laugh You are in a
steel room with no windows, doors or openings. All you
have is a do you get out? Answer: Strike
One! Strike Two! Strike Three...Your Out
A University of Georgia student was
visiting a Yankee relative in Boston over the holidays.
He went to a large party and met a pretty co-ed. He was
attempting to start up a conversation with the line,
"Where does you go to school?" The coed, of
course, was not overly impressed with his grammar or
southern drawl, but did answer his question.
"Yale," she replied. The Georgia student took a
big, deep breath and shouted, "WHERE DOES YOU GO TO
When the waitress in a New York City
restaurant brought him the soup du jour, the Englishman
was a bit dismayed. "Good heavens," he said,
"what is this?" "Why, it’s bean
soup," she replied. "I don’t care what it
has been," he sputtered. "What is it now?"
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Empire Employees
A.M. Hull, an electrician for the
Empire Electric Co., shipped his household goods today to
Lincoln, Nebraska, where he will live. His family has
gone on ahead. He will leave tonight. Mr. Hull formerly
lived in Lincoln and helped to build some of the electric
power plants there. He expects to make that city his
headquarters for electric light plant building in towns
of the territory naturally tributary to Lincoln. He has
been in Carthage for the past two years.
W.E. Doggett, also in the employ of the
Empire Electric Company, has been called to Des Moines
,IA.,by the illness of relatives . He and his wife
shipped their household goods to that city yesterday.
Ira Burgey of this city, formerly
connected with the Carthage Municipal electric light
plant has taken a position with Empire Electric Company
and begins work at once.
Today's Feature
Possible Detour.
The City will be
working on its annual road paving project
this week and several streets will be
closed or slowed to traffic. It is
requested that motorists take alternate
routes if at all possible.
The following streets
will be involved starting today and
possibly through Wednesday.
•Walnut St. from
Baker to Francis
•Garrison from Elk
to Airport Dr.
•7th from Garrison
to Main
•Alexandra from
Wilson to Devin
•Fulton from
Airport Dr. to George Phelps Blvd.
•Clint from
Airport Dr. to George Phelps Blvd.
The Carthage Convention
and Visitors Bureau is encouraging
members of the community to purchase
trees to replace those lost in the past
Several types of trees
are available for purchase and the $45
cost include delivery and planting. The
trees are in a 5 gallon size and are six
to eight feet tall.
Orders must be placed
by October 1 to ensure delivery. CVB -
Just Jake
Mornin',The debate concernin’ makin’
smokin’ tobacco in Carthage a crime looks ta
be startin’ back up. Council member T.J.
Teed says a grant for thousands of dollars has
been secured to campaign against smokin’ in
Carthage. That’s in addition to funding
goin’ to the Joplin anti-smokers.
He also says that Webb City
Council members are ready to enact a ban on
tobacco smokin’ over there, they just
don’t wanna be the first to put the law in
place. He says they told him if Carthage and
Joplin go along, they’ll jump on the wagon.
When the antismokin’
proposal came up last winter, there didn’t
seem ta be the votes on the Carthage Council to
get it passed. It’ll be interestin’ to
watch as this campaign takes hold.
This is some fact, but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin’.
Weekly Columns This is a Hammer
by Samantha Mazzotta
Short-Term Fix
for Leaky Roof
Q: This summer, I found a
couple of small leaks in the attic, apparently
from some rough spots on the roof. I marked the
attic ceiling where the leaks are, but
what’s the best way to repair them? -- Greta
in Topeka, Kansas
A: You can patch those leaky
spots for now, but you’ll want to have your
roof evaluated by a professional as soon as
possible. In the meantime, here’s how you
can minimize the damage.
Indoors, place containers
underneath the leaks to catch rainwater, and dry
up damp areas as they occur. Next, since
you’ve already marked the leak sources, make
sure their locations can be found from outside on
the roof.
You can do this in two ways: at
each leaky spot, drive a large nail through the
underside of the roof, upward -- this will punch
through or push up the shingle above, marking the
spot; or, measure the distance between each leak
and the nearest feature that can be seen outside
-- like the chimney, a vent opening or the roof
From there, a spot repair
should be made on the roof. Always work with a
partner and a safety rope. On a dry day, head up
there with some roofing cement, a couple of spare
shingles, a utility knife, roofing nails, a
hammer and a flat pry bar.
At the leak spot, remove the
big marking nail -- it’s no longer needed.
Evaluate the area. If the shingle above is loose
or torn, seal back in place with a generous
application of roofing cement. If it’s
missing, install a new shingle by sliding it into
place under the shingle above the missing part
(carefully loosen the upper shingle if necessary,
using the pry bar), tacking down with roofing
cement and securing with a couple of roofing
nails (nail them along the top of the replacement
shingle, under the overlapping shingle, then
press the overlapping shingle down over them).
Sometimes, leaks occur at roof
joints -- where the roof meets a corner, or a
chimney. Metal flashing is in place to sluice
water away from these joints, but gaps often
occur after a few years thanks to warping and
debris strikes. Patch the flashing with roofing
cement for now, and have it evaluated for
replacement in the near future.
Copyright 1997-2009 by Heritage
Publishing. All rights reserved.