The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Wednesday, February 11, 2009, Volume XVII,
Number 165
ya know?
Did Ya Know?...
Stone’s Throw Theatre presents the
comedy "Opal’s Baby".
Performances are February 5, 6, 7, 13, 14,
and 15th. Reservations are required.
Did Ya Know?... The
Tri-Statesmen Barbershop Quartets will be
singing Valentines on Friday and Saturday
February 13th and 14th. The cost is $25.00
with a portion of the proceeds donated to
Childrens Miracle Network. Call 358-5680 or
417-232-4337 for more information.
Did Ya Know?...
artCentral presents Jim Bilgere in his show
The artists reception will be held Friday,
February 13th @ 6:00 pm at the Hyde House
Gallery, 1110 E. 13th Street, Carthage. The
show will run thru March 1st.
• "I’ve been on
a constant diet for the last two decades.
I’ve lost a total of 789 pounds. By all
accounts, I should be hanging from a charm
bracelet." -- Erma Bombeck
• "I told my doctor I
get very tired when I go on a diet, so he gave me
pep pills. Know what happened? I ate
faster." -- Joe E. Lewis
• "I will not eat
oysters. I want my food dead -- not sick, not
wounded -- dead." -- Woody Allen
• "This recipe is
certainly silly. It says to separate two eggs,
but it doesn’t say how far to separate
them." -- Gracie Allen
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Caused C. L. Clark, a
Railway Mail Clerk, to Electrify West Mound St.
C. L. Clark, a railway mail clerk,
created consternation in the region of his home on Mound
street, near the Benton school, Saturday afternoon by
running up and down the street and around among the
houses clad only in his night shirt.
Clark runs from Kansas City to Joplin
on the Pacific and lives at 414 West Mound street with
his wife and four children. He came home Saturday morning
worn out with over work and after dinner went to bed.
About 4 o’clock he rushed downstairs and told his
wife he had taken an overdose of cocaine. He had taken
the drug to counteract the exhaustion of overwork. He is
a graduate of homeopathic school of medicine but he
over-estimated the amount of the drug he could stand.
When he came down stairs he was wrapped
in a blanket. When the drug began to take effect he began
to run about and dashed out into the street. In his wild
flight he shed everything but his shirt and continued to
tear around in his negligee costume until the police and
physician arrived.
Mrs. Clark sent up town for Marshal
Stafford and he responded quickly with Ed Belknap. In a
short time Officer Dan Bruffett and Dr. V. L. Chester,
who had also been sent for arrived. It took the united
efforts of the four powerful men to throw Clark on a
lounge, handcuff him and shackle his legs, and in the
melee he bit Marshal Stafford’s arm but not
seriously. He seemed to think he would die if he stopped
running and so fought like a tiger for liberty. He knew
what he was doing but said he could not help it.
Dr. Chester said today that Clark is
still quite ill, but is in no danger and will be able to
go to work in a few days.
Heist Thwarted.
After hearing rumors of someone
trying to "lift" the Courthouse
yesterday morning, the Mornin’ Mail
was assured by County Commissioner Jim Honey that
the "Hall of Justice" was not being
moved to another location. Workers were merely
preparing to do some roofing repairs.

Workers unloaded shingles on
the the roof of the Courthouse yesterday morning.

Just Jake
Talkin' Mornin'
Ever’ now and then I get
the urge ta go campin.’ It usually passes
fairly quickly, but ever’ couple a years it
seems ta be a good idea. It is always
amazin’ to see a campsite develop outa some
wooded area into a comfortable setting. After the
initial choosin’ of the site, the two most
critical placement decisions are the campfire and
the latrine (or more likely nowadays, the
portapotty). From there the "camp"
pretty much is a matter of preference.
‘Course a large portion of
time is spent around the campfire, mainly
preparin’ and cookin’ meals. The
activity also allows a good excuse for a nice nap
afterward before ya start gatherin’ firewood
for the next meal. Campin’ can be really
relaxin’, as long as ya don’t forget ta
pack the air mattress and the toilet paper.
This is some fact, but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin.’
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A Tip
By JoAnn Derson
• "I had bought some
really beautiful wallpaper for my dining room. I
had some left over, so I used it to line the
drawers of my buffet. It looks like it was a
custom job." -- B.P. in Tennessee
• "I guess I’m
pretty sensitive to whatever it is in onions that
makes you cry. Here are two tricks that work for
me whenever I have to chop onions. First, try
putting your onion in the freezer for about 15
minutes before you chop. Also, do it on the stove
area with the fan going, or use a small fan
blowing the onion fumes away from you. Hope this
helps other crying chefs." -- A.D. in
• "Give mini blinds a
quick washing in the tub. I take mine down, throw
them in a filled tub with a little powdered
laundry detergent and give them a shake. A quick
wipe with a washcloth usually takes care of
anything stuck on, then they get hung over the
shower rod. About 10 minutes of drip time gets
them to a point where they can be hung back up in
the window, and there they dry all the way very
quickly, especially if I do it on a sunny
day." -- U.L. in Washington
• "I love to work on
embroidery, but it’s very annoying to have a
thread that keeps knotting up. If you are
frustrated by knotting embroidery thread, run a
sheet of fabric softener over the thread. It can
be a used sheet if necessary, but I find that a
fresh one works best. The fabric softener keeps
the thread slick, and it knots way less." --
T.F. in Georgia
• Go Green Tip: For
shorter trips, consider taking a train. Trains
use less fuel and release less carbon emissions
than airplanes. And some trips can be
surprisingly cheap. Check out Amtrak’s
routes and prices at
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