The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Wednesday, October 22, 2008 Volume XVII,
Number 88
ya know?
Did Ya Know?... The
Carthage Crisis Center will present a free
furniture and appliance distribution on
Saturday, November 8, 2008 from 10 a.m. until
12 noon at the corner of Main and 2nd Street.
Furniture donations will be accepted between
6 and 9:30 a.m. on November 8. For more
information call 358-3533.
Did Ya Know?... VFW
Post 2590 will hold a Halloween Dance on
October 25 at 8:00 p.m. in the Post home.
Music by Country Gold. Public Welcome, $4.00
at the door, $2.00 if in costume.
Did Ya Know?... The
Powers Museum Board and Museum Friends will
hold an Open House honoring twenty-five years
of service by Michele Hansford, Director and
Curator of Powers Museum on Sunday, October
26 from 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Museum,
1617 W. Oak Street.
The hard-to-please customer
shook her head. "I don’t like these
shoes," she told the salesman. "The
soles are too thick."
"Is that the only objection, madam?"
asked the salesman. She nodded. "Then,
madam," he added, "if you take the
shoes I can assure you that the objection will
gradually wear away."
"I’d like to see
something cheap in a straw hat."
"Try this one sir, and the mirror’s on
your left."
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
To Seek Fortune in
Tom Pealer left this
morning to seek his fortune in the state of Washington.
He will first join his brother, Clark H. Pealer, on the
west coast and see what the opportunities are in that
vicinity. The latter is now a mail carrier from Quiniant
to Humptulips, two towns on the coast at the west edge of
the state.
Visited By His Sister.
Mrs. Alto Costly of Neck
City came to Carthage yesterday afternoon and visited her
brother, Charles Sidenstricker, who is confined in the
county jail for shooting his wife last Friday evening.
After a short talk with her brother, Mrs. Costly left the
jail and returned to her home.
The injured wife, Mrs.
Sidenstricker, is at Mrs. Costly’s home and the
visitor said this morning in conversation over the
telephone with Jailer Weaver that the condition of the
injured woman is slightly improved.
Approved the
Street Closure.
The City Council
Public Safety Committee met on Monday evening in
regular session. The committee heard a request
from Mark Sponagle of the Carthage Technical
Center for a street closure in conjunction with
the Carthage Christmas Parade. Sponagle requested
closure of 9th, 10th and 11th streets from
Chestnut Street to Grand Avenue on December 1
from 5:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. The committee
discussed the request and it was noted that the
Carthage Invitational basketball tournament will
be held on the same evening, and that some
direction may be needed for the traffic flow
during the two events. The motion to forward the
street closures to Council was approved
Fire Chief John
Cooper told the committee that the Maple Leaf
Parade had gone well, adding that the fire truck
had to exit the procession during the parade to
extinguish a residential fire.
Police Chief Greg
Dagnan noted that the Carthage Police department
has been helping with the investigation of a
recent homicide, and added that overtime may
become an issue during the investigation due to
the volume of manpower being utilized.

Just Jake
Talkin' Mornin'
I heard a guy the other night on TV (yes, there
is an occasional bright spot) talkin’
‘bout somethin’ that he felt was at
least as important as the sense of the family. He
talked about the sense of community.
He says that the social laws
that we impose on ourselves are more important
and enforceable than government imposed laws.
‘Course the reason is that
we ultimately make the choice of what community
we want to live in and therefore feel more of an
obligation to conform to community standards than
we do regular "laws."
It’s nice ta know that
those ice-cream socials and parades and ball
games are more than just entertainment, it’s
good for us and our kids.
This is some fact, but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin’.
Mornin' Mail |
A Tip
By JoAnn Derson
• Getting that thermos out
of storage? Freshen its smell with a half-cup of
baking soda. Shake it around and let it sit
overnight. Got stains? A few tablets of Alka
Seltzer will do the trick. Fill the bottle
two-thirds full with hot water, plop in the
tablets and let them do their work. Use a bottle
brush to scrub, and then rinse.
• "I like to make my
own baby food, but doing it for every meal was
tedious. Now I just make a large batch of each
kind, freeze it into ice-cube trays and, when
they are frozen, pop the cubes out into labeled
freezer bags. I defrost just what I need quickly
and easily, and I have a much greater variety
this way." -- D.M. in Washington
• "If you are
painting around windows, cut newspaper to fit the
window, then dampen enough that it will stick on
the window. Paint as normal, then just peel off.
No tape required. Painter’s tape is getting
pretty expensive, if you ask me." -- V.L. in
• "I keep a travel
container of baby wipes in the car for use after
filling the tank with gas. Now that it’s all
pay at the pump, I hardly go inside and am not
able to wash my hands off. Just a quick wipe and
my hands are clean, and I can toss the wipe right
there at the pump." -- J.S. in Texas
• "I have a very
pretty pot that I keep beside my kitchen sink.
It’s filled with baking soda. Whenever I am
working with foods that are smelly or strong, I
can open the lid and it helps a little. Also, I
just dip my damp fingers into the baking soda and
use it to scrub the smell from my hands. The
bonus is that it makes my hands feel
softer." -- O.O. in Iowa
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