The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Friday, October 10, 2008 Volume XVII, Number
ya know?
Did Ya Know?... The
Carthage V.F.W. Post 2590 will host the 7th
District Meeting on October 12, 2008. Dinner
at 12:30, Meetings to follow.
Did Ya Know?... The
Maple Leaf Festival Quilt Show begins
Thursday, October 9 at from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
in the Powers Museum, 1617 West Oak Street,
Did Ya Know?... A
rummage sale to benefit the Girl Scouts will
be held at the First Presbyterian Church
basement, Lyon & Chestnut on Saturday,
Oct. 11 starting at 7:00 a.m.
Did Ya Know?... The
Carthage Humane Society receives stray pets
on a daily basis, and urges animal owners to
have IDs on all pets, even indoor ones.
Without IDs the Society has no way of
returning pets to their families.
Actual Newspaper Headlines:
Police Begin Campaign to Run
Down Jaywalkers.
Miners Refuse to Work After
Cold Wave Linked to
Local High School Dropouts Cut
In Half
New Vaccine May Contain Rabies
Deer Kill 17,000
Plane Too Close To Ground,
Crash Probe Told
Red Tape Holds Up New Bridge
Typhoon Rips Through Cemetery;
Hundreds Dead
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Prosperity Notes.
Stanley Raynor while at
work in Duenweg fell through the tracking and severely
injured his knee. He is able to be about however.
Miss Esther Hollingsworth,
who removed to the territory last winter returned to
visit a few days in the old neighborhood last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Clint Carrick
and daughter, Miss Maude, have returned from a visit to
Mrs. Carrick’s sister at Lane, Kan.
Several head of stock and
a horse were killed during the late storm. A wheat stack
was also demolished.
Mrs. Lem Rich and little
daughter of Webb City visited Mrs. Robert Black, Friday
and Saturday.
Mrs. T.F. Tuttle and
daughter, Mrs. M. T. Horne, were in Carterville and Webb
City Thursday.
Walter Stapleton was
called to Lamar Sunday by the serious illness of his
Museum Grand Opening.
JR’s Small
Electrical Appliance Museum, in Diamond, MO will
hold its grand opening on October 9-11. Over
3,500 appliances will be displayed in the museum,
including toasters, coffee pots, blenders and
vacuum cleaners. The collection includes the
first electric toaster and many other milestones
of appliance history. The grand opening is held
in conjunction with the Toaster Collectors
Association convention.
Admission to the
museum is free of charge. The museum is located
next to JR’s Western Wear, Hwy. 59 South in
Diamond, MO.
Maple Leaf 5K
Sprint Duathlon
and Mile Fun Walk.
News release
The annual Maple
Leaf 5K Run, Sprint Duathlon and Mile Fun Walk,
sponsored by Fair Acres Family YMCA, will be held
this Sunday, October 12 starting at 2:00pm. The
run/walk and duathlon will be held at the Fair
Acres Family YMCA located at 2600 South Grand
For a fee of $10,
participants can enjoy the Fun Walk and will
receive an event t-shirt and the chance to win a
variety of prizes ranging from gift certificates
to collectibles. Refreshments will be provided at
the conclusion of the walk to all participants.
The 5K run is a
distance of 3.1 miles and is $15 to participate.
All participants will receive an event t-shirt
and goodie bag.
The new addition
to the event this year is the Sprint Duathlon.
The Duathlon consists of a 5k run a 15 mile bike
ride and a 1 mile run. The fee to do an
individual duathlon is $30 and a team duathlon is
"This is a
great event for the entire family," said
Amber Carrier, Director of Member Services for
the Carthage Chamber of Commerce, the hosts of
the annual Maple Leaf Festival.
"Participants will get a little exercise
while enjoying the fun of celebrating Maple Leaf
with their family and friends!"
For more
information or an entry form for the Maple Leaf
5K Run, Sprint Duathlon & Fun Walk event,
contact the Chamber office at 358-2373 or Fair
Acres Family YMCA at 358-1070.

Just Jake
Talkin' Mornin'
The basic premise that the
natural order of things is ta be in chaos is
comforting at times, however, I feel I’m
livin’ just a little closer to nature than
I’d like. I suppose the most we can hope for
is "controlled chaos."
The example sometimes used is a
balloon filled with helium. The gas is
flyin’ around inside the balloon,
tryin’ to expand and get out into the
atmosphere. The balloon is the controllin’
factor, bringin’ some order to it all and at
least providin’ entertainment for the child
at the other end of the string.
Even in this situation, there
is always the possibility that some other kid
contemplatin’ insertin’ a pin into the
If ya really want to experience
chaos, try explainin’ to a three year old
where his toy disappeared to and the natural
order of random acts by the neighbor kid.
This is some fact, but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin’.
Mornin' Mail |
Art Notes from Hyde House
By Sally Armstrong, Director of artCentral
This begins the
busy time of our year here in Carthage, as it
always seems the "holidays" begin with
the annual Maple Leaf Festival, moving into the
fall holidays, and then Christmas and New Years.
Our latest show "Cloudy" opens Friday
the 10th and we will be open here at the gallery
all weekend and then the two following weekends
during regular hours from noon until 5:00. If you
have guests over Maple Leaf, plan on making a
visit to this show a part of the weekend. We are
located at 1110 E. 13th, near the football field
where the band competition will be going on, so
walk over. I have hung 24 of Patricia
Moline’s most beautiful
"sky-scapes" and landscapes in both
oils and pastel. I think all those who see this
show will be pleased with the very reasonable
pricing on the pieces, and all are original art.
Some paintings are mini sized too! We thank
BEIMDIEK INSURORS for the underwriting of the
expenses of this show as well. And I hope folks
have had a chance to get by the Sirloin Stockade
and see our show there, work by Frank Young in
the Atrium Room. As you have visitors this
weekend, don’t forget to give them a tour of
the beautiful new Carthage Public Library and as
you continue the "Carthage culture
tour" go by Powers Museum and see the quilt
show, and end the afternoon at the beautiful new
McCune Brooks Regional Hospital which has a truly
great and unique original art collection spread
throughout it’s public areas and waiting
rooms. I think this could be the only hospital
that I know of that can boast all original art to
be viewed, which includes art by Bob Tommey,
Lowell Davis, Jerry Ellis, April Leiter, Theresa
Rankin, Andy Thomas, Koral Martin, and others. It
is truly an art museum in itself and a very
impressive collection for all to enjoy!
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