The Mornin' Mail is published every weekday except major holidays
Thursday, October 23, 2008 Volume XVII, Number 89

did ya know?

Did Ya Know?... The McCune-Brooks Regional Hospital Community Flu Shot Clinic will be held Wednesday, October 22 from 6:00 to 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. Cost for the shot is $15. Bring your Medicare or Medicaid card if applicable. The clinic will be held in the hospital front lobby at the main entrance. Preservative-free vaccine available for pregnant women and children ages six months to three years. For more information contact the Community Relations Department at 417-359-1350.

Did Ya Know?... VFW Post 2590 will hold a Halloween Dance on October 25 at 8:00 p.m. in the Post home. Music by Country Gold. Public Welcome, $4.00 at the door, $2.00 if in costume.

Did Ya Know?... The Powers Museum Board and Museum Friends will hold an Open House honoring twenty-five years of service by Michele Hansford, Director and Curator of Powers Museum on Sunday, October 26 from 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Museum, 1617 W. Oak Street.

today's laugh

"Freddie," said the Sunday school teacher, "can you tell me what we must do before we can expect forgiveness of sin?"
"Yes, sir," replied the boy. "We must sin."

"I’m engaged to an Irish boy."
"Oh, really?"
"No, O’Riley!"

A Chronological Record of Events as they have Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.

Didn’t Know She Had Left Her Waist.

A few days ago, a well known attorney of this City was summoned to his telephone, and when he put his ear to the receiver, this is the message he got from a well known South Main street woman:

"I want you to send my waist out right away."

"Why, I didn’t know you left your waist here," was the lawyer’s reply.

"Who is this?" demanded the woman.

"Why, this is Blank & Blank’s law office."

"Well, I wanted So and So’s store," she replied, and the phone rang off with a snap while the attorney chuckled.

The Bethany circle is displaying at Miss Ella Seitz’ 305 North Main street, ladies’ and gentlemen’s handkerchiefs. Call Thursday and Friday afternoons and see them.


Today's Feature

Lot Split Recommended.

The Public Works Committee met Tuesday afternoon and agreed unanimously to recommend an administrative lot split in the Peachtree Subdivision. Public Works Director Chad Wampler told the committee that Peachtree Subdivision owner Michael Woody had requested the lot split, which would divide his lot into two tracts. Tract A would be 1 acre and Tract B would be 1.1 acres. Wampler said that City staff had no objections to the split, and a motion was approved to recommend the action to full Council.

The committee also discussed the vacation of 11th Street east of River Street. The committee, during its last meeting, had approved the vacation of 11th Street from the alley east to Prospect street. This item proceeded to its first reading before Council last week. The newly proposed vacation is for the east/west alley running from Prospect to River Street, near to the previous vacation.

Public Works Department officials contacted a number of the residents near the alley, and Wampler noted that one of those was opposed to the vacation. The Department was unable to reach a few of the neighbors for comments.

Wampler told the committee that alleys were previously a requirement for subdivisions, but that the requirements had since changed. Some of the alleys have been paved, but a number of them are unaltered, according to Wampler.

"There are a lot of platted and undeveloped alleys in the City," said Wampler.

City Administrator Tom Short added that he felt the City should look at adopting a policy for the undeveloped alleyways.

The committee agreed to take no action on the vacation until further information was obtained.

Just Jake Talkin'

I used ta think ‘bout the most annoyin’ thing a person could do to ya was ta put ya on hold and make ya listen to elevator music. Sounds like soggy cornflakes.

I always thought they oughta come on with a recordin’ and say, "If you get tired of listenin’ to this garbage, press one. If you want to hear this song as it was meant to be listened to, by the original artist, press two. If you would like to eavesdrop on the conversation in the room where this phone is located, press three.

I’ve grown so accustomed to hearin’ mindless gibberish while on hold, I’ve almost forgotten what it’s like to be on hold and hear complete silence. Hopin’ that someone will notice the little blinkin’ light…

Maybe the music is better. At least you know they’re ignorin’ you on purpose.

This is some fact, but mostly,

Just Jake Talkin’.

Metcalf Auto Supply

Click & Clack Talk Cars
By Tom & Ray Magliozzi

Using Car as Movie Theater Shouldn’t Hurt Battery.

Dear Tom and Ray:

Our 3-year-old son has autism, and one of the things that soothes him is to sit in our 2006 Honda Pilot and watch DVDs on the factory-installed player – while the car is parked in the garage. I was wondering if there is any danger of draining the battery completely; I just turn the key to the first position, and it’s usually not one for more than an hour at a time. – Stephanie.

TOM: That’s absolutely fine, Stephanie. Running the DVD player for an hour with the key in the accessory position shouldn’t do any harm to a good battery.

RAY: But if you want to be absolutely worry-free, go to Sears and buy an automatic battery charger. You plug it into the wall and hook it up to the battery. Then the charger monitors the condition of your battery, and automatically charges it back up whenever the voltage drops. When the battery is fully charged, the charger turns itself off and goes back into "monitor" mode.

TOM: Then your little guy can sit in there all day if you want him to, and you’ll never have to worry about whether the car will start. Good luck, Stephanie.

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