The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Wednesday, June 17, 2009 Volume XVII, Number 254
did ya
Did Ya Know?... McCune-Brooks
Hospital will be having their "Golden
Reflections" a monthly meeting & birthday
celebration in the community center on June 18th at 2 PM.
For info, call 417-359-1351.
Did Ya Know?... Freeman Hospital
will be holding a Stroke Support Group on June 18th from
3-4 PM at College View Manor, 3828 College View Dr.,
Joplin. The event is "New Approach to Aphasia
Therapy." For more info, call 417-347-1234.
Did Ya Know?... June 18th
through the 21st, Precious Moments is holding their 2009
Reunion Event "To God Be the Glory." For more
info, call Donna at 417-359-3085.
laugh A stolen
credit card
A man said his credit card was stolen
but he decided not to report it because the thief was
spending less than his wife did.
My wife is pregnant
A man speaks frantically into the
phone, "My wife is pregnant, and her contractions
are only two minutes apart!"
"Is this her first child?"
the doctor queries.
"No, you idiot!" the man
shouts. "This is her husband!"
-The factory of the future will have
only two employees, a man and a dog. The man will be
there to feed the dog. The dog will be there to keep the
man from touching the equipment.
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
A $20,000 DAMAGE
Case of Theodore L.
Hurst vs the P. & G. Railway on Trial Today.
A damage suit in which the plaintiff
asks $20,000 for injuries received, was begun at noon
today in circuit court. It is still in progress and
likely to last over tomorrow.
The title of the case is Theodore L.
Hurst vs the Kansas City, Pittsburg & Gulf railway.
The plaintiff, who was formerly a freight brakeman for
the road, alleges that at Stillwell, Indian Territory, in
August, 1897, he, while attempting to board a caboose
tripped over some stones left beside the track and was
thrown to the ground so violently as to be rendered
unconscious. He rolled under the wheels and his right leg
was crushed. He also received a cut on the head which
greatly impairs his hearing. For all of which he asks
$20,000 damages.
Today's Feature
Small Business can Apply for
ARC Loans.
Starting June 15, SBA will begin
accepting loans for a temporary new
program called Americas Recovery
Capital. "ARC" loans of up to
$35,000 are designed to provide a
"bridge" for viable small
businesses with immediate financial
hardship to keep their doors open
until they get back on track.
"These ARC loans
are another tool in the SBA toolkit which
will provide critical support to small
businesses struggling to make it through
these tough economic times," said
Administrator Karen G. Mills.
ARC loans are
deferred-payment loans of up to $35,000,
available to established, viable,
for-profit small businesses that need
short-term help to make their principal
and interest payments on existing and
qualifying business debt. ARC loans are
100 percent guaranteed by the SBA and
have no SBA fees associated with them.
ARC loans will be
disbursed over a period of up to six
months and will provide funds to be used
for payments of principal and interest
for existing, qualifying small business
debt including mortgages, term and
revolving lines of credit, capital
leases, credit card obligations and notes
payable to vendors, suppliers and
utilities. SBA will pay the interest on
ARC loans to the lenders at the variable
rate of Prime plus two percent.
Repayment will not
begin until 12 months after the final
disbursement. After the 12-month deferral
period, borrowers will pay back the loan
principal over a period of five years.
ARC loans will be made
by commercial lenders, not SBA directly.
For more information on ARC loans, visit
Just Jake
Mornin',I can remember my little sister
runnin home cryin that one of the
neighbor boys called her some name, probly
somethin like peanutbreath. She was
obviously upset, even though at her age, she had
no idea what the name meant (nor do I at my age).
She just knew that someone had called her that
and she was hurt.
That was probly the time
she was given the ultimate defense against such
attacks. The "Sticks and stones can break my
bones." If I have ta finish that old
sayin, youve led a very protected
I would have to guess some
mother centuries ago came up with that and it
will most likely never be improved upon. I would
guess that those words are spoken to nearly
ever preschooler as part of the first day
This is some fact, but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin'
Weekly Columns HERES A TIP
By JoAnn Derson
Clean candles by wiping
them down with an alcohol-dampened towel or piece
of cheesecloth. Let it dry before lighting. Be
careful with candles that have a shell of color
surrounding a plain-white candle. Scratching
those could damage the color.
To root a plant, stretch
a piece of aluminum foil over a glass filled with
water and secure with a rubber band. Poke the
stem right through the foil and into the water.
The foil will hold the plant well -- even if
its a heavy stem.
"Drain fries or
fried fish on brown paper bags, such as the ones
you might use for lunch or the ones that come
from the grocery store. You also can use
cardboard boxes lined with newspaper. We do this
for the fried chicken at family cookouts, and
its perfect." -- S.R. in Georgia
Wet a washcloth, stick
it in a plastic baggie and freeze. Its
great for teething babies, sunburns and boo-boos
in general.
"I took a good
chunk off my thumb with a sharp knife while
cutting onions. The cut is healing, but its
murder doing dishes or bathing. I have to change
my bandages constantly. I finally got the idea to
use a small balloon over the bandaged thumb tip.
It kept the water out and kept the bandage in
place. Why didnt I think of this
earlier?" -- A.A. in Florida
Go Green Tip: Your
driving style can greatly affect your
vehicles gas mileage. Poor driving
techniques -- aggressive acceleration, hard
braking, higher speeds, compulsive passing --
lower your fuel mileage and put you at risk for
accidents. So do yourself a favor. Take it easy
on the road.
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Publishing. All rights reserved.