Stone’s Throw "30
Stone’s Throw
Dinner Theatre announces the dates for
its next play, the hilarious
children’s comedy, "30 Reasons
Not to be in a Play", written by
Alan Haehnel and directed by Shanti
Navarre, which will begin on Thursday,
July 9, 2009 and continue daily through
July 11, 2009 at the Theatre. The play
will also run from July 17, 2009 through
July 19, 2009. Advance reservations are
required. Tickets are available by phone
from the box office number above, online
or through purchase in person at the box
office during open box office hours 10
a.m. to 2 p.m. each business day and
expanded hours the weeks of the show.
Tickets are $22 for adults (17-54),
seniors (55+) are $19, Youth (under 17)
are $10 and children under 5 are free.
Stage kisses, pinkeye,
inciting World War III -- these are only
a few of the many things that can go
wrong during the production of a play.
"30 Reasons Not To Be in a
Play" is a full-length non-play
depicting the horrors and hardships that
befall those who feel the call of the
stage. In a series of hilarious examples,
this non-play proves that drama can be a
very dangerous thing and it must be
avoided at all costs.
During evening
performances, doors open at 6:00 p.m.,
dinner begins at 6:30 p.m. and the show
starts at 7 p.m. On Sunday, July 19,
2009, doors open for this performance at
12:30 p.m. and the play will start at 2
Many States Leave
Federal Unemployment Money Unclaimed.
by Olga Pierce,
A few governors were
loud about rejecting stimulus funding for
expanding unemployment insurance, but
many states have quietly let their share
of the funding sit in Washington.
So far, only about half
of the $7 billion included in the
stimulus package has been claimed by
states. What’s more, about
two-thirds of the funding that has been
distributed has gone to states with
existing laws, and not to states with
newly expanded benefits.
Four states have
explicitly rejected the funding, but many
others have so far failed to pass
legislation qualifying them for incentive
States have until 2011
to qualify for the funding, but
government projections predict that by
then the worst of the unemployment crisis
will be over.
Under the stimulus
bill, states can qualify for the extra
funding by extending unemployment
insurance to new categories of workers.
To receive a third of the funding, they
must begin using something called an
alternative base period, which would
allow more low-wage workers to receive
unemployment benefits.
Many states have passed
laws entitling them to only a portion of
the funding alloted to them, others have
claimed none. As a result only half of
the total $7 billion allotted has been
spent - and two thirds of that is for
laws that were already on the books.
(Sources: National Employment Law
Project, ProPublica research)
To get the other
two-thirds of the cash, they must adopt
at least two other changes from a list
that includes covering part-time workers
and offering $15 extra per week for each
If states meet the
requirements, they qualify for a federal
lump sum payment that will cover the cost
of expansion for at least three years, or
longer in many cases. It was on those
grounds – that after the federal
funding runs out states will have to find
another way to cover the cost – that
Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, Mississippi
Gov. Haley Barbour and others that said
they would reject the funding.
Advocates have been
calling for expanding benefits for years
as a way to make sure that unemployment
benefits are available to non-traditional
workers who make up an increasing
proportion of the workforce.
In the early 1990s, a
bipartisan commission convened by
President Bill Clinton urged states to
adopt reforms, similar to those in the
stimulus bill, which would include more
workers in the unemployment insurance
The language in the
stimulus bill – with its
carrot-and-stick approach to getting
states to adopt changes -- is nearly
identical to House and Senate bills
introduced two years ago during the 110th
Congress. An original sponsor of the
Senate bill: then-Sen. Barack Obama.
Advocates for expanded
unemployment insurance declared the glass
half full: After all for the first time a
majority of states, 34, have adopted the
alternative base period, even though 19
of those states used it already.
Likewise, 27 states now offer
unemployment benefits to part-time
"These are workers
who have been left out of the
system," said Maurice Emsellem,
co-policy director of the National
Employment Law Project. "Now workers
who were falling through the cracks of
the unemployment system will be able to
find their way back in."
Supporters are hoping,
Emsellem said, that states will continue
to offer expanded coverage even after
federal funding stops, which seems likely
in many states because of the difficulty
of dialing back benefits for the
unemployed once they are in place.
Some states do seem
poised to keep at least some of the
Offering benefits to
workers in job training programs
"just seems like good policy,"
Jack Hill, the Republican chairman of the
Georgia Senate Appropriations Committee,
told ProPublica. By also adding coverage
of part-time workers, Georgia has already
received its full $220 million in
incentive payments.
In Alaska, which
qualified for almost $16 million in
funding by adopting the alternative base
period, state legislators were swayed by
the relatively low cost of covering an
estimated 1,700 additional workers, said
Larry Persily, legislative aide to state
Rep. Mike Hawker, a Republican who
co-chairs the House Finance Committee.
Ultimately, the legislation was passed
nearly unanimously, though the House is
Republican-controlled, the Senate is
evenly split, and then Gov. Sarah Palin
announced her intention to reject the
"We spent a much
longer time looking at the proposal than
the governor did," Persily said.
Though the stimulus
bill bars states from including sunset
provisions in their bills, some states
have said they plan to take the cash and
roll back the expanded eligibility once
they are allowed to do so.
Tennessee Gov. Phil
Bredesen, a Democrat, initially announced
qualms about accepting the funding on the
basis that it could result in higher
unemployment insurance costs for the
state. Ultimately he announced his
support for accepting the funding –
but only with the explicit understanding
that benefits will be rolled back when
the recession is over.