The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Monday, April 5, 2009, Volume XVII, Number
ya know?Did Ya Know?... Autism
Support Group will meet at the Freeman
Business Center Conference Room April 7th
from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. For more information
please call 417-347-7850.
Why God Made
Mom’s... According to 2nd Graders
What kind of little girl was
My Mom has always been my mom
and none of that other stuff.
I don’t know because I
wasn’t there, but my guess would be pretty
They say she used to be nice.
If you could change one
thing about your mom, what would it be?
She has this weird thing about
me keeping my room clean. I’d get rid of
I’d make my mom smarter.
Then she would know it was my sister who did it
and not me.
I wish she would diet. You
know, her hair. I’d diet, maybe blue.
I would like for her to get rid
of those invisible eyes on the back of her head.
What’s the difference
between moms & dads?
Moms work at work and work at
home and dads just go to work at work.
Moms know how to talk to
teachers without scaring them.
Moms have magic, they make you
feel better without medicine.
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
About the College.
Janitors are at work placing the
furniture and fitting up the northeast basement room of
the college for the new chemical laboratory which Prof.
Robinson has provided for the coming year. Water will be
put in and the necessary fixtures and additional
apparatus will be supplied.
Additional shelves are to be placed in
the library room this summer. to hold a special
contribution of late reference books on Latin, Greek, and
French languages. These books were secured by Prof.
Robinson while in Chicago.
One of the last year’s students
from Mt. Vernon, has written Prof. Robinson that a number
of new students from Lawrence county will enter the
college this fall. The fall term will open Sept. 13.
Through the courtesy of Senator
Cockrell the school has secured several very fine maps,
including the U.S. land office map, the contour and
relief maps.
Bill Would
Expand Virtual Classrooms.
gaming money derived from the passage of
Proposition A last November by Missouri voters
will go to students in Missouri classrooms as
intended thanks to a sweeping education bill the
Missouri Senate passed last week. Senate Leader
Charlie Shields, R-St. Joseph, sponsored Senate
Bill 291 to fix an error in the proposition
language. Senators voted to have the gaming funds
generated from the removal of loss limits
deposited into the Classroom Trust Fund and
distributed to school districts through the fund.
"The Classroom Trust Fund
is a proven method for making sure gaming funding
that is supposed to go to our students in our
classrooms gets there," Shields said.
"By running the additional money generated
by the removal of loss limits through this proven
fund, we are ensuring our students will see those
dollars as intended by the people when they voted
last November."
The measure also expands
virtual classrooms for use by Missouri school
district students and charter school students for
any grade. An amendment to the bill guarantees
that private, parochial, and home schools
students will be able to participate in virtual
courses offered in the school districts where
they live. Shields said the bill provides funding
for school districts and charter schools to
create virtual school programs, building on the
state’s current virtual school.
"By funding these virtual
classes like normal classes, we give districts,
and more importantly, students flexibility,"
Shields said. "That flexibility means they
will be able to take more classes when it is most
convenient for them, plus it will mean a wider
range of classes will be available for students
in small or rural districts."
The Senate also endorsed the
bipartisan idea that teachers have performance
"Our students have
performance standards and it is important we have
quality teachers to make sure Missouri’s
future workforce is the most educated in the
nation – even the world."
School districts are required
to develop the standards by June 30, 2010. The
standards should include that teachers use forms
of assessment to monitor and manage learning, be
prepared and knowledgeable of content, keep
students focused, professionally communicate with
the community, keep current on instructional
knowledge and act as a responsible professional.
The bill now moves to the House
for similar consideration. To learn more visit, "key word" search

Just Jake
Talkin' Mornin'
Hopefully small disasters come
in threes. That’d mean I’m past the
"fix-it" mode for a while anyway.
It started last Friday
evenin’ with a hiss under the hood of the
old jeep. Water hose. The grandkids were
visitin’, so I take them to the parts store
with me on Saturday to get the hose. Simple
replacement, good as new. I get in the car later
that evening and the battery is dead. I take the
jeep and when I return home after dark I see the
problem, the rear dome light was turned on by one
of the two curious minds. The charger goes on,
battery is ok next day. Plug in the coffee pot (a
real percolator type), the plug flashes and shuts
down that project. I replaced the plug and
ever’thing is back to pre-weekend normal. I
was lookin’ forward to gettin’ back to
This is some fact, but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin’.
by Carthage Printing Services |
Here's a Tip. Weatherstrip Now
for Summer
Q: I know that weatherstripping
in the winter can keep out cold air and lower my
heating bill, but what about summertime? -- Ellen
in New York
A: Just as blocking cold air
from entering during the winter months can keep
you more comfortable and save on heating costs,
reducing the amount of cool air that escapes the
interior of the home during the hot summer months
also can save money.
If your home’s windows and
doors are well-sealed against drafts -- either
because they are brand-new or because you
installed thicker weatherstripping in the fall --
that seal should be enough to keep
air-conditioned air inside.
A home’s insulation also
works year-round to help maintain comfortable
temperatures indoors. It works best when in good
shape, so if you haven’t inspected the
insulation in a while, check the condition of any
that you can access, such as the attic or
crawlspaces. The material should not be
compressed or matted, and definitely should not
be damp or moldy. Replace old or damaged
And while you’re up in the
attic, inspect the vents installed around the
space. These should not be blocked or damaged; if
they are, unblock them or have them repaired.
This is one area where, winter or summer, outside
air needs to circulate constantly in order to
prevent moisture, excessive heat or cold from
damaging the outer envelope of your home. (A
home’s "envelope" generally
consists of the uninhabited spaces just inside
the outer walls and roof. Air flowing through
these spaces helps keep the building materials
from deteriorating.)
Spring is an excellent time to
inspect weatherstripping, insulation and venting
around the home, as you can make any repairs in
fairly comfortable weather and be ready for the
hot season ahead.
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