The Mornin' Mail is published every weekday except major holidays
Friday, January 9, 2009, Volume XVII, Number 142

did ya know?

Did Ya Know?... A Teen Pancake Feed Fundraiser will be held Saturday, January 10 from 6:30 to 11 a.m. in the gym of the First Church of the Nazarene, 2000 Grand Ave. All donations go towards upcoming events.

Did Ya Know?... The McCune-Brooks Grief Support Group will meet on January 13th from 1 to 3:30 p.m. inthe hospital’s Felix E. Wright Family Chapel. Discussion will be led by hospital Chaplain, Galen Snodgrass. The meeting is free and open to the public. For more information call 359-AMEN.

today's laugh

I saw a commercial on late night TV, it said, "Forget everything you know about slipcovers." So I did. And it was a load off my mind. Then the commercial tried to sell me slipcovers, and I didn’t know what they were. - Mitch Hedberg

In 1932, when Herbert Hoover was President, a phone call cost a nickel. One day President Hoover was out walking with Andrew Mellon, his Secretary of the Treasury. The President suddenly stopped and said, "I just remembered that I have to call a friend, and I have no money. Can you lend me a nickel?"

Mellon reached into his pocket. "Here’s a dime. Call all of your friends," was his laughing reply.

A Chronological Record of Events as they have Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.

Eyes May be Saved.

Hospital Patient Has Bandages Removed - Two Successful Operations.

The bandages have been removed from the eyes of Arthur Randall, the Sarcoxie drug clerk who was injured Thursday evening by a shot gun exploding, and it is now believed at the Carthage Hospital, where he is a patient, that the young man will not be wholly deprived of his sight. Just how badly his eyes have suffered however, is still a difficult matter to determine. J. H. Doyle of Webb City had a cataract removed from his eye yesterday morning at the hospital and a like operation was performed there for Miss Florence Jefferies who lives near Carytown. Both operations were performed by Dr. W. B. Post and were quite successful.

County Recorder J.H. Chaffee has returned from San Diego, Cal., where he went several weeks ago with his wife and son, who will remain there some time for the youth’s health.


Today's Feature

Assessor Mails Personal Property Forms.

News release

Jasper County Assessor has mailed forms to property owners for listing their personal property which is subject to assessment for the 2009 assessment year.

By March 1, 2009, every owner or holder of personal property must report, on the form provided by the assessor, all taxable personal property which was owned or held by the person or business on January 1, 2009.

"Every year a few property owners forget to return their list," Don Davis said, "so we make every effort to remind people to return them on time."

Those not returning a completed list to the assessor by the March first deadline are subject to a penalty.

"Penalties range from $10 to $100 depending upon the value of the property and the statutes provide the assessor with almost no discretion to waive the penalties," Davis said. According to the assessor, until recently, few penalties were applied and lists were commonly filed late. The statutes were toughened in 1994, and compliance with the law increased dramatically.

The assessor advises that the best way to remember to return the list on time and avoid a penalty is to fill out, sing it and put it in the mail the same day you receive it. It is also helpful for the propriety owners to copy the completed and signed form and keep the copy with their records. If a question arises regarding filing, the copy will indicate the form was completed.

Property owners or lessees who have not received a list are not excused from fling and should contact the assessor for a blank form at Jasper County Assessor’s Office, 302 S. Main St., Carthage, MO or at 417-358-0437 or 417-625-4355.

Just Jake Talkin'

One a my uncles had a keen interest in horse trainin’. Now he wasn’t some high priced racin’ horse promoter, he mostly dealt with workin’ type animals.

Now there were all different kinds of horses that can do specific jobs. Pullin’ a plow, or those beer barrel wagon pullin’ monsters. They are all of merit and were utilized in an appropriate and efficient manner.

The horse that most of us are accustomed to seein’ in these parts, and represented in most of the old cowpoke movies is what is now called the quarter horse.

This breed didn’t develop outta the need for racin’ or lookin’ pretty, they were bred for survivin’ on the plains of the Americas. Cowpunchers understand the value of a well-disciplined work horse.

This is some fact, but mostly,

Just Jake Talkin’.

Robinson Family Health Center

Journey Along the Wellness Path


Motivated by weight loss goals this January? For wellness, proper maintenance of weight is a lifestyle choice. Our daily choices of how we care for our bodies is cumulative. Therefore, a key factor in reaching and maintaining proper weight is with consistency over the long term.

Let’s consider some basic and practical steps we can implement into our wellness journey to help us reach and maintain our goals.

*First, acknowledge the fact that this is a lifestyle change and not just a short term goal. But don’t throw out the short term goals! These can help motivate us to get going.

*Forget the diet fads and go back to the basics. Foundational nutrition is key to balance.

*Eliminate as many toxins as you can in your food, on your body, in your home, and your workplace. Fats are a storehouse for toxins making it difficult to lose unwanted pounds.

*Stop soda pop, including and especially "diet" soda! "Diet" soda is full of toxic chemicals and all soda can cause an imbalance of phosphorous which will rob important calcium from our bodies.

*Don’t fall prey to deception in marketing! The terms "diet" and "low-fat" are simply marketing strategies and are nothing to base your health on!

*Plan to exercise on a regular basis. God designed our bodies to work, play and move. As we build muscle, we burn fat and build bone, just to mention a couple of the many benefits of fitness.

Yours in good health…Naturally,

Leesa I. Robinson, NHP

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