The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Wednesday, September 10, 2008 Volume XVII,
Number 58
ya know?
Did Ya Know?... On Sept.
13th , at 7 p.m. will be the 20th Annual Outdoor
Gospel Sing at the Country Side Church, 8 miles
west of Jasper. Come enjoy The Missourians and
Ninth Hour Quartet. Call 417-394-2046 for more
Did Ya Know?....Carthage
Humane Society is having a "Coolest Pet
Photo Contest" for a winning cat and dog for
the 2009 Carthage Humane Society calendar. Call
Gail at 417-439-7134 for more information.
Did Ya Know?...On Sept.
14th and 28th, the Education/Support Group will
meet for family members and caregivers of those
with Alziemer’s Disease or related disorders
from 2-3 p.m. in the Training Center, Room 1942
at McCune-Brooks Regional Hospital. Call
417-359-1832 for more information.
That medicine you gave me for
corns is no good.
I ate three cans of it, and it
hasn’t helped my corns a bit.
Look what he sent me.
A bale of wire!
Yeah, I told him to send me a
cable and that’s what he sent.
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
The Christian Endeavor society of the
First Presbyterian church will give a social at the
church on the corner of Chestnut and Grant Street this
month. The affair will be given to increase interest in
aiding a girl in a mission school in India, where the
society keeps a student all the time.
A feature of the evening’s
entertainment will be a musical and literary program. A
special attraction, a male quartette composed of Gordon
Butts, Eugene Steinmets, Harry Steele and George Taffe
will sing.
Henry Johnson, who has a position in
the job department at the local paper office, bought
Of Benjamin Bateman yesterday a lot and
a four room cottage on Case Street, south of Oak Street.
The price was $1,000. He will take possession of the
property tomorrow, moving to it from 315 Fall Street. Mr.
Bateman will move to Colorado.
Click It or
News release
The Carthage
Police Department will be participating in the
statewide Occupant Protection Enforcement program
on September 11, 2008.
Hundreds of people
are killed on Missouri roadways each year because
they do not take the time to buckle up. The usage
rate among Missouri motorists is at a 77% usage
rate compared to the National use rate of 81%. In
an effort to reduce fatalities and encourage
motorists to buckle up, the Highway Safety
Division will be implementing this program.
Among those least
likely to buckle up: young males, pickup truck
drivers and their passengers, people who live in
rural areas and nighttime drivers. For more
information on Missouri seatbelt usage, visit
United Way
News release
Carthage Area
United Way, Inc. will kickoff their 2008/2009
Campaign Thursday, September 11, 2008. Nate
Dally, Volunteer Campaign Chairman will announce
the goal and introduce the volunteer cabinet at
the noon luncheon kickoff to be held at Broadview
Country Club in Carthage. The generous sponsors
for this year’s kickoff luncheon are Arvest
Bank, Hometown Bank, Southwest Missouri Bank
& UMB Bank
Report Luncheons
are scheduled for noon, October 2nd, October 23rd
and November 20th at the First Baptist Church
Family Life Center, Carthage. The Annual Meeting
and Awards Ceremony is scheduled for noon,
February 5, 2009, also to be held at the First
Baptist Church Family Life Center.
The Carthage Area
United Way supports 15 non-profit agencies that
provide services in the local area. These
agencies include The American Red Cross, Boy
Scouts of America, Carthage Crisis Center,
Carthage Crosslines, Cerebral Palsy Center of
Tri-County, Children’s Mercy Hospital,
Citizen’s Advisory Board, Community Clinic
of Carthage, Family Literacy Council, Girl
Scouts, Jasper County 4-H, Lafayette House, Ozark
Camp Quality, Carthage Salvation Army and the
Special Olympics. Beginning in 2009 the 16th
Agency Carthage Area United Way, Inc. will help
fund is Big Brothers-Big Sisters of Jasper &
Newton Counties.
Anyone wishing to
volunteer in the campaign and/or attend the
luncheon meetings are asked to contact The
Carthage Area United Way, Inc. office at (417)

Just Jake
Talkin' Mornin'
Heard of some interestin’
mergers that are bein’ proposed.
3M and Goodyear, if merged
could become MMMGood.
Zippo Mfg., Audi Motor Car,
Dofasco and Dakota Mining would merge to become
Federal Express might join its
major competitor, UPS, and consolidates as FedUP.
Polygram Records, Warner Bros.
and Zesta Crackers could join forces and become
Polly, Warner, Cracker.
Then there’s the
possibility of Knotts Berry Farm and the National
Organization of Women considering a merger to be
come the famous KnottNOW.
With the market settlin’
down, these combinations may be where the big
money is.
This is some fact but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin’.
Mornin' Mail |
A Tip
By JoAnn Derson
If you are repotting a plant,
try this neat trick to discourage soil loss and
bug infiltration through the drainage hole.
Instead of using broken pieces of pots or small
rocks, cut a piece of screen to fit the bottom of
your pot. Or you can use a small section of
pantyhose. Fill with dirt and your plant. The
holes are too small for bugs to get in or for
soil to drain out.
"If you accidentally
overfill the coffeemaker, you can use a baster to
remove the extra water. It works, and you
don’t have to try to tip over the
maker." -- I.D. in New Mexico
"When my curly, curly hair
gets the frizz, I use a sheet of fabric softener
to take the static electricity out of it. This
works so well that in the winter, I keep several
in my purse." -- P.M. in Michigan
"My garden gloves were not
helping when I was pruning my citrus trees, as
they all have spiky thorns. I used a pair of oven
mitts, which were much more padded, and it worked
well." -- D.C. in Florida
"If you slip a baby sock
over a doorknob, then secure it with a heavy-duty
rubber band, it will keep toddlers out!" --
E.R. in Ohio
"To organize sets of
buttons, I use twist ties, the kind provided in
some boxes of garbage bags or on bread bags. I
thread all the buttons on together, and then I
twist it up. I can keep up to six or seven big
buttons together, but if I need more room, I just
twist two ties together to make a longer tie.
This works great for me." -- J.L.W. in
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