The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Thursday, February 26, 2009, Volume XVII,
Number 176
ya know?
Did Ya Know?... A
piano concert by Avan Y will be held Saturday
afternoon, Feb. 28 at 3 p.m. at the First
United Methodist Church. The public is
invited to this free concert.
Did Ya Know?... A
benefit for John Baugh will be held Sunday,
March 8th from 1:00 - 6:00 p.m. at the
Carthage Auto Plaza, 892 E. Fir Road. Lunch
will be served, raffles and a 50/50 drawing.
LiveWire will also be preforming.
An elephant was drinking out of
a river one day, when he spotted a turtle asleep
on a log. So, he ambled on over and kicked it
clear across the river.
"What did you do that
for?" Asked a passing giraffe.
"Because I recognized it
as the same turtle that took a nip out of my
trunk 53 years ago."
"Wow, what a memory"
commented the giraffe.
"Yes," said the
elephant, "turtle recall".
The nice thing about standards
is that there are so many of them to choose from.
The more trivial your research,
the more people will read it and agree.
Say no, then negotiate.
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
South End
Citizens Intent on Getting Outside the City Limits.
The property owners of South Carthage
who are backing the scheme to contract the city limits
and thus exempt themselves from city taxes, held a
meeting last night at the home of W.C. Haines on the
corner of Buena Vista and Grand Avenues for the purpose
of further perfecting their plans. No definite
arrangements were made last night but it is the general
understanding that they will first petition the city
council to contract the city limits.
Many Horses and Mules
The Frisco shipped during the month of
January from this point seventeen car loads of mules and
horses. They were all raised around Carthage and all went
to points in the south. The animals are chiefly in demand
for work on the plantations.
Proposed Land
Purchase Discussed.
Carthage Economic Development
Director John Bode spoke to the City Council
Tuesday during their regular meeting concerning
the upcoming vote on a half-cent sales tax
increase. The revenue from the tax, estimated at
$800,000 a year for ten years, would be used to
purchase property and infrastructure in a three
phase plan to complete a 600 acre industrial park
and a 100 acre professional park.
Bode spoke of an agreement
between the City and Precious Moments for
property that will be brought before the council
at their next meeting. Any agreements would be
contingent upon the voter approval of the tax
According to City Administrator
Tom Short, the first phase of the development
would be for approximately 325 acres and
development of infrastructure. The land cost
would be about $3.6 million with $600,000 for
development of the property. The total financing
would come out to around $5.2 million. Revenue
bonds would be used to finance the first phase,
but Short said they would not be tax exempt, and
increase the interest rate by over one percent.

Just Jake
Talkin' Mornin'
It’s gettin’ ta be
porch sittin’ weather. Not too cool but not
warm enough ta let the bugs get a foothold. The
problem is sittin’ on the porch ya always
see those things ya didn’t get done in the
yard last summer. The temptation is ta get up and
go do it.
Fightin’ such temptations
is a lot easier sittin’ in front of the tv.
Ya don’t see that little spot ya missed
paintin’ up in the corner, or that one last
piece a trim that ya never quite nailed down. Up
ta now we’re just talkin’ ‘bout
things actually on the porch. Out in the yard
there is always that stubborn elm that keeps
tryin’ to sprout up ever’ spring. Seems
like most of my porch sittin’ sessions end
up with me tinkerin’ with this or that. At
least this time a year, the sun goes down soon
enough ta keep those big projects on the back
This is some fact, but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin’.
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Click and Clack Talk Cars Dear Tom and Ray:
I was driving my 2007 forester
to work the other day when the check engine light
came on (it has about 15,000 miles on it). I
brought it in to thedealer, and they checked it
out. The computer said it was code P1443,
Evaporation Control Solenoid Malfunction. They
cleaned a spider web out of the charcoal canister
hose. Does this sound right, or am I getting
hosed? (It was covered by the warranty - but I am
suspicious that something else might actually be
wrong with the vehicle and will reappear after
the warranty runs out). What do you think? - Mary
TOM: Believe it orn not, Mary,
this is said to be a pretty common problem.
We’ve never seen it in our shop, but
we’ve read about it. I guess gasoline is the
Chanel No. 5 of the arachnid world.
RAY: We’ve seen a number
of service bulletins over the years alerting us
to the dreaded spider-web-in-the-fuel-line
problem. In your cse, there probably was a bunch
of webby stuff in the fresh-air intake line to
the evaporative emissions canister. That was
preventing the fuel tank from breathing properly
(fresh air has to enter the gas tank to fill up
the space left by the used gasoline; otherwise,
the tank will slowly implode). That set off your
check engine light.
TOM; So I don’t think the
dealer is hiding anything, or trying to cover up
some other problem. I’d guess that he told
you exactly what was wrong, and he fixed it.
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