The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Tuesday, April 14, 2009, Volume XVII, Number
ya know?
Did Ya Know?.. The
Carthage Humane Society is in need of new
Board of Directors to serve a 3 year term
starting May 2009. Persons with background in
finance or non-profit law are especially
encouraged to apply. Contact Glenda at
Did Ya Know?.. Carthage
Aquatic Team sign ups will be April 21st,
7:00 - 9:00 p.m. at the United Methodist
Church Fellowship Hall.
Mrs. Peterson phoned the
repairman because her dishwasher quit working. He
couldn’t accommodate her with an
"after-hours" appointment and since she
had to go to work, she told him, "I’ll
leave the key under the mat. Fix the dish washer,
leave the bill on the counter, and I’ll mail
you a check. By the way, I have a large rotweiler
inside named Killer; he won’t bother you. I
also have a parrot, and whatever you do, do not
talk to the bird!"
Well, sure enough the dog,
Killer, totally ignored the repairman, but the
whole time he was there, the parrot cursed,
yelled, screamed, and about drove him nuts.
As he was ready to leave, he
couldn’t resist saying, "You stupid
bird, why don’t you shut up!"
To which the bird replied,
"Killer, get him!!!"
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
John M’Reynolds
A dispatch received yesterday morning
from Mr. Samuel McReynolds at Colorado Springs, conveyed
the sad news of the death of his son, John McReynolds,
which occurred at that place Saturday evening about 6
o’clock. His death was caused by abdominal dropsy,
from which he had been a sufferer since last spring.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam’l McReynolds, his
parents, and Mrs. Julias Halliburton, his grandmother,
were with him when the end came. They started for
Carthage with the remains yesterday evening and will
arrive here at 8:28 tonight via the Frisco.
The funeral will be held at the
residence at the corner of McGregor and Sycamore streets
tomorrow afternoon at 4 o’clock, unless different
arrangements are made after the funeral party arrive.
John McReynolds was one of the most
promising young men of Carthage. He was 19 years old last
February, was ambitious and energetic, and undoubtedly
had a bright career before him.
He graduated from the Carthage high
school with the class of ‘96, and in July of that
year took the position of local editor of the Democrat of
this city. This place he filled with credit until August
1, 1897, when he gave it up to enter the State University
at Columbia. He was very industrious and his hard
newspaper work, followed by his diligent application to
his studies at the university, probably induced the
disease which caused his death. In March or April of this
year he came home from the university in a very
precarious condition from stomach trouble, which finally
developed into dropsy. Everything possible was done for
his relief, but but with no satisfactory results, and on
June 21 he was taken to Colorado Springs in hope that the
climate and medicinal properties of the water there might
bring relief.
At first he seemed to be benefited, but
it was only temporary, and a few days ago the news came
that he could not recover. His father left on the first
train arriving there several days ago. The news of his
death was not unexpected, but is nevertheless a great
shock to his many friends. He was very popular and will
be mourned by a large circle of acqaintances, who extend
their sincere sympathy to the bereaved family.
New Council
to be Sworn In.
The Carthage City Council is
scheduled to meet for their regular meeting this
evening at 7:30 in City Hall.
The meeting will be the last
for the current sitting Council. Newly elected
members will be sworn in after old business is
concluded and before new business begins. Wayne
Campbell will be the only new member of the
Council as Bill Welch, Dan Rife, Diane Sharits,
and Bill Fortune were re-elected as incumbents.
The old business agenda
includes a scheduled vote on an ordinance
modifying fees for general trash and
demolition/construction waste at the City
disposal site.
Also scheduled for vote is an
ordinance authorizing the Mayor to execute a
lease purchase agreement with UMB for financing
of a Street Department loader.
The new Council is scheduled to
hear the first reading of an ordinance a contract
with A.M. Pyrotechnics for a fireworks display on
July 4, 2009 in the amount of $15,000.
Also scheduled is an ordinance
changing fees at the Carthage Public Golf Course.
Last Week in
Scandals: Bailout Moves
Threaten to
by Alexandra Andrews,
Every week, we take stock of how the week
unfolded for the stories we’re tracking in
Scandal Watch.
The Obama administration is
concocting a plan to sidestep congressionally
mandated restrictions on bailout funds, like
executive pay caps, in future rescue efforts, the
Washington Post reported this week, prompting the
House oversight committee to open an
investigation. Meanwhile, other aspects of the
administration’s strategy came under fire
for being too risky. The New York Times’
Andrew Ross Sorkin concluded that the Federal
Reserve’s plan to insure 85 percent of the
loans investors will use to buy toxic assets (as
part of the Treasury’s Public-Private
Investment Program) will actually add "more
risk, not less, to the system." And the Post
raises the possibility that the
administration’s plan to ramp up financial
oversight will actually spur greater risk-taking.
Also this week, the
congressional panel that oversees the bailout
suggested some "potential policy
alternatives," including liquidating problem
banks and ousting some bank execs. "The very
notion that anyone would infuse money into a
financially troubled entity without demanding
changes in management is preposterous," the
panel’s head, Elizabeth Warren, told The
Observer. Meanwhile, Bloomberg News columnist
Jonathan Weil asks why the administration
hasn’t forced financial institutions to
"come clean about their losses."
And finally, get ready to add
life insurers to the list of bailout recipients,
although no one yet knows "how hard a
bargain the government will drive" with
these companies.
2. AIG
AIG has forked over $50 billion
in taxpayer funds to its counterparties since its
first bailout, leaving many wondering why the
government felt the need to pay those contracts
in full. Well, as we reported this week, it turns
out the Treasury did have some other options,
although none of them were entirely risk-free.
Meanwhile, those payouts will be getting scrutiny
from Neil Barofsky, the bailout’s inspector
general, who said this week that he had begun an
And to all those optimists out
there patiently awaiting the day when AIG repays
the government its $180 billion: Don’t hold
your breath. Analysts are questioning whether
AIG’s plan to sell off its assets will
actually reap enough dough to get it out of debt.
3. Madoff’s Long Con
New York’s attorney
general filed a civil lawsuit this week against
J. Ezra Merkin, a money manager who placed his
clients’ funds in Bernard Madoff’s
hands without telling them. According to the
lawsuit, Merkin was warned repeatedly about
Madoff. Merkin’s lawyer called the suit
"hasty and ill-conceived."
And finally, those counting
their lucky stars that they had withdrawn their
funds from Bernard Madoff’s firm were dealt
a blow yesterday when the appointed trustee of
Madoff’s business filed the first lawsuit
against one such investor. The suit demands that
a company in the British Virgin Islands pay back
$150 million that it withdrew from Madoff’s
firm six weeks before the arrest.
Morning Cup:
Stimulus in Slow Motion
by Christopher Weaver,
Stimulus money is
"beginning to percolate nationwide,"
the Washington Post reports. But it’s a slow
drip. Stimulus paperwork is proving too much for
some existing bureaucracies, especially when new
hurdles intended to increase transparency are
thrown into the mix. Even after contracts are
assigned, the money can be held up by
environmental reviews, public debate and even the
upcoming football season (a Missouri highway
interchange is ready for work, but its proximity
to the Kansas City stadium will cause delays).
Meanwhile, Republican governors
who oppose the trickle of stimulus funds are
increasingly giving in. Politico reports that
Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, who said last month she
was rejecting up to 45 percent of the money, has
softened that stand to say it’s
"possible" that Alaska won’t apply
for certain funds. South Carolina’s Mark
Sanford, perhaps the most vocal stimulus
opponent, told Politico the fight had left him
"beaten up pretty bad."
Project of the day:
Politico‘s report also reminds us that local
papers are reporting Louisiana Gov. Bobby
Jindal’s transportation department will seek
federal funding for a highspeed train from Baton
Rouge to… Bourbon Street! Jindal criticized
stimulus for rails in a television address,
saying the "wasteful" provision was for
building a levitation train from "Las Vegas
to Disneyland."

Just Jake
Talkin' Mornin'
It’s time ta start
cleanin’ out the garage and the annual
deluge "of shoppers" that invade the
community durin’ the City Wide Garage Sale
and then the Clean Up Day the followin’
week. (In case ya haven’t noticed, it’s
planned that way, given ya a chance to sell stuff
‘fore ya have ta throw it away).
I personally get a kick outa
cruisin’ the neighborhoods the night before
the Clean Up day. Not so much to look at the
piles of junk, but observin’ the
semi-organized efforts to pick up the better
throw aways.
If you remember, last year a
school type bus stopped in front a my house and
waited while the passengers poked through my
discarded treasures. There may be some
questionable legal aspects to this form of
acquisition, but once in the junk pile, most
figure it’s fair game.
This is some fact, but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin’.
by Carthage Printing |
Your Good Health
By Paul G. Donohue, M.D.
Many Ways to
Treat Enlarged Prostate
DEAR DR. DONOHUE: About three
years ago, I had a procedure to reduce the size
of my prostate. It was Greenlight PVP laser
procedure. My doctor did it on an outpatient
basis. Since then, I have a normal flow for
someone who is 79 years old. I sleep through the
night without having to get up to go to the
bathroom. Perhaps you could comment on this
treatment. -- L.M.
ANSWER: Prostate gland
enlargement -- benign (noncancerous) prostate
hyperplasia or hypertrophy -- is something that
happens to just about all men. Fifty percent of
men between the ages of 51 and 60 have some gland
enlargement, and by age 80, more than 80 percent
have it. Not all these men have to deal with its
exasperating consequences -- frequent urination,
nighttime urination, difficulty starting the
stream -- but enough do that it is a quite common
Sometimes medicines can relax
the chokehold that the big prostate has on the
urethra, the tube draining the bladder, and there
also are medicines that shrink the gland.
When medicines strike out, a
large number of invasive procedures are readily
available. The standard operation, TURP --
transurethral resection of the prostate -- is
done with a scope and instrument passed into the
urethra and advanced upward to the gland. The
doctor shaves away portions of the gland. TUNA --
transurethral needle ablation; TUMT --
transurethral microwave therapy; and TUIP --
transurethral incision of the prostate are
procedures done very much like a TURP, but they
employ different techniques for reducing the
gland’s size. Some are done in the
doctor’s office.
Greenlight Laser
Photovaporization is a technique in which the
prostate gland is downsized by vaporizing the
excess with a laser that emits a green light. One
big advantage this offers is a reduction of
bleeding. The green-light laser seals blood
vessels in the process. I am sure many men
readers will appreciate your bringing up the
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