The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Monday, August 10, 2009 Volume XVIII, Number 36
did ya
Did Ya Know?... On August 11th
there will be a Grief Support Group from 1:30 to 3 PM in
the McCune Brooks Felix Wright Family Chapel. Free &
open to the public. For info, call 417-359-AMEN.
Did Ya Know?... Freeman will be
having an Alzheimer’s Support Group on August 11th
from 6-7 PM in their East Conf. Room. For info, call
Did Ya Know?... The Family
Literacy Center will be selling Mums for the fall season
at $10 each. To order, call 358-5926.
laugh The
preacher buys a parrot
A preacher is buying a parrot.
"Are you sure it doesn’t
scream, yell, or swear?" asked the preacher.
"Oh absolutely. It’s a
religious parrot," the storekeeper assures him.
"Do you see those strings on his
legs? When you pull the right one, he recites the
lord’s prayer, and when you pull on the left he
recites the 23rd Psalm."
"Wonderful!" says the
preacher, "but what happens if you pull both
"I fall off my perch, you stupid
fool!" screeched the parrot.
-Never ask two questions in a business
letter. The reply will discuss the one you are least
interested in, and say nothing about the other.
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Miss Gladden Shows
New Fruit.
Are Being Grown by Edward Bell.
Miss Alice Gladden called at the Press
office this afternoon and showed some
"Wonderberries," a new fruit produced by Luther
Burbank, the "wizard of horticulture." Miss
Gladden said that she had seen a statement in a local
paper that the only Wonderberries in this neighborhood
are owned by George Briggle, but she added that the fruit
in her possession was from vines owned by Edward Bell of
Grant street. Mr. Bell has three long rows of vines and
finds that they bear very prolifically.
The berries are said to have been
evolved from the cherry, but look more like grapes, both
in color and in the manner of their clustering. They are
practically tasteless, but when cooked it is said that
they make excellent jelly and pastry.
Today's Feature
Attorney General Koster
Language Website.
Jefferson City, Mo.
-– Attorney General Chris Koster has
unveiled Missouri state government’s
first bilingual website.
delighted to be able to make government
services more accessible to this growing
segment of the state’s
population," Koster said.
"Those for whom English is not a
first language will now have an avenue to
speak clearly to state government when
reporting consumer complaints and the
growing problem of mortgage fraud. And
they will be able to clearly understand
information we provide about their rights
as consumers."
Koster also announced
today his commitment to maintaining
Spanish-speaking employees answering the
Attorney General’s Consumer
Protection hotline. As many as two dozen
complaints per week come into the
Attorney General’s office in
Koster firmly asserted
that his office’s Spanish language
website complies with the English-only
provision to the Missouri Constitution
that voters adopted in 2008.
"When voters
adopted the English-only provision to the
constitution last year, they made clear
that government business, including
discussions and roll call votes, be
conducted in English," Koster said.
"Nonetheless, it is vital that
individuals with limited English-language
skills have an avenue to report crime,
fraud and abuse to our state’s
law-enforcement community."
Koster said the public
can access the Spanish language version
of the Attorney General’s Office
website,, by clicking on
"en espanol" at the top of the
Just Jake
Mornin',A friend a mine in high school pointed
out to me the "free"energy that is
produced by a car heater. ‘Course it
ain’t ‘xactly free, but it is a
captured by-product of the act of drivin’ a
The heat from an engine is
gonna happen whether it gets put through a heater
or thrown off into the atmosphere. The trick is
just a matter of puttin’ the energy to use
in a positive way rather than lettin’ it
fritter away in the wind.
Like a lot of solutions, a car
heater was prob’ly obvious to a lotta folks,
but someone with a little insight actually put it
to use for the first time. Too bad we can’t
readily identify more of those simple answers to
capture and utilize random sources of wasted
This is some fact, but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin’
Weekly Columns THIS IS A HAMMER
By Samantha Mazzotta
Plaster Walls
Q: At my mom’s house -- an
older home built in the early 1900s -- one of the
bedroom walls upstairs has a small hole, perhaps
from being struck by a piece of furniture or
something. It looks like plaster rather than
drywall, and the wood strips visible through the
hole look fine. Are there any special
considerations when patching? -- P.A., via e-mail
A: The main consideration in
plaster patching is the size of the hole, which
dictates the type of repair and, if not done
properly, can result in a poorly bonded patch.
A very small ding or hole in a
plaster wall can usually be filled with a
lightweight spackle. Smooth and let the spackle
dry for a day, then sand lightly with fine
sandpaper, brush off, prime and paint to match
the rest of the wall.
If the hole is larger, or deep
enough to see the lath supports (the wooden
strips behind the plaster), you’ll want to
use patching plaster for the best coverage. You
also should consider using a latex bonding liquid
to strengthen the patch, as plaster and lath can
be a bit temperamental.
First, brush or scrape away
loose plaster and prod the area around the hole
to see if there is any soft plaster. A little
soft or broken plaster around the edges is OK,
but if you observe a bigger area of softened or
cracked plaster, call a professional.
Once the hole is cleared, mix
up the patching plaster well. Then brush a coat
of the latex bonding liquid around the edges of
the hole and over the wooden lath. Use a putty or
wallboard knife to apply a coat of patching
plaster into the hole. Don’t slather in the
plaster -- use too much and it won’t dry
properly, causing the patch to crumble later.
If one application of patching
plaster doesn’t completely fill the hole,
don’t worry. Scratch a crosshatch pattern
into the first application, to set up an improved
bonding area for the next coat. Let the
application dry. Then, apply a second coat of
plaster, smoothing it flush with the wall. Let
the patch dry completely before sanding smooth,
priming and painting.
HOME TIP: Small cracks in
plaster walls can be reinforced with mesh
wallboard tape. Spackle over the tape, sand,
prime and paint to match the rest of the wall.
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