The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Monday, September 29, 2008 Volume XVII,
Number 71
ya know?
Did Ya Know?... The
Family Literacy Center, at 706 Orchard is having
a new class on Citizenship and preparing for the
Citizenship Test. The class will be starting on
October 2, Thursday evening at 6:00 p.m. and
Friday morning at 10:00 a.m. All classes are
free. Call 358-5926 for more information.
Did Ya Know?...
September 29th is the deadline for application
entry for the Maple Leaf Festival Little Miss
& Mister, Junior and Queen pageants. For more
information contact the Chamber of Commerce at
Did Ya Know?... The
first committee meeting for Relay For Life 09,
sponsored by the American Cancer Society, will be
held on October 2 at 6:00 p.m. in the First
Christian Church, 800 S. Main. Call 417-627-7506
for more info. Those interested in serving on the
committee are urged to attend.
My father said he didn’t
like women that drive from the back seat.
What did your mother say to that?
She said back seat drivers were no worse than men
who cook from the dining room table.
I bought it at the fifteen cent
You mean, the five and ten,
Well, five and ten makes fifteen.
Can you change a dollar for me?
Almost. I can change sixty-five cents for it.
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Late Session Acts
Court House Crowd Busy
Scanning State Laws.
The circuit clerk has
received the session acts of the last legislature and
distributed them throughout the courthouse. Everybody was
poring over the pages this morning perfecting themselves
in the latest legal lore.
The new game laws are set
forth in the volume, also a new dram-shop law which
compels the person procuring the license to file his
petition with the county clerk ten days before making
application to the court.
Both Phones 560 - Jerry N.
Taylor. Buying; Selling; Exchanging - that’s my
business. Furniture, Stoves, Carpets. Complete line. N.
Main. SEE!
Carthage Bottling Works -
Carbonated Beverages. Steinberg Bros., Props. 117 E.
Central Ave.
Flu &
Pneumonia Vaccine.
The Jasper County
Health Department is offering Flu and Pneumonia
vaccine to all residents of Jasper County outside
the city limits of Joplin. This vaccine is
available for all persons 6 months of age and
older. The Flu Vaccine is $15.00 and Pneumonia is
$35. Those with Medicare Part B or Medicaid/Mo
Health Net cards should bring their cards to
their appointment. All clinics at the Jasper
County Health Department will require an
appointment. Please call 417-358-3111 or
toll-free at 877-879-9131 to inquire about
availability of children’s flu vaccine at
offsite clinics.
The clinics will
be held on the following dates:
Thursday, October
2 at the Jasper County Health Department, 105
Lincoln from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. to 3
Friday, October 3,
Walk-in Clinics at Carl Junction City Hall, 800
E. Pennell Street from 9 to 11 a.m. and Webb City
First Baptist Church, 102 N. Roane from 1:30 to
3:30 p.m.
Monday, October 6,
Walk-in Clinics at Avilla School, 400 Sarcoxie
Street from 9 to 11 a.m. and Jasper Methodist
Church, 122 N. 1st Street from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m.
Thursday, October
9, Walk-in Clinics at Alba City Hall, 111 E. High
Street from 9-11 a.m. and Oronogo City Hall, 653
E. Central Street from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m.
Friday, October
10, Walk-in Clinics at Duquesne City Hall, 1501
S. Duquesne Rd from 9-11 a.m. and Duenweg City
Hall, 106 Webb St. from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m.
Wednesday, October
22, Walk-in clinic at Sarcoxie in the Gene Taylor
Community Center, 218 N. 5th St. from 1:30 to
3:30 p.m.
Thursday, October
30, Jasper County Health Department from 1-4 p.m.
if vaccine is still available. Appointment
Call the Jasper
County Health Department for further information.

Just Jake
Talkin' Mornin'
We always had a Fall Festival where I grew up.
Usually the high school and grade school bands
would march and possibly a band or two from
neighborin’ small communities. There were
always several nice floats brought by the
churches’ youth groups or other
organizations. What impressed me most at that age
were the comic type presentations.
A couple a women would
typically stuff pillows to fill out their
husband’s overalls they were wearin’
and put on funny hats. Maybe clown makeup or a
humorous mask. They’d work the crowd
actin’ silly as they moved with the parade.
They prob’ly weren’t that funny, but
the fact that ever’one knew ‘em and
played along made the scene hilarious to most.
‘Course the main attraction of any parade is
the crowd.
This is some fact, but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin’.
Metcalf Auto Supply |
Art Notes from Hyde House
By Sally Armstrong, Director of artCentral
Finding the
Right Caulk
Q: I discovered
some small cracks in the wood frames of my back
door and windows. A friend told me an easy fix is
to just caulk over the cracks. But at the
hardware store, I found several different types
of caulk. Which is the best to use on outside
wood frames? -- DIY Newbie in Ohio
A: Each type of
caulk available at your local home-improvement
store has somewhat different properties -- even
though their main purpose is to create a durable
seal against the elements. Here’s a short
guide to the different types:
• Acrylic
latex: An all-around caulk with an acrylic base,
that’s easy to work with. Keep a tube of it
around for any job where the area normally stays
dry - it’s also the best for small cracks in
wood trim. Cleans up with water.
• Vinyl latex
(a.k.a. polyvinyl acetate): Another all-around
caulk that can be used in wet areas, like the tub
or shower.
• Butyl
rubber: Harder to apply, but good for outdoor use
-- including sealing window frames, gutter and
downspout seams -- because of its ability to flex
with changes in temperature and its weather
• Silicone:
Perhaps the strongest bonding caulk available --
yet silicone doesn’t hold paint at all.
(Colored silicone caulk is available.) Make sure
the work area is well-ventilated. Clean excess
silicone using rubbing alcohol.
• Oil-based:
This is the least expensive caulk you can
purchase, and you get what you pay for. Once the
oil has leached from the material -- which
happens in a couple years depending on where it
is used -- the caulking dries, shrinks and
crumbles out of the cracks.
prevent the tip of a caulking tube from drying
out between uses, wipe the outside clean, poke a
nail inside the tip to clear it, then cover the
tip with a slip-on pencil eraser or an electrical
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