The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Wednesday, January 21, 2009, Volume XVII,
Number 150
ya know?
Did Ya Know?...
Project Graduation will sponsor a donkey
basketball game Wednesday, January 21 @ 7
p.m. in the High School Gymuasium. Advance
tickets are $6 and at the door $8. Call
Did Ya Know?... On
January 21, a Business Identity Theft Seminar
will be held in the Chamber conference room
from 12:30-2:30 p.m.
Did Ya Know?... The
Chamber of Commerce Annual Banquet will be
held January 23rd at Memorial Hall.
Did Ya Know?...
McCune-Brooks Diabetes Support Group will
meet Wednesday, January 28th. The topic will
be "Tasty, simple meals for One or
Two". Come for tips, recipes and samples
at McCune -Brooks Regional Hospital Community
Room from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m.
I wonder how much deeper the
ocean would be without sponges.
Honk if you love peace and
Nothing is fool-proof to a
sufficiently talented fool.
A day without sunshine is like,
you know, night.
It’s lonely at the top,
but you eat better.
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
At Garden Dell.
There is quite a commotion out in the
Garden Dell school district, northwest of Carthage, three
miles this side of Alba. The trouble grew out of the
whipping of Frank Stuckmyer, a 17-year-old boy who is one
of the big students at the school, and as a result two of
the directors are under arrest charged with assault.
According to the story of B.A. Shuper,
the teacher, Stuckmyer had been boasting that he had
"his knife sharpened for the teacher."
Accordingly the teacher was on his guard and when the
young man was guilty of alleged impertinence soon
afterward he demanded of him that he apologize to the
school or take such punishment as the teacher saw fit to
inflict. The boy declined to accept either of these
propositions, and the teacher went to the school board
for advice. The directors were unanimously of the opinion
that Stuckmyer was acting the part of a bully and should
receive a thrashing. After procuring an elm switch five
feet nine inches in length, they placed it n the hands of
the teacher and proceeded to the school house to see that
the chastisement was properly administered. The teacher
waded into his task heroically, but the pupil was not
disposed to meekly submit, and a fierce struggle ensued
in which the switch had to be laid aside. Seeing that the
teacher was not meeting with unqualified success, two of
the directors, Messrs. Charles Ferree and Robert Ross,
stepped in to give him a lift. Just what they did is not
clear, but it is presumed they joined in the wrestle, as
it is declared that they did not strike the boy.
As a result of the difficulty a warrant
was sworn out for Messrs. Ferree and Ross on the charge
of assault, and a constable served the papers to them the
next day. Sentiment is said to be considerably divided on
the question, some sympathizing with the boy and some
with the teacher.
Blunt Statement
on the Inauguration.
Missouri Congressman Roy Blunt today issued the
following statement after attending the
Inauguration of President Barack Obama:
"Regardless of party,
today can only be described as historic. While
this is a milestone for our nation, we cannot
forget that we are facing unprecedented
challenges that require more than the partisan
gridlock that characterized the last Congress.
"In the last few weeks
President Obama has signaled he wants to chart a
centrist course, listening to ideas from both
sides of the aisle. I am encouraged by his
actions and I know Republicans are ready to help
solve the challenges we face as a nation - while
always fighting for our principles."
Tour Canceled.
The tour of the old McCune
Brooks Hospital building by the Jasper County
Commission scheduled for this morning has been
canceled. The site is being considered as a
location for the Juvenile Center. The final
report by Carter Goble on Juvenile Center will be
at 10 a.m this morning at the Annex II bank

Just Jake
Talkin' Mornin'
Sometimes I wonder if we
don’t get a little too concerned about the
details of how somethin’ works to the point
that we spend all our time just lookin’ at
the mechanics and don’t appreciate the
Most of the time,
understandin’ the mechanics makes ya able to
redefine the function, but there’s always
some truth in the sayin’, "if it
ain’t broke, don’t fix it."
Had a friend that worked on
cars. Whenever a customer would come in with a
problem, this guy would always tell ‘em he
could fix it "good as new."
I questioned him about this one
day, sayin’ that it was a pretty good boast.
He said it weren’t
nothin’. The way he figured, the new one
broke, and he thought he could fix anythin’
to at least do that.
This is some fact, but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin’.
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Here's A Tip •"When dispensing medicine to
my dogs, I have always coated the pills in butter
or peanut butter. It seems to make it more
appetizing, or the butter at least helps it go
down smoothly. I recently was prescribed some
pills that are very large. I tried the butter
method on myself, and sure enough, it
works." -- J.K. in Pennsylvania
• "A nice, cheap
exfoliator for skin is baking soda. It gives just
enough scrub, and a box is less than a dollar. I
love it." -- A Reader in Minnesota
• "I cook soup in
quantity, because my family loves leftovers. To
cool a big pot quickly, I keep a clean, plastic
water bottle mostly filled with water, which I
freeze. I use it to stir the soup. It cools down
quickly, and then I can stick it in smaller
containers in the fridge." -- V.L., via
• "In a pinch, you
can invert a metal colander over a pot of
spaghetti sauce or a pan of greasy bacon or
burgers to keep things nice and neat while
cooking. It catches the splatter in the net, and
the grease or sauce doesn’t get all over
your stovetop. I really hate when tomato sauce
gets on the wall behind my stove, because
it’s hard to get off if you don’t catch
it all right away." -- A.A. in Florida
• To test whether the oil
in a deep fryer or fry pan is ready, try dropping
a single kernel of popping corn into it. If
it’s hot enough, it should pop.
• Go Green Tip: Paper or
plastic? How about neither! Buy and carry
reusable shopping bags -- especially for the
grocery store. There are many styles of bags that
can be folded and zipped up in such a way that
one or two can be tucked in a purse or pocket for
other shopping expeditions. It’s a great way
to lower the impact on our landfills.
•Go Green Tip: Here’s
a great resource for all things green -- Information on recycling and
other topics, to better our world and save you
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