The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Tuesday, May 6, 2008 Volume XVI, Number 227
ya know?
Did Ya Know?... The
Relay For Life committee will meet in the
basement of First Christian Church on May 8th at
5:30 pm. The team captain meeting to follow at
6:30 pm. Everyone is encouraged to come to help
finalize the details for our June 6th & 7th
Did Ya Know?... The 4th
Annual May Cemetery Event is on Saturday, May
10th at 5:30 P.M. in Park Cemetery. Celebrate the
Lives & History of Carthage. Bring Lawn
Chairs - Invited to Wear Period Dress. Catering
by McCune Brooks Regional Hospital.
Did Ya Know?... The
Family Literacy Council will be having its annual
meeting on May 8, 2008 at 5:30 p.m. All
interested persons are invited to attend. The
meeting will be at the Family Neighborhood
Center, 706 Orchard, Carthage, MO.
Why are books your best
Because, when they bore you, you can shut them up
without giving offence.
A husband got to thinking about
being kind to his wife so he brought home some
flowers and candy, kissed her at the door and
said, "Come on honey, slip on your best
dress and we’ll go out to dinner and a
show." The wife said in tears, "It was
bad enough when the baby fell down the stairs and
I broke my best platter and burned my hand....
but now you come home drunk."
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Bought the Geo. D.
Leggett Home.
W. T. Williams yesterday
bought the George D. Leggett residence on Maple street,
south of Macon street, paying $1,600. He will take
possession next fall and occupy the same, in the meantime
remaining on his farm northwest of town.
They Stormed Carmean.
A large number of A. F.
Carmean’s gentle men and lady friends
"stormed" him at his home last night and had a
regular old fashioned time in honor of Mr/ Carmean’s
election to the office of circuit clerk. –
Carterville Record.
Grant Wilbur, Missouri
Pacific agent at Carthage, had a narrow escape from
injury in a runaway yesterday..
Perfection Flour is the
finest flour sold in Carthage. Block Bro., Sole Agent.
New Meeting
The Public Works
Committee will meet this afternoon at 5:00 p.m.
in the Public Works building, 623 E. 7th Street.
The meeting time for this committee was formerly
earlier in the day, but the meeting time has been
changed to accommodate the new Council
representatives on the committee.
Items on the
agenda for today’s meeting include the
discussion of an administrative lot split at 10th
and Fulton streets, discussion of code official
procedure changes and the discussion of Capital
Improvement Projects for the 2009 Fiscal Year.
Committee members include; Dan Rife, Larry Ross,
Keith Hurlbut and Scott Giett.
Maple Leaf
Theme Entry Deadline.
May 9, 2008 is the
final day that the Carthage Chamber will accept
citizens’ theme ideas for the 42nd Annual
Carthage Maple Leaf Festival. The Carthage
Chamber of Commerce has invited the public to
help pick out this year’s theme for the
Festival. "We are looking for a creative,
fresh new idea for this year’s theme,"
says Amber Carrier, Director of Member Services
for the Carthage Chamber. Citizens can summit
their ideas by dropping them by the Chamber
office, through mail, fax, or in e-mail form. The
person who chooses the winning theme will win a
$25 gift certificate redeemable at any Chamber of
Commerce member.
Past years’
themes were:
"The Colors
of Carthage"
Tradition Continues"
"A Hometown
The public can
submit their entries by fax at 417-358-7479, by
email at:, and by
mail to 402 S. Garrison, Carthage, Mo. 64836.
For more
information, contact the Carthage Chamber of
Commerce at 417-358-2373.

Just Jake
Talkin' Mornin'
I see where they had another survey ta see if
they oughta keep makin’ pennies. Over sixty
percent of the folks asked said we still need
The biggest problem with not
havin’ a red cent would be in payin’
sales tax. For most, payin’ a extra penny or
two doesn’t hurt much, but ya know
they’d start roundin’ off up to the
nearest nickel and that’d increase taxes too
much. It would cause too much turmoil.
I’ve noticed they’ve
started collectin’ sales tax on a dime. That
equals a 10% tax on kids that buy a stick of
candy or bubble gum. What would they do if all we
had were nickels?
‘Course it would eliminate
the problem of folks payin’ parkin’
tickets with pennies.
This is some fact, but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin’.
Mornin' Mail |
To Your Good Health
By Paul G. Donohue, M.D.
Fibroids Are
Noncancerous Growths of the Uterus.
DONOHUE: I had stomach pain for two weeks and
finally had an ultrasound of my abdomen. Nothing
bad was found, except for a fibroid in my uterus.
The doctor said this had nothing to do with my
pain. He must be right, because the pain went
away. Do I need to pursue the fibroid thing any
further? The doctor never said I should. -- L.C.
ANSWER: Fibroids
are benign (not cancerous) growths of the uterine
muscle. The uterus is a muscular sac with a
specialized lining for the support of a
developing fetus. Fibroids are very prevalent.
Forty percent to 50 percent of women over the age
of 35 have one or more of them.
Their cause is
baffling. Genes have some role, because they run
in families. Hormones influence their growth. As
evidence of that, they enlarge during pregnancy
and usually regress after menopause, when
estrogen production wanes.
Most often,
fibroids are incidental findings that need no
attention. I’m putting your fibroid in that
fibroids can lead to heavy menstrual periods.
Sometimes they’re the source of pelvic pain.
Large fibroids pressing on the bladder give rise
to frequent urination. Large fibroids also can
complicate pregnancy, depending on their size and
location. Extremely rarely are they implicated in
You should let
your gynecologist know that a fibroid was
discovered, but you don’t need to take any
more action than that.
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