Did Ya Know?... The Carthage Humane Society is in need of new Board of Directors to serve a 3 year term starting May 2009. Persons with background in finance or non-profit law are especially encouraged to apply. Contact Glenda at 417-358-3819. Did Ya Know?... Jam Session every Saturday, doors open @ 4:00 p.m., music starts @ 5:00 p.m. All acoustic instruments welcome! Salem Country Church, Red Oak II, Carthage MO. For more information call Judy at 417-237-0885. Did Ya Know?.. Carthage Aquatic Team sign ups will be April 21st, 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. at the United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall. |
laugh Things Learned From Children: 1. A six year old can start a fire with a flint rock even though a 36 year old man says they can only do it in the movies. 2. Some things will pass through the digestive tract of a four year old that you’d imagine would remain in him or her. 3. McGyver can teach us many things we don’t want to know. 4. No matter how much Jell-O you put in a swimming pool you still can’t walk on water. 5. Pool filters do not like Jell-O. 6. VCR’s do not eject peanut butter and jelly sandwiches even though TV commercials show they do. 1899 Webb City is Sore. The Webb City Register, the leading newspaper of Webb City and Democratic in politics, says of the recent triple alliance convention held in Carthage: "From the very opening of the convention it was plain that Joplin had it in for Webb City, but that is nothing strange as they have always had it in for Webb City on anything that comes up. The point the Register wishes to make is the inconsistency of the convention and every other convention ever held in the county. "Webb City went to the convention with three candidates for three offices: sheriff, county clerk and representative. We did not expect to get the three offices, in fact we expected to get just what we did. Some say we had too many candidates. This is no argument at all, Joplin had just as many and got every one of them. In fact that same characteristic of the swine that always prevails in Joplin was in evidence at the convention. "It was no more than right that Joplin should get something, but why not Webb City. Many a time has the county waited on election day for the returns from Webb City which always rolls up a Democratic majority and always will. This is not the first kick that Webb City has been entitled to. It has been the same way for years, but it may be that sometimes things will take a different turn, at least, it is to be hoped so." Commenting along the same line the Joplin News says: "Webb City is the Democratic stronghold of the county, and the Popocratic managers work on the theory that they are sure of Webb’s vote anyway, so throw the tempting baits to other parts of the county where they may catch suckers from the Republican and Populist ponds. The policy is all right in general, but is a little rough on the Webb City Democrats, and it’s a wonder they have not kicked before.
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