The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Thursday, May 29, 2008 Volume XVI, Number 243
ya know?
Did Ya Know?...
Waterfest 2008 will be held on Saturday, May 31
from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in Kellogg Lake,
Carthage. Featuring free entertainment by Kufara
African Marimba Band, rock climbing walls, food
vendors and kangaroo gyms. Educational
demonstrations including live reptiles and
recycling. Sponsored by Streamteam 3320. For more
info call (417) 673-2723
Did Ya Know?... June
11th-- Officials from the Small Business
Administration (SBA) will be at the Chamber
Office from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm to answer
questions and present information concerning
financing and refinancing of business projects
with SBA loans. Please RSVP.
Did Ya Know?... June
13th-- Friday Morning Coffee, 7:00-8:00 a.m. at
Kellogg Lake. What a great way to start your day!
Many an alley cat can look at
an ermine coat and say: "There goes
Joe, "what animal is most
noted for its fur?"
"The skunk---the more fur you get away from
him, the better it is for you."
Mother: "Go and change
your socks. You’ve got on one blue sock and
one yellow one."
Son: "Well, if you don’t like them,
then why did you buy that other pair that’s
in my drawer?"
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
M.W. A and R.N.A.
All members of Carthage
Camp No. 3340 M.W. A. NO. 939 are expected and requested
to assemble at the camp hall on Fifth and Main streets at
10 a.m. sharp June 4, 1905, prepared to attend in a body
the annual memorial service of our orders. The memorial
address will be delivered by Rev. T.W. Jeffrey at the 1st
M.E. Church at 11 a.m. This service coming as it does on
Sunday should be attended by every Woodman and Royal
Neighbors out of respect for the memory of our deceased
neighbors who have gone before. Show your loyalty to our
noble order by your presence. All newly elected and
visiting neighbors are specially invited to attend. By
order of committee.
R. N. Alexander, clerk
Webb City Team Named.
"The Missouri Valley
Babes" is the name given to the Webb City team which
has taken Nevada’s forfeited franchise in the
Missouri Valley League. They play at Joplin Sunday with
Driving Range Lease.
Carthage City
Council met Tuesday evening in a regular session.
Council approved an ordinance authorizing a
contract between the City of Carthage and Dennis
Detert for the lease of the driving range at the
golf course for $4,000 per year. City Attorney
Nate Dally outlined recent amendments to the
contract prior to the vote. Council approved the
amendments and unanimously voted to approve the
lease contract.
Council also heard
the first reading of an ordinance that would
modify City Code to allow for trash abatement.
The changes would allow the City to hire an
entity to remove trash or solid waste from
properties, and recoup expenses from the property
owner by way of a tax lien.
During committee
reports, Finance & Personnel Committee Chair
Diane Sharits noted that the committee had
approved a motion to allow payment to Kaatz &
Associates for the City Salary and Benefits
Study, but only for 90% of the bill due to the
untimeliness of sections of the report.
Council also saw
the swearing in of new Carthage Police Officer
Shane O’Sullivan.

Just Jake
Talkin' Mornin'
Talkin’ to a few youngsters will get ya
straight on their priorities. Schools out, one
informed me.
Plans for summer are
comin’ to the top of the list for most.
"Course there are lots a choices,
includin’ doin’ nothin’ in
particular. As much as a lota folks like ta see
some definite plans laid out, there is some
justification for not plannin’ at all for
the days outa school. Summer opportunities seldom
are expected. Part of the fun of bein’ a
kid. Fishin’ holes, bicycle ridin’,
sandlot baseball are hard to put into a defined
plan of activities. They just seem to happen.
‘Course most of us that
have reached some level of adulthood yearn for
just one more childhood summer. Not likely.
This is some fact, but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin’.
Metcalf Auto Supply |
Click & Clack Talk Cars
By Tom & Ray Magliozzi
Dear Tom and Ray:
So, I was driving home in my
beloved 2003 Toyota Prius on Friday. I turned
right a few blocks from my house, and the wheel
froze in the turned postion...I had to slam on
the brakes to avoid hitting a parked truck. After
a few minutes, I realized , I could forced the
wheels straight enough to get it home. I had it
towed to a dealer, and they say it's an
electrical connection between the steering column
and the rack and pinion, and will cost about
$2,000 in parts and labor. I'm at about 70,000
miles, past the 36,000 mile warranty. I know
there was a recall having to do with the steering
system on Priuses made just after mine, but the
dealer says it doesn't apply. Do I have any
recourse? Thank you!---Rebecca
RAY: I'm afraid the dealer is
right, Rebecca. The later steering recall is for
a different issue entirely, so it wouldn't apply
to your car.
TOM: And he's right that what
you probably need is a rack and pinion, which
will cost you two grand.
RAY: Welcome to the world of
new technology! One of the many ways the Prius
saves fuel is with electric power steering.
Although it's expected to become more and more
common, the Prius was one of the first vehicles
to use it.
TOM: It workds by using sensors
in the steering column that tell a computer how
far, how hard and how quickly you're turning the
steering wheel. The computer then sends an
appropriate amount of electrical
"boost" to the electric power steering
RAY: The advantage of this
electric system is that it saves fuel by being
smaller and lighter, and by running off electric
power only when that power is needed. The
disadvantage of it is that it's new, and
apparently it can fail catastrophically.
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