat. Remember to drink lots of fluids.
With my children, I have found
that adding lavender oil to the bath relaxes and
calms the frustration of being down with a cold
and allows them to relax. Lavender oil also has
antiseptic properties.
One gentleman I know swears by
warm olive oil rubs to the back and chest to
"cure" lung congestion. His remedy is
to mix it with garlic juice and massage into back
and on chest. Rest 24 hours, cough lots of
phlegm, and you’ll be "good as
new." Or, as his friend added, just keep
eating garlic and you’ll scare a cold away!
Art Notes from Hyde
By Sally Armstrong, Director of artCentral
The art is displayed, and we
are ready for our guests on Friday night for the
second exhibition of this year’s schedule
here at artCentral and the Hyde Galleries, and
what a great group of paintings we have for you!
As I spoke about last week, the work of Joplin
artist Joe Prater is outstanding and presents
both Native American and nature themes in
watercolor and oil medias. Amateur artist Steve
Binam of Jasper has brought a few of his best
paintings as well, which I have displayed in the
adjacent room, and we are glad to give Steve a
first showing of his work here. But today I want
to feature my artist in our Member Gallery, Nida
Rudd of Joplin and her show entitled, "99%
LANDSCAPES". This artist grew up in Houston,
Texas. Interested in drawing all her young life,
she found herself married and with children
before she had the chance to study art seriously.
After moving to the Highland Lake in the hill
country of Texas in 1970, she met fellow artist
and teacher Anna Hurley, who became a mentor and
art-partner. Another art mentor,
Texan Tossey Long, took Nida on
journeys into the hill country for plein aire
excursions, beginning a 33 year friendship.
Tossey introduced her to painting the Texas
fields and pastures and to see what was in front
of her eyes! She then had the opportunity to
study at the Watkin Institute in Nashville, TN,
and later studied with William Henry Earl at the
Ray Forman School and with Florent Bahley and
Harold Gore. Nida works primarily in oils and
only began experimenting in pastels about 5 years
ago. Eighty-one year old Nida moved to Joplin
recently to be near family, but has retained her
Texas spunk and is quite a character in her own
right, full of amusing stories about the subjects
and locations in her various paintings. I hope to
show Nida’s works in our Main Gallery
another year, as her body of work is quite
impressive and her following in this area yet to
be established. She has some lovely floral
still-lifes and her beautiful landscape scenes in
both oil and pastel could easily be mistaken for
our beautiful Ozarks instead of the hill country
of Texas. I hope we will have many visitors
during the time of this show, March 28- April
13th and look forward to having folk during our
regular hours, Friday through Sunday, noon until
5:30 daily.
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