The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Wednesday, December 15, 2009 Volume XVIII, Number 125
did ya
Did Ya Know?... Saturday, December
19th, Salem Country Church Christmas Event at Red OakII.
Jam Session starts at 5 p.m.with a Special Guest Cynthia
Woodburn will join us at 8 p.m. for her Christmas tunes
on the Bells ! Come join us, bring a friend.... There
will be hot apple tea and Christmas
Did Ya Know?... Single Reaching
Out-West will meet Friday, Dec. 18 at 6:30 p.m. in the
SMB Community room, 2417 S. Grand. The theme is a South
of the border Christmas party. For info call 358-0235.
Did Ya Know?... "Paws for
Books" R.E.A.D. dogs, Emmit and Truman will be at
the Carthage Public Library from 3 to 5 on Wed.
afternoon, Dec 16.
laugh A preacher is
buying a parrot.
"Are you sure it doesn’t
scream, yell, or swear?" asked the preacher.
"Oh absolutely. It’s a
religious parrot," the storekeeper assures him.
"Do you see those strings on his
legs? When you pull the right one, he recites the
lord’s prayer, and when you pull on the left he
recites the 23rd Psalm."
"Wonderful!" says the
preacher, "but what happens if you pull both
"I fall off my perch, you stupid
fool!" screeched the parrot.
I don’t work here. I’m a
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
an Overcoat from the Cloak Room of the High School.
Gallentine, a son of Jon. Gallentine, who lives two miles
northwest of Carthage, lost an overcoat in a very
mysterious manner, yesterday, from the cloak room of the
high school.
Walter is a
member of the high school and yesterday, hung a brand new
overcoat that he had purchased only the day before, in
the cloak room provided for that purpose. Upon coming
out, after school, the coat was nowhere in sight and the
supposition is that is was stolen.
The thief was a
very nervy one, as the party who carried it away ran a
great many chances of being suddenly walked in upon as he
was in the act of taking it, or meeting someone in the
hall. There is as yet no sure clew to the thief.
Today's Feature Harris Files for
Council member Mike Harris was
the first to file as candidate for mayor
yesterday morning. The filing period for mayor
and six available seats on the Council will last
until January 19, 2010. The filing is for the
general election that is to be held April 6.
As of yesterday afternoon, T.J.
Teed of the 2nd Ward had also filed for a second
Other seats that are up for
election include 1st Ward Claude Newport, 3rd
Ward John Studebaker, 4th Ward Larry Ross, and
5th Ward Brent Greninger. The seat held by Harris
was appointed after being vacated earlier in the
year and will be available for a one year term.
All regular Council seats are for a two year
The mayor serves for a four
year term. Present Mayor Jim Woestman has said he
will not seek a second term.
Candidates for the mayor
position must be at least 30 years and lived in
the City for at least two years.
Council candidates must be 21
or older and lived in the city for at least one
Candidates must gather
twenty-five valid signatures or $25 to file.
Just Jake
There are some thing that
in all likelihood the youngsters of today
will never experience. One of ‘em is
probl’y the thrill of bein’ towed
behind a car on a sled. As dangerous as it
sounds to me at the present time, as a kid
this ritual was practiced at my house.
To increase the all out
fun, instead of a single sled bein’
hooked to the long length of rope, my brother
and I convinced the folks to let us run
tandem. Two ropes tied to the bumper and the
fun really begins. As speed was kept to a
"safe and prudent" level,
goin’ around corners and bumpin’
each other off was common. By draggin’ a
toe on one side or the other the sled would
dart in the direction of the drag.
Draggin’ booth feet was the
breakin’ system. We, of course, never
had Nintendo.
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin’.
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Weekly Columns
JoAnn Derson
• Go Green Tip:
Here’s a little-practiced fact in the life
of today’s fashion: Many clothing items can
be repaired. Do it right away, though, so the
item can go back into the usable clothing
circulation. The longer it sits, the greater the
odds of it being replaced instead, making the
original, repairable item just another piece of
• "Use the
clothes-detergent cap (to measure detergent),
then wash it in the very same load. The cap will
stay nice and clean -- no liquid soap
everywhere." -- Mrs. B., via e-mail
• "If you have a
noisy bed after you purchased a new mattress and
box springs (it never was noisy before), it might
be your bed rails. Cover them with carpet. We
nailed ours on all over, which was easy, and the
noise stopped. Our box spring apparently was not
made very well at the bottom. This really
works." -- C.F. in Indiana
• "Save the zippered
plastic bags that bedding and curtains come in to
store or organize items. My young children often
need a clean change of clothes when we are on the
go. I pack complete extra outfits (including
underwear and socks) for them in the small bags.
They work perfectly. The bags are sturdy and
reusable for years. I keep these packages tucked
away in the car or in their school backpacks, and
I send one to the sitter. I also keep one in the
car filled with socks for those summer days when
they are wearing sandals and we decide to go to
an indoor play place." -- A.S., via e-mail
• If you receive a set of
scented soaps for the holidays, you can get a
longer use out of them as drawer scents before
you use them as soap. Tuck each one into a cloth
wrapper and stick it in a drawer. When the scent
starts to wear out, use the soap.
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