The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Wednesday, February 25, 2009, Volume XVII,
Number 175
ya know?
Did Ya Know?... A
benefit for John Baugh will be held Sunday,
March 8th from 1:00 - 6:00 p.m. at the
Carthage Auto Plaza, 892 E. Fir Road. Lunch
will be served, raffles and a 50/50 drawing.
LiveWire will also be preforming.
Did Ya Know?... The
American Red Cross Blood Drive will be held
at the Church of the , 200 Grand St.,
Thursday, March 5th, from 11:30 a.m. to 6:00
Great truths
about life that adults have learned...
• Raising teenagers is
like nailing Jell-O to a tree.
• There is always alot to
be thankful for if you take the time to look. For
example: I’m sitting here thinking how nice
it is that wrinkles don’t hurt.
• One reason to smile is
that every seven minutes of every day someone in
an aerobics class pulls a hamstring.
• Car sickness is the
feeling you get when the monthly payment is due.
• The best way to keep
kids at home is to make a pleasant atmosphere and
let the air out of their tires.
• If you can remain calm,
you just don’t have all the facts.
• Today’s mighty oak
is just yesterday’s nut that held its
• Laughing helps.
It’s like jogging on the inside.
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Carthage Man’s
Experiences With Insurgents.
A Carthage citizen who has been for two
years in the insurgent army in Cuba and is going back at
once to resume fighting, was in the city yesterday to
visit his family, who live in the west part of town. His
name is C. W. McAfee and he was seen by a reporter, to
whom he told the following interesting story of himself
and Cuba:
"I have lived in Carthage four
years. I left here on February 7, 1896, to join the Cuban
army and have been on the island more than two years,
being located at Princeville, in the province of Rto,
sixty miles from Havana, under Gen. Gomez, who has an
army of 12,000 to 15,000 men under him.
"I have twice been a prisoner;
once under Gen. Weyler and once under Gen. Blanco. I was
placed in a stockade by Weyler, but with three others
made my escaped through a ditch under the stockade. I was
released from prison under Blanco through demands of Gen.
Lee because I was an American citizen.
"I have been through two rainy
seasons in Cuba. It rains every day and some times two or
three times a day there for four or five months. But
there is very little yellow fever in Cuba, and my
experience is that it is a healthy country back from the
coast. With reasonable care our troops will be just as
well off in Cuba as in the United States. Food has been a
rather scarce article among the insurgents, but, of
course, the United States soldiers will be provided with
plenty to eat. The insurgent army has had to depend
almost entirely on the wild growth of the island for
sustenance and many times we got pretty hungry. Sweet
potatoes are the chief wild product and we ate them raw.
Occasionally a filibustering expedition from the United
States would bring us supplies, but, usually we had only
the wild resources of the island to depend on.
"There are said to be 8,000
Americans in the insurgent army. We get nothing for
fighting for Cuban liberty until the island gets its
freedom, then we are to have royalty from the Cuban
government. The army has been poorly equipped, but its
arms are becoming much improved now.
"I left Cuba on April 2 to get
recruits in the United States. I have been at Wichita
where we have 600 men ready to join Roosevelt’s
rough riders at Galveston for the journey to Cuba. There
is a total of 1,700 men going with Roosevelt. I am one of
"There is no humanity in the
Spaniards," said Mr. McAfee. "The insurgents
are far more civilized in their treatment of the enemy
than the Spaniards are."
"There has been no doubt of
victory from the start, but the news that the United
States has taken a hand will, of course, spur the
insurgents on to far greater efforts."
Mr. McAfee says he is a veteran of the
late war, having served in the First Virginia Cavalry. He
left last night for Wichita to join the volunteers there
who will depart in a day or two to join the main command
at Galveston.
Spaces Not for Sale.
A request for a ticket-free
parking place just off the Square was not acted
upon by the Public Safety Committee last Monday
evening. After a lengthy discussion, no committee
member was willing to make a motion to allow the
One proposal discussed was to
allow anyone with a residence on or around the
square to have a designated space for a fee.
Committee member Bill Welch brought up the idea
for discussion. Welch and citizen Jerry Gilpin,
who initiated the request, became involved in
negotiating what a fair price would be. Welch was
thinking fifty cents or a dollar a day. Gilpin
thought the thirty dollar amount too high, but
was agreeable to the fifteen dollar suggestion.
After some discussion among
committee members about the difficulty of
defining a designated space and who should be
considered a resident, Welch told Gilpin that he
didn’t think a motion to allow the
arrangement would pass the committee.
Chairman Claude Newport
informed Gilpin that the committee would not take
action on the request at this time.

Just Jake
Talkin' Mornin'
Used ta have a dog that would
start shakin’ all over and hide behind the
couch whenever it started to thunder. No matter
how calm we spoke, or how much we petted that
dog, it wouldn’t move from it’s
security furniture.
I don’t suppose it really
hurt anything that the dog was so fearful of a
rumble or two. There was somethin’ that made
us kids want to get the dog to face the thunder.
‘Course we were
prob’ly lucky not to be struck down by
lightnin’ durin’ some of our adventures
durin’ rain storms.
I suppose now there would be
some dog shrink tellin’ us that we could
somehow work the animal through its fears and
make it a more functional pet. The dog lived a
normal and healthy life. Sometimes you just have
to let shakin’ dogs lay.
This is some fact, but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin’
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Here's a Tip • To extend the time between
dusting blinds, use fabric-softener sheets. They
repel dust and give wood, plastic or metal blinds
a nice cleaning.
• "In a hurry to pay
for a large order of groceries? When unloading
the cart, turn all bar codes toward the
cashier!" -- D.M. in British Columbia
• "Here’s a
great way to save money on expensive greeting
cards: Make your own. My children make all their
own cards for birthdays and holidays. We save
cards that they were sent, and the kids cut out
the pictures and write their own sayings. The
grandparents and extended family really love
these cards, and the kids are able to express
themselves." -- T.D. in North Carolina
• To keep pets off
furniture, try using a piece of tinfoil to cover
the areas where your pet likes to go. You can use
it to wrap around the arms of furniture or the
corners, where cats like to scratch.
• "Use the return
envelopes found in junk mail as grocery lists and
coupon carriers. I write my list in bold, dark
marker on the front, then carry the coupons I
need for that trip inside the envelope. When
I’m done, I recycle it." -- I.L. in
• Go Green Tip: Replace
the five most-used lamps in your home with bulbs
that are Energy Star qualified. It can save you
more than $60 a year in energy use.
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Publishing. All rights reserved.