The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Monday, April 27, 2009 Volume XVII, Number 218
did ya
Did Ya Know?... Special Blood Drive for
Peggy (Hawks) Blackford held by the American Red Cross
this Thursday, April 30th, 11:30-6:00 p.m. at the Church
of the Nazarene, 2000 Grand, Carthage, MO.
Did Ya Know?... The Jasper County
Spring River Watershed Partnership will hold a public
meeting Thursday, April 30th at 7:00 p.m. The meeting
will be held at the Carthage Technical Center
Agricultural classrooms. For more information contact
Tony Moehr @ 358-0477 or Jim Honey @358-0421.
laugh • Why
does a flamingo lift up one leg?
Because if he lifted up both legs it
would fall over!
• What city cheats at exams?
• What makes the leaning Tower of
Pisa lean?
It doesn’t eat much!
• Why is Alabama the smartest
state in the USA?
Because it has 4 A’s and one B!
• Why do birds fly south in the
Because it’s too far to walk!
• Dad, there is a man at the door
collecting for the new swimming pool.
Give him a glass of water!
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Preferred "Hoeing His Own Row"
Hoeing Weeds.
A 10-year old
boy named Clark ran away from the farm of Owen Weeks,
northwest of town yesterday afternoon, and Mr. Weeks was
in town today looking for him.
He had put the
boy at work hoeing weeds and at supper time he had proved
to have jumped his job, taking $1.35 from a purse
containing $8 of Mr. Weeks money.
shows that he spent the stormy night at the home of Billy
McDaniels, a stone cutter, in town, and this morning
asked Officer Drake the way to Joplin. He took the next
car for the mining metropolis, and Mr. Weeks decided not
to follow him there. He evidently prefers hoeing his own
row to hoeing someone else’s weeds.
The lad, an
orphan, was brought here from Duenweg by Mr. Weeks, who
undertook to raise him. Howard Gray is the boy’s
Today's Feature Let the Budget
The City Council Budget Ways
and Means Committee will begin the fiscal year
2009-2010 budget hearing this evening in Council
Chambers in City Hall.
Tonight’s meeting will
address requests from outside agencies that have
received funding from the City in the past.
The hearings will begin at 6:30
with an overview of the proposed budget. At 6:45
the agenda will hear from the Over-60 Center,
Chamber of Commerce, Humane Society, Carthage
Library, Carthage Convention and Visitors Bureau,
American Legion Baseball, Girls Softball, and
Youth Baseball.
Each organization will have
approximately fifteen minutes to present their
proposals and answer any questions the Committee
may have. The last scheduled time slot is 9 p.m.,
but historically these initial hearings have
difficulty in staying on schedule.
City Administrator Tom Short
informed the Committee at its last meeting that
projected income for the upcoming year may not
meet expectations.
Just Jake
After years of
listenin’ to telemarketers give their
patter durin’ supper time, ya start to
give ‘em ratings after ya tell ‘em
to get lost.
The easy ones to hang up on
are the pushy type. They always start with
some kinda joke or cute remark about the
weather. ‘Course most of ‘em are in
a different time zone and don’t have a
clue ‘bout the climate in this part of
the country.
There are some ya gotta
feel a little sorry for. They stumble over
the words as they try to get enthused about
what ever product they are pushin’.
I’ve even listened to a complete pitch
from a couple, just ta give ‘em
practice. I give ‘em a few kind words
and tell ‘em not to get too discouraged.
Then I tell ‘em to take me off the list
and not to call again. Figure they might as
well get the full lesson.
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin’.
Sponsored by
Carthage Printing
Weekly Columns This Is A Hammer
The ABCs of
Q: I tried using the handsaw my
dad gave me to cut a piece of wood, but it’s
the most useless thing I’ve ever had. It
sawed about half an inch and then stuck, and I
can’t get it out. What’s a better kind
of saw to get? -- Felicity in Columbus, Ohio
A: Handsaws require a bit of
patience and practice to really get the hang of.
And while the majority of do-it-yourselfers
eventually invest in power saws to handle cutting
jobs, learning to use a handsaw properly is still
important. You’ll learn a lot about proper
cutting angles and some of the characteristics of
different woods. Plus, it builds character, or so
my dad used to say.
The type of handsaw to keep in
your toolkit at all times is one marked
"general purpose." This type of saw
allows you to cut wood either along the grain or
against the grain. (A "crosscut" saw is
designed to cut only against the grain.) The
blade should be a little more than 2 feet long,
with 8 to 10 teeth per inch (this will all be
noted on the label). A good steel blade -- one
that’s not too floppy -- and a sturdy wooden
handle are essential.
To properly saw a piece of
wood, mark it with a line that indicates the spot
and direction you want to cut. Clamp the wood to
a sturdy surface (a workbench or between two
sawhorses). Line up the saw with the mark and
begin slowly sawing back and forth, smoothly but
firmly. As it cuts into the wood, angle the saw
at about 60 degrees vertically -- try to maintain
that angle.
You will be able to feel
whether the saw is cutting smoothly or not;
don’t fight or jiggle the saw side to side
-- concentrate on a smooth back-and-forth
movement using the entire length of the saw
blade. Don’t push the saw downward to force
the cutting to move faster -- this is one sure
way to snag the saw teeth in the wood.
As you near the end of the cut,
be especially cautious. The wood will get wobbly
and you’ll need to hold one side steady to
keep the last bit from splintering; plus, the
instant the saw gets all the way through, it will
fall downward and angle right back toward you. So
don’t saw too furiously at this stage.
Again, be patient as you saw.
If your arm gets tired, take a break, then back
at it. Don’t let frustration get the best of
you. The only way to get better at this is to
keep doing it.
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