The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Monday, January12, 2009, Volume XVII, Number
ya know?
Did Ya Know?..."Private
Pesticide Applicator Training" will be
held in Carthage on Wednesday, January 28th
at the MU Extension office located in the
Courthouse beginning at 1 p.m.
Did Ya Know?... The
McCune-Brooks Grief Support Group will meet
on January 13th from 1 to 3:30 p.m. in the
hospital’s Felix E. Wright Family
Chapel. Discussion will be led by hospital
Chaplain, Galen Snodgrass. The meeting is
free and open to the public. For more
information call 359-AMEN.
Being popular is important.
Otherwise people might not like you.
Mimi Pond
I bought a seven-dollar pen
because I always lose pens and I got sick of not
caring. Mitch Hedberg
The man who developed the SAT
tests has died, when his car going ten miles per
hour ran into a train going sixty miles per hour.
Craig Kilborn
Men and women are a lot aloke
in certain situations. Like when they’re
both on fire, they’re exactly alike.
Dave Attell
You get a lot of tension. You
get a lot of headaches. I do what it says on the
aspirin bottle: Take two and keep away from
children. Roseanne
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Ordinance No. 1053
It is ordained by the council of the
city of Carthage as follows:
That there be and the same is hereby
ordered constructed: stone sidewalks on the east side of
Main street, where same are not already in, along and in
front of all lots and pieces of ground fronting or
abutting on east side of said Main street from Charles
street to Centennial avenue.
Section 2. Said sidewalk shall be
constructed of flag stone and the stone portion of said
sidewalks shall be 4 1/2 feet in width and shall be
joined up to the front line of the lots abutting thereon.
The space between the stone portion of said walks and the
curb line thereof shall be filled with earth which shall
be thoroughly tamped, so that, when completed, the
surface thereof shall correspond and be on a plane with
the surface of the stone portion of said walks.
Passed and approved this 28th day of
December, 1808. Published this 7th day of January, 1809.
The 2009 public election of ten
new members for the Jasper County University of
Missouri Extension County Council will take place
January 15 - 28. The county election will be held
in accordance with state law (Chapter
262.550-262.620 R.S. Mo. 1969). Every county in
Missouri has an extension council made up of
elected (and appointed) members who represent the
broad educational needs and backgrounds of people
in that county. Missouri state statutes create
county extension councils to work with University
of Missouri Extension. The publicly elected (and
appointed) council members assist in planning and
carrying out extension programs in the county,
providing local extension governance and
representing the diversity of the county’s
changing population. Citizens over the age of 18
who reside in Jasper County can vote at one of
eight locations within the county.
Carthage locations include: the
University of Missouri Extension office in the
basement of the Courthouse; Midwest Ag Supply,
Central & Grant; Ag Service Center of
Carthage, 9721 County Rd. 80; and the SWCD
office, 416 E. Airport Dr. Other Jasper County
locations include: in Carl Junction, City Hall,
800 E. Pennell and the Senior Center, 1203 E.
Pennell; Webb City Farmers Market; and City Hall,
121 E. Grand in Jasper. Registered voters may
also print a ballot from the Jasper County
University of Missouri Extension website Click on
the ballot link and either mail or take your
completed ballot to University of Missouri
Extension, Courthouse Basement, Carthage, MO
64836. Voting will begin on January 15 at noon
and end at noon on January 28. Ten positions on
the Council will be filled from the following
nominees: Emily Boydston, Debbie Carter, Peter
Carter, Helen Dillard, John Dillard, Margaret
Hartman, and George Heisten, Carthage; Glenn
Moll, and Karen Moll, Jasper; Pedro Pantoja,
Joplin; and Marlene Payne and Stuart Payne,
University of Missouri
Extension offers educational programs addressing
high-priority areas such as agriculture,
horticulture, nutrition, family financial
education, business and industry, community
development and youth development (4-H) for all
citizens of Missouri. For information about the
election, call the Extension office at

Just Jake
Talkin' Mornin'
Used ta be in this part of the
country, dealin’ with storm water was
simple. Ya build the house at a level above the
barn yard.
Now, I don’t suppose the
dwelling that my family occupied when I was
growin’ up contributed much to the volume of
water pushin’ its way out of town. In fact,
the low spot in the back yard where the
horseshoes were thrown prob’ly retained more
than our share of even the severe storms.
Sometime after I had left the
domain of my parents, there came the great street
pavin’ movement, complete with curb and
gutters. The more natural white waters of my
youth were bladed and covered.
I’m sure the old
neighborhood has now long fogotten the play of
children after a storm, laughin’ in defiance
of ankle deep driveways and soggy horseshoe pits.
This is some fact, but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin’.
Carthage Printing |
This is a
Winter storm
door woes, continued
Q: Please help me. The wind
caught the storm door, yanked it out of my hand
and now it won’t close on its own. It has
hydraulic closers, but now I have to pull it
closed. I think the wind, in pulling it back too
far, has sprung it. How do I fix this? -- Kathy,
via e-mail
A: First, check to see if the
automatic closer is properly attached and
operating. Is the closer attached to its mounting
brackets on both the storm door and the interior
door frame?
Next, check the automatic
closer function. Open the door halfway and let it
go to see if the closer pulls it shut slowly. If
it simply opens and slams shut (or just hangs
there), try rotating the closer cylinder (on
hydraulic units) and test again. (Pneumatic
closers have rate adjustment screws on one end of
the cylinder.) Look for oil on the outside of a
hydraulic unit -- this means the closer is
If the closer still fails to
operate, it probably needs to be replaced. If the
brackets are OK, leave them in place, open the
door fully and pop out just the cylinder. Take it
to the hardware store and buy a new cylinder,
install in place and test the unit again. This is
much faster than replacing the entire unit, as
you won’t have to go to the trouble of
balancing the brackets.
If your door does not have a
safety chain or the chain broke when the wind
yanked the door, install a new chain.
HOME TIP: There are two common
types of storm door closers: pneumatic
(air-controlled) and hydraulic, or liquid
(oil)-controlled. The air or oil controls the
rate at which the closer’s internal spring
pulls the door shut.
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