The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Thursday, October 30, 2008 Volume XVII,
Number 94
ya know?
Did Ya Know?... An
American Red Cross Blood Drive will be held
in the Church of the Nazarene, 2000 Grand
Ave. on Thursday, October 30 from 11:30 a.m.
to 6:00 p.m. For further information call
Caroline at 358-4663.
Did Ya Know?... The
Carthage Crisis Center will present a free
furniture and appliance distribution on
Saturday, November 8, 2008 from 10 a.m. until
12 noon at the corner of Main and 2nd Street.
Furniture donations will be accepted between
6 and 9:30 a.m. on November 8. For more
information call 358-3533.
Did Ya Know?... VFW
Post 2590 Mens Auxiliary will host Turkey
Shoots (splatter board) every Saturday and
Sunday starting October 25 from 1 p.m. to 5
p.m. Public Invited, Male and Female, Food
Concession available. West of Carthage at the
intersection of 96 and 171.
Did Ya Know?... The
Friends of the Carthage Public Library will
hold their next monthly used book sale on
Saturday, November 1 from 8:00 until noon at
the Library Annex, 510 S. Garrison Ave.
"Did you ever go to the
"And did he find out what you had?"
"Very nearly."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, I had $50.25, and he charged me
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Cried In Court.
Jesse Clayton and James
McFadden were arrested on complaint of Agent R. Taaffe,
of the Frisco, charged with breaking into a freight car
Saturday night and stealing a hundred pound sack of
sugar, valued at $6, belonging to the Wells Grocery
McFadden is a little chap,
and when brought into court cried and accused Clayton of
always getting him into trouble. They were committed to
jail to await hearing.
Guests at the Arlington
hotel had the mantle of slumber rudely jerked from over
them this morning about 1 o’clock by the Springfield
Y.M.C.A. basketball team, which was stopping at the
hosiery over night while on their way from Sarcoxie to
Joplin. The Springfield players were celebrating a
victory won last night over the Sarcoxie high school. It
is said by the boarders at the hotel that the score of 34
to 20 did not halfway justify the noise that was made.
Error In
Proposal, Pump Funding Approved.
Carthage City
Council during Tuesday’s meeting approved a
motion to allow a budget adjustment allocating
funds for the emergency purchase of two storm
water pumps in the alley at 310 Euclid.
During the
previous Council meeting it was reported that the
low bid for the pumps was in the amount of
$16,250. During Tuesday’s meeting, Budget
Ways and Means Committee Chairman Bill Fortune
reported that the low bid had not included the
pumps, which if included, would increase the cost
to $19,700. Fortune said that this amount was
still lower than the other bids, and recommended
an amendment to the Council bill to reflect the
new amount for appropriation. That amendment and
the Council bill were approved unanimously.
Humane Society
Tuesday’s Council meeting new Carthage
Humane Society Executive Director Tish Bentlage
gave her first quarterly report to Council.
Bentlage said that the Humane Society is still
facing several challenges and issues with the
building, but that the Society is in the process
of addressing those issues.
Bentlage told
Council that the quarterly report would only
reflect accurate numbers for the month of
September due to inconsistencies in the record
keeping prior to that date.
In September the
Society received 95 animals from the City Animal
Control Officer. 40 of those were cats and 55
were dogs. Bentlage, in a recent interview, noted
that of those 95 animals only 5 were reclaimed by
their owners.
Bentlage thanked
the Animal Control Officer, and told Council that
the Shelter is striving to accommodate the City,
adding that the Society is in the planning
process for holding an open house in the future,
after more work on the building is completed.
Carthage Humane
Society Liaison Bill Welch expressed gratitude to
the Mayor, fellow Council members and City staff
for their support in a plan that aims at
controlling feral cats in the City. The plan
allows for certain members of feral cat colonies
to be trapped, fixed and returned to the
colonies. This limits the reproduction of the
cats, while still allowing the colonies to help
control smaller potentially problematic animals
like rats and mice. Welch showed Council members
a picture of the first two cats that had been
trapped, fixed and released. During the previous
Council meeting Mayor Jim Woestman proclaimed
October 16 as Feral Cat Day in Carthage.

Just Jake
Talkin' Mornin'
I see where some of the premium
brands of ice cream are goin’ to one and
three-quarter quart containers instead of the
traditional half gallon "brick".
Makin’ ‘em an eighth of a brick short
of a load I suppose.
‘Course ya haven’t
been able to buy a "pound" a coffee for
some time. That industry discovered the short
round a long while back. They compensated by
devisin’ the large "3 pound" short
load that at best is only 39 ounces rather than
the 48. And, the pound a bacon is another long
gone thing of the past.
Butter is still holdin’ on
to the full pound, and milk and gas still come in
I suppose a half-wit is still
better than no wit at all.
This is some fact, but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin’.
Metcalf Auto Supply |
& Clack Talk Cars
By Tom &
Ray Magliozzi
Dear Tom and Ray:
I was given a 1987 XJ6 Jag.
She’s one fine-looking lady. But she smells.
I recently spent $1,100 of my government stimulus
check having the car completely cleaned on the
inside. My mechanic took out all the carpeting
and the seats, and cleaned them. He replaced the
roof lining. He then scoured the inside of the
car before putting the seats and carpet back. He
sprayed everything with Febreze and placed packs
of charcoal under the seats. I picked it up after
a month in the shop. It’s better. But only
marginally. Any other suggestions (we’ve
done the cut onions, the dryer sheets, an air
freshener "bomb," etc.)? - Jill
TOM: You might want to try a
real bomb next.
RAY: Actually, my brother had a
similar problem with his ‘74 Chevy Caprice
Classic Convertible, Jill. It took us a long time
to find the cause of the odor. But we finally
figured it out. It was him.
TOM: There are two
possibilities. One is that you’ve got a bad
case of mold. Cleaning the seats and carpet might
not be enough if you didn’t specifically
treat for mold. You need bleach of biocide to
kill the spores. Soap, odor removers, onions and
old gym socks are all useless against a huge mold
spore invasion.
RAY: The other possibility is
that a small animal died somewhere in the car. If
a mouse or rat got stuck in a ventilation duct or
in your air cleaner, it can produce a disgusting
odor that can last for months.
TOM: So what you need is
someone with a good nose.
RAY: You need to find someone
who’s familiar with both of those smells.
Your best bet is an automotive detailer, or
someone who works in a body shop.
TOM: Once you know what
you’re looking for, you can form a plan to
get rid of it.
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