The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Tuesday, February 24, 2009, Volume XVII,
Number 174
ya know?
Did Ya Know?... The
Can do Center. at 404 East 3rd Street will
hold a Sr. Dance February 24th. The Frosty
Mountain Boys will be playing.
Did Ya Know?...
Wednesday, February 25th Dr. Lydia Keisler
will be speaking about the effect of stress
and how diabetes and heart disease are
related. The event will be held at the
McCune-Brooks Regional Hospital community
room, 4:00-5:00 p.m.
The only problem with golf is
that the slow people are always in front of you
and the fast people always end up behind you.
Joe decides to take his boss
Phil to play 9 holes on their lunch. While both
men are playing excellent they are often held up
by two women in front of them moving at a very
slow pace. Joe offers to talk to the women and
see if they can speed it up a bit. He gets about
half of the way there stops and jogs back.
His boss asks what the problem
is. "Well one of those women is my wife and
the other my mistress," complained Joe. Phil
just shook his head at Joe and started toward the
women determined to finish his round of golf.
Preparing to ask the ladies to speed up their
game, he too stopped short and turned around.
Joe asked "whats
wrong?" Its a small, small world Joe,
and youre fired".
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Example of How They Spread on Slight Foundation.
Rumor had it widely circulated about
the streets late yesterday afternoon that two Carthage
boys in camp at Chickamauga, one in Co. A and one in Co.
G, had died during the day. The name of the Co. G man was
reported to be Chas. Hathcock.
Young Hathcock and his father joined
Capt. Whitsetts company and his brother went with
the Light Guard boys.
A reporter called at the Hathcock home
on Bois dArc street this morning and Mrs. Hathcock
said she had received no telegram announcing either death
or accident to her boys. "But," she concluded,
"that report probably started form the fact that I
received a letter on Tuesday from Mr. Hathcock saying
that Charley was looking real bad and was not at all
Considers More Roadway.
The Carthage City Council is
scheduled to meet this evening in City Hall at
7:30 p.m.
The agenda includes the first
reading of a Council bill that would allow the
mayor to enter into a contract between the City
and the State to relinquish a portion of Garrison
Avenue that currently belongs to the State. The
agreement would turn over approximately 260 feet
of Garrison Avenue just south of the intersection
at Fairview to the City. This will allow the City
to service the interchange and the traffic lights
at the intersection without getting approval from
the State. The State currently maintains Garrison
from Fairview south.
The agenda also includes an
ordinance that would modify the way the City
collects fees for the Farmers Market on the
Square. For some time the practice has been for
an administrator or organization to pay a $25 fee
for all participants. The ordinance proposed
would have each participant individually pay the
City a $10 administration fee for the privilege
of selling goods from the public street on
arranged days.
Just Jake
Talkin' Mornin'
I had one a those moments that
make ya stop in your tracks. A recent high school
graduate told me he used ta pick up the
Mornin Mail when he was a kid. At first I
thought he was jokin, but then realized he
wasnt kiddin.
It struck me that we are now
reachin a second generation of readers. We
now have another audience to add to the Still
Kickin folks and the baby boomers -
"generation X" I guess. I was never
made aware of what exactly the "X"
stands for. I suppose with this newly realized
audience, I need ta be more "hip" or
whatever. I doubt theres much danger of any
great changes in the Mail however. Only mission
of this paper has always been to document local
happenins, amuse and inform. It appears we
have now jumped at least one "generation
This is some fact, but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin.
Sponsored by McCune Brooks Regional Hospital |
To Your Good Health Cinching Up
DEAR DR. DONOHUE: My husband
wears his belt so tight that it leaves a deep
mark on his skin. He has constant heartburn, for
which he takes Tums by the handful. I tell him to
loosen his belt and he wont have so much
heartburn. He says his pants fall down when he
does. He has a big stomach. Do you think the belt
has anything to do with his heartburn? He also
has a hernia. How about that? -- C.N.
ANSWER: Anything that
constricts the stomach can encourage the upward
spurt of stomach acid into the esophagus, where
it causes heartburn. Your husband should at least
try belt-loosening as a possible solution. If his
pants are falling down, buy him suspenders.
The tight belt isnt
likely to have any influence on his hernia.
DEAR DR. DONOHUE: What causes
bags under the eyes? -- L.B.
ANSWER: In younger years, tough
fiber strands under the eyes form a grill that
keeps fat from bulging forward. In older years,
those strands give way and fat protrudes to make
undereye bulges -- bags.
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