The Mornin' Mail is published every weekday except major holidays
Monday, October 13, 2008 Volume XVII, Number 81

did ya know?

Did Ya Know?... The Carthage Humane Society receives stray pets on a daily basis, and urges animal owners to have IDs on all pets, even indoor ones. Without IDs the Society has no way of returning pets to their families.

Did Ya Know?... The Maple Leaf Gospel Sing, hosted by the Carthage Ministerial Alliance, will be held Wednesday evening at 7:00 p.m. in the Carthage High School Auditorium.

Did Ya Know?... The McCune-Brooks Grief Support Group will meet on October 14th from 1 to 3:30 p.m. in the hospital’s Felix E. Wright Family Chapel. Discussion will be led by hospital Chaplain, Galen Snodgrass. The meeting is free and open to the public.

today's laugh

Ever since they found out that Lassie was a boy, the public has believed the worst about Hollywood. - Groucho Marx

We have enough youth. How about a fountain of smart?

The best way to keep children at home is to make the home atmosphere pleasant — and let the air out of their tires. - Dorothy Parker

Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine.

A Chronological Record of Events as they have Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.

A Progressive Horticulturist.

Mr. D.F. Emry, who is well known to be a progressive horticulturist, determined last spring that he would at least try to secure a full crop of grapes instead of the usual straggly, half-filled bunches. He accordingly, when the grapes were in full blossom, surrounded each bunch with a small paper sack securely fastened at the top so no insect could creep in. In all he sacked up over 3,000 bunches, and as a result his grapes are now being marketed in full, solid bunches, pipe and perfect.

Robert Hammons has about recovered from his fall at the Globe mill a few weeks ago and has now leased the old creamery plant near the Frisco stock yards, where he is prepared to grind corn and chop feed. When you want feed ground give him a call.

When you get ready to do that papering get Fred C. Pfifer. Phone No 160


Today's Feature

The Glass Menagerie.

News release

Stone’s Throw Theatre, Carthage, Mo. is proud to announce they will be presenting Tennessee Williams’s The Glass Menagerie. Additional Funding is provided by Missouri Arts Council and Schmidt and Associates. Performances will be at Stone’s Throw Theatre, 796 South Stone Lane, Carthage, Mo. on October 16, 17, 18 and October 24, 25, 26, 2008. Thursdays through Saturdays doors will open at 6:00 P.M., Dinner at 6:30 and the show starts at 7:30. On Sundays the doors open at 12:30 P.M. Lunch at 1:00 and the show at 2:00. Price is $20.00 for adults, $19.00 for Seniors over 55 , $17.00 for under 16, and children under 5 are free. Reservations can be made by calling Betty Bell at 417-358-7268 or the theatre at 417-358-9665 or on line at

The Glass Menagerie is a play about families and lives being shattered. We see what can happen when someone is unable to let go of the past and drags everyone down with her. Much like the glass figurines, the characters, the story, and even the set are left in pieces at the end of the play as we see Tom, Laura, and Amanda Wingfield try to deal with the hand life has dealt them. Into this fray comes Jim, the gentleman caller, who has good intentions but manages to leave things worse than they were when they started. The cast includes Dustin Sisney as Tom, Raven Micale as Amanda, Cheyla "Fox" Navarre as Laura and Nick Kubicek as Jim. The set and costume designer for the show is Imma Curl and it is directed by Jonathon Peck.

Notice of Public Hearing.

Notice is given that a public hearing will be held by the City Council of the City of Carthage at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, October 124, 2008 at the Council Chamber in City Hall located at 326 Grant St., Carthage, Missouri, concerning the matter of the proposed annexation into the City of Carthage of property commonly referred to as the South Wind Acres Annexation Area.

Just Jake Talkin'


‘Course ever’one knows the story ‘bout the guys in jail that decided to number jokes so they could be reminded of the story and get a chuckle, but not have ta listen to the whole thing. But there are several endin’s to the joke. One is that the new guy comes in and doesn’t know all the stories yet, he tries to get in on the game.

"24" he yells, but no one laughs.

He asks his cell mate why his number didn’t get a laugh.

"Some people just don’t know how to tell a joke," was the reply.

The other endin’ is the same situation, but when the new guy yells a number ever’one cracks up, rollin’ on the floor laughin’. The new guy asks why his number got such a big laugh.

"We’ve never heard that one," comes the reply.

This is some fact, but mostly,

Just Jake Talkin’.

Oldies & Oddities Mall

This Is A Hammer
By Samantha Mazzotta

Weatherstripping 101

Q: This is my second year in an apartment with drafty windows. The landlord said it was OK for us to do whatever we like to stop the cold air from rushing in. I’m tired of putting up crinkly, ugly plastic sheets, though. Is there an alternative? -- Blair J., Malden, Mass.

A: You have some additional options besides plastic sheeting. Weatherstripping can stop drafts while allowing windows to be opened or closed as usual. Three types of material are available: metal, vinyl or felt. They are attached one of two ways -- with brads (very small nails) or by adhesive attached to the back of the strip. Vinyl or felt stripping is easier to work with, while metal stripping is much more durable.

Since you’re in a temporary living situation, I’d recommend you stick with vinyl weatherstripping, particularly compressible foam strips. These strips come on a roll that costs less than $10, and they have an adhesive backing so that all you have to do is peel and stick. Run a strip along the bottom of the window sash -- the part that meets the frame when you close the window. Be sure clean the adhesive area well and let dry. If the outdoor temperature is below 45 degrees Fahrenheit, you’ll want to heat the sash bottom for a couple of minutes with a hair dryer to ensure the strip will stick well.

If your windows rattle and have drafts coming in all around, add tubular vinyl stripping. This is a roll of tubing, sometimes with a flat strip protruding from the side. It’s applied to the outside of the window along the edges. Hold the strip flat and taut against the bottom and sides of the sash while a partner carefully nails the tubing to the sash (use only brads to attach, and don’t nail to the sill).

If you can’t access the outside of the windows because you’re in an upper-level apartment, run felt weatherstripping along the interior sides of the window sash, folding over and along the top and bottom if possible. The felt strip may have an adhesive back, but should also be attached with brads spaced about 3 inches apart.

HOME TIP: Drafty windows are a major source of heat loss in homes, yet can usually be insulated in a couple hours for just a few dollars -- an investment well worth making.

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