Today's Feature An O. Henry
Stone’s Throw Theatre,
Carthage, Missouri will present An O. Henry
Christmas by Howard Burmam, directed by Mr.
James Privett and produced by the Lamar Community
Theater and by special arrangement with
Baker’s Plays . Additional funding to
Stone’s Throw Community Theatre is provided
by the Missouri Arts Council, a state agency.
This production hopes to continue a little of the
Christmas spirit into January.
The performance will be at
Stone’s Throw Dinner Theatre, 796 South
Stone Lane, Carthage, Missouri on January 8,
2010. This production will be served in a
dessert-only format. The doors will open at 6:30
and the show starts at 7:00. The price is $15.00.
Children under 5 are free (without dessert or
$5.00 with dessert). Reservations can be made by
calling Betty Bell at 417-358-7268 or the theatre
at 417-358-9665 or on line at or at
An O. Henry Christmas is
directed by Jim Privett with assistance from
Megan Hamman. It features actors from Lamar,
Golden City and Lockwood.
The Play sees six friends,
poor, down-on-their-luck hobos, huddled around a
fire in a rail yard on Christmas Eve, 1893. A
stranger stumbles upon the group and offers to
tell stories in exchange for some company and a
bit of broth on the cold winter’s night. As
the verbose stranger weaves his tales, with the
assistance of the hobos, each member of the
ragtag group reveals more about himself or
herself, and more importantly discovers more
about the true meaning of Christmas.
Through the play, the audience
will get to know the hobos. Dinty is a cynical
artist. Agnes is a caring farm girl from the
Midwest who has not lost her rosy view on life
despite her circumstances. Hal is a young man of
a well-to-do family who has lost everything to a
bottle. Fran is a witty pickpocket. Marguerite is
a very sick young former lady of the night.
Guido, a police officer, has his eye out for a
guy. Finally, of course, there is O.P., the story
teller, with a vocabulary full of large words and
a secret to hide. O.P. is played by Rowland
Geddie, who has appeared in several shows at
Stone’s Throw, most recently in Twelve Angry
The stories O.P. tells are some
of O. Henry’s classic short stories. Through
O.P. and his hobo cast, the audience learns
Christmas lessons of hope, love, sacrifice and
unselfish giving taught by Bobby Gillian, Stuffy
Pete and the Old Gentleman, and Jim and Della.
These stories all piece together the overriding
theme, but it is not until the last leaf falls
that real sacrifice and a true Christmas miracle
are revealed.
The Clock Ticks Slowest at
Gitmo: Why It’s Taking so Long to Close the
by Dafna Linzer, ProPublica
As we have reported throughout
the year, the Obama administration has been
serially hampered in its efforts to shutter the
prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. It underestimated
the time needed to close the facility and was
unprepared for Congressional opposition.
Finding countries to adopt
detainees has proven difficult, and only this
month did the administration locate a prison to
move detainees into once Guantanamo closes.
Meanwhile, a front-page piece
in yesterday’s New York Times suggested that
Guantanamo won’t be closed "until 2011
at the earliest." As the Times notes, the
administration has had trouble getting the
necessary Congressional funding to purchase and
upgrade a prison in Illinois where as many as 100
detainees may be moved.
This is not where the Obama
administration imagined it would be 11 months
ago, when the president signed an executive order
to close the prison at Guantanamo Bay by January
That day, the president set in
motion an interagency task force to determine
which detainees could be released and whether any
could be prosecuted. Obama suspended the Bush-era
military commissions on Guantanamo Bay and
administration officials emphasized a preference
for prosecutions in federal court.
But in nearly a year, only one
detainee has been charged in federal court and
the military commissions have been revived.
In November — 10 months
after Obama signed the executive order —
Attorney-General Eric Holder announced that
another five detainees would face federal charges
in the Southern District of New York for their
alleged roles in the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist
Only now is a federal grand
jury considering charges for the five. And with
no trial yet under way, it could be years before
the Justice Department secures the conviction of
a single detainee.
Even after Guantanamo is
closed, some detainees will be held indefinitely,
without charge or trial, as they were under
former President Bush. Like the Bush
administration, Obama administration officials
have cited the same legal authority — the
2001 Congressional Authorization for Use of
Military Force — as the legal basis for
prolonged detention.
A look at where we are now:
* Since Obama’s
inauguration, the Guantanamo prison population
has fallen from 241 to 198. One of those
prisoners died in custody and one was transferred
to New York to face charges for his alleged role
in the 1998 U.S. embassy bombings in East Africa.
* Justice Department officials
have said as many as 90 detainees have been
cleared for release in the past year. Of those,
20 have already been turned over to third
countries for release or trial and 21 others have
been sent back to their home countries. The
administration has not revealed any details
regarding the legal agreements that governed
transfers to third countries or said under what
conditions other detainees were released.
* Ten detainees who are under
court order to be released from Guantanamo remain
at the prison. Seven of those ordered freed are
Chinese Muslims who are part of the Uighurs
community. The administration had hoped to
resettle the Uighurs quickly, but it has proven
difficult to find countries who will accept them
and where in turn the Uighurs are willing to go.
* In May, the Senate blocked
the administration from moving any detainees into
the United States for release or continued
incarceration. Until the law is changed, the only
detainees who can be moved are those who will be
put on trial.
* Last month, two top
administration officials who were working to
close Guantanamo announced they were leaving the
administration. Greg Craig was forced out of his
job as White House Counsel in November and is
returning to his Washington law firm. Phillip
Carter, who was a principal assistant secretary
of defense for detainee issues, resigned last
month, citing personal issues. Before joining the
Obama administration, Carter had been a vocal
opponent of the previous administration’s
detainee policies.
* Thirty-two detainees have won
their habeas corpus cases and were ordered
released by courts. Nine have lost their suits.
The government has so far decided to appeal two